Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are assure us that the Lord hears our prayers. How many times have you prayed and felt like God just wasn’t listening? How many nights have you cried, waiting to hear a word from Him, or seeking a change in your situation? We have all gone through this a few times in our life, but I want to assure you that God always answers our prayers. I remember those days, when it seemed like all hope was gone, and I was not going to make it through, but I always made it. In hindsight I realize that God was there all along. He answered every prayer that I have ever prayed, but most the times it was an answer that I didn’t expect (or even want), but it was always what was best for me. I used to be afraid to pray to God sometimes, especially when my own sin caused my pain. I have since learned that nothing is too big or small for God; He's always waiting to hear from me, in hopes that I will repent, and stay in continuous fellowship with Him.

As I grow in my faith walk, it seems as though He answers my prayers much quicker. It’s not that He’s quicker in response; it’s just that I’m able to see them more clearly, because I know Him. I understand who He is, and what He expects from me, so pretty much I know how He answers my prayers. For example, there may be a time when I’m planning to buy something that I do not need, but I have a bill due. I’ll pray, "Lord please provide me the means to pay this bill", but in my heart I’m thinking, and some extra so I can buy this ____. He knows that whatever this “thing” is, it might cause me to sin, or become an idol in my life, so He’s only going to provide enough for me to pay the bill. In the past, instead of me praising and thanking Him because the bill was paid, I would get mad, and sulk, because I am thinking that I deserved to blessed to be able to buy whatever I want (or think that I need at the time). Boy how mixed up I was! I now understand, that God's way is the best way. I ask Him for what I want, but He answers me with what He wants for me, and I'm so very happy with that!

God will never overlook our cries for help, nor would He fail to provide everything that we need, when we need it. That is not that type of God we serve. We serve a God who loves us unconditional, and always has our best interest at heart. There are reasons for everything that we go through in life, and also stages that we have to past through, in order to grow. There are going to be things that we don’t understand, or nights that we feel alone, or feel that He isn’t listening, but always know that He’s right there. If you turn to the book of Psalms, you’ll see several examples of this—where these great servants of God cried to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise, and some even with hurt and anguish. These things are a part of life, but the one thing that all of these Psalmist have in common, is that fact their prayers were always heard. You know King David was one of my favorite Psalmist, because he was the first to admit his faults, and he understood that God is the only way out. He understood that all he had to do was cry out to the Lord in repentance, and God would hear his cries. David was one of the most imperfect people written about in the Bible, but He was God's favorite.

God was proud of David because he always obeyed His will, and he knew how to humble himself and cry out to God in times of trouble, as well as praise him in times of bliss. David asked God for exactly what he needed, when he needed it, in great detail, because he knew God personally. He had no reason to doubt Him, because God had always come through for him. I loved David's Cry for Help in Trouble, where he starts off: Lord hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy, in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Do not bring your servant into judgement, for no one living is righteous before you. (Psalm 143:1-2) Don't you love the way David put that out there? He spoke to God as if he was sure that his prayers were going to be answered,with confidence in their relationship. He had this confidence because God had never let him down before, so that is exactly what he expected, every time he prayed. Now I ask you, has God ever let you down? Just think about it for a few minutes, and allow your memories to come back to you. Is your relationship with God similar to David's? If you answered no, then you're wrong. If anything, we're closer to God, because we know His Son, Jesus Christ. David didn't have the advantage that we have, but he was still blessed and highly favored. God hasn't changed from who He was with David; if anything He keeps getting sweeter.

Do you feel lost and alone sometimes, and need someone to talk too? You may have already tried to talk to your friends, your mother, or even a therapist, but you still feel empty. God is waiting on you to talk to Him. He's our father, brother, best friend, co-worker, therapist, and anything else we need Him to be. He said ask, seek, and knock, and your prayers will be answered. You have to be real with Him,, and stand on His promises, just as David was real with Him, because He already knows your heart. He needs you to be genuine in repentance, and with the trust that He will always be there to answer your prayers. Finally, pray in the Name of Jesus, because without Him, we have no relationship with God. He's our mediator; He makes a way for us to be one with God, so you must start with Him. If you don't know Jesus as Savior, please take a few moments and take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us. (2 Corinthians 1:10)


I love you!

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