Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about strength through Jesus Christ. How fitting are today’s scriptures? I didn’t actually read them until after I wrote the previous paragraph, so I guess that’s God’s way of telling me to write about last week’s event. As most of you know, my maternal grandmother passed away on November 30th, and her funeral was last Wednesday, December 8th. I come from a very close-knit family, which is all due to my grandmother. She lost her mom and her only brother at a very young age. Because of she really didn’t have a close immediately family, she was determined to build a big family of her own, which was very important to her. She raised nine children, and as a result she has over forty-three grand and great-grand children. She made it a point to make sure that she had a special relationship with each and every one of us, as well as made sure that we knew the importance of sticking together as a family.

I knew she was sick for the last few years, and her health just kept getting worst and worst. I went through so many stages with her sickness, but the one thing I kept thinking was, “what am I going to do without my Grandma”. I couldn’t imagine life without her, but I also understood the cycle of life. We live and we die, so it’s important to make a positive impact on as many lives as we can, while where here. A few years ago, just the thought of her leaving me was unbearable. I cried many nights, before she was even gone, because I knew it was coming. I just knew that I wasn’t going to be able to live through this horrific event, nor did I want to. However, I saw her deteriorate; I was a witness to her suffering, and I knew I had to let go. I know the love of God, and so did she, so there was nothing for me to worry about any longer. I just wanted her peace and happiness. I stepped outside of myself, and relied on God for the answers. I stopped praying for God to keep her here, and started praying that His Will be done, and for Him to keep her in a place of peace throughout. I started to pray for her strength, and the strength of the people who loved her dearly, which is what she wanted.

We all know how the story ends, and it’ll end the same for each and every one of us, so we must believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. When we loose someone so near and dear to us, the only way to get through it is by staying in the presence of the Lord. Prayer, fellowship with loved ones, and studying and meditating on His Word are all things that will give us the strength to move forward. When you know that there is a God, and how precious Jesus Christ is, then you trust Him with your life, and He’ll pull you through, now and forever more. The one thing I know is that my Grandmother trusted Jesus Christ with all of her heart and soul, so she’s at peace right now. She’s resting, and no longer has to deal with the mundane things that you and I have to go through. She will never experience pain and heartache again, for all eternity. That’s what trusting the Lord yields, and an eternity of bliss.

The night she died I ask God, “How am I going to get through this?” At first I wanted to run away, and not deal with it. I stayed in bed for three days, and dreaded answering my phone, because I knew it would be someone who wanted to “talk about it”. I didn’t want to help clean out her apartment, or even attend the funeral, because that meant I had to say goodbye. I actually did those things, but I prayed and asked Jesus to help me get through them. I said quick prayers like, “Lord please give me the strength”, or simply “Father help me get through this”, because I knew that my mom and my family needed me, and I needed them. I still didn’t quite know how I was going to get through it, but Jesus showed up, and I was so strong that it felt like I was on the outside looking in. He gave me the right people to help me endure, people who checked on me and offered me a shoulder, and I’m so grateful for them. I was surprised at how well I did, but at the end of the day, a smile came across my face and I couldn’t help but praise the Lord and shout thank you, because I now know how.

I want each of you to understand that as believers we are above this world. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, lives inside of us, and we have strength in His Name, by the grace of God. Grace is the way that God loves us down to our Spirit. He loves us despite what our flesh looks like, or the things we do. He loves us because He created us just for Him. Whenever we need strength, all we need to do is ask, and then lean on Him. He gave His only begotten Son so that we can have that privilege. One of my favorite promises of Jesus Christ is: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30) Guess what? Jesus really means this, and He proved that through me this passed week. In one of the weakest moments in my life, He gave me strength. The more I think about it, in all of my weakest moments, He gave me strength. To Him be all of the honor and glory.

Death is a part of life, and we each will have to make that journey to the afterlife, but it doesn’t matter when you do it, but how you do it. Do you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? Do you believe that He is the Son of one and only Living God? Can you honestly say that you’re a sinner, but you want to live a righteous life? If you believe in Jesus and want to be righteous then there’s one more step to take, and that’s asking Him to be Lord of your life. Take a few minutes to take the God Quiz today. Please don’t wait any longer; life is short, and so very precious. My favorite verses today are: As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. (Colossians 2:6-7)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455544&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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