Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Here’s our black history quote of the day is: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." (-Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Today's scriptures are about strength with and for the Lord. In life there must be some sort of balance, that's why we're taught that we reap what we sow; there's a natural order of things. Being children of God we're expected to do our share of the work in His Kingdom. When we follow His will, and work for Him, we become stronger, wiser, and filled with love. It's written: Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “ I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go. Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea." (Isa. 48:17-18) The children of Israel had long been disobedient to God, and they missed out on so many blessings and labored in vain. We have a gift that they didn’t have, so when we enter into God’s Kingdom we become “Joint Heirs” with Christ, which means we have an awesome responsibility. We're made to be strong and regal, able to withstand the wiles or the devil, and be leaders of this nation filled with wicked and perverse ways. We're to diligently work to better our lives, and the lives of all those around us. As we know, Jesus didn't have what we may call an "easy life". He walked through Nations on a mission to touch as many lives with the Gospel as He possible could. He was at the beck and call of His Heavenly Father, following His every command. There are stories about how hard He worked, as well as the times He celebrated with His friends, and the times He took for Himself to pray, meditate, and fast. He was a true Servant who never gave up, even though He knew His fate. He still had a balance in life, and that's how He kept that "peace that flowed like a river". There are countless others we can read about in the Bible like Peter, Paul, James, Timothy, Job, David, Solomon, Samuel, Mary, etc., and I could go on and on. We're given these stories to help strengthen our Faith. Through them we're taught that when we surrender to God, awesome things happen, as well as the fact that life isn't always easy, yet God gives us the strength to endure all things. Strength comes from within, and when our Spirit and mind is strong, we can overcome any obstacle, achieve any goal, and raise above all earthly standards. We must seek God in everything we do, because when we try to live life on our own, and follow our own agenda it will never work. The Prophet Isaiah once said: "I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain; Yet surely my just reward is with the LORD, and my work with my God.’” (Isa 49:4) Have you ever felt this way? I have to admit I have, and it's not a good feeling. I can remember times when I've knowingly, and unknowingly, gone against God, and done things that weren’t in His will for me. It was like trying to dig a ditch with a spoon. I worked so hard, yet accomplished so little, and at the end of the day I was unhappy, unfulfilled, and drained. Then there are the times I’ve followed God’s will, and did the unthinkable. I soared above the earth’s standards with such regal strength, that you could see Jesus through me. If you're at a place in life where you feel weak, unfulfilled, and unhappy, then seek God for the strength to endure. Ask Him to show you the will He has for your life, and be willing to work. When working for God we'll face times of weariness, extreme exhaustion, and urges to give up, but those are usually times where we’ve lost our focus. If that's how you feel right now, re-center yourself, and go to God for rejuvenation. Remember, we all have to take time off to rest, or to just pray and meditate, just like Jesus. If you don't have Jesus in your heart then you won't truly know strength, because all things from God, including strength, come through Him. Go to God today and ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior. My offer to pray with you always stands, so no matter day or night contact me. It's my life's work to share the love, joy, and peace Jesus has brought into my life, in hopes that it'll do the same for you. My favorite verse today is: Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)


I love you!

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