Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about having unwavering faith. As I sit here and think about how to even begin to writing about this, I actually realized that my faith [and other things], have been a bit wavering. I’ve always been known as “Miss Indecisive”, because I try to always weigh the pros and cons of every situation. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt more times than not. I am very compromising, and love being “stress free”, but Jesus was anything but. So can you understand my dilemma? I don’t know why I am like I am, but I was born that way, and it’s so very hard to change. There are many people like me, who are “people pleasers”, or don’t like “rock the boat”, so we shy away quietly in hopes of avoiding conflict. We only fight for what’s right, when back into a corner, in hopes of saving ourselves, and what we believe in. However, Jesus was always in the face of believers and doubters alike. He never hesitated to preach in synagogues, at public markets, on mountain tops, or wherever His Spirit led Him, because He completely trusted the fact that He was a child of God. He understood His calling, and the fact that God’s word is the beginning and the end; there’s nothing more important than teaching and sharing it with the lost. He understood that His message was one that could not be concealed, because the lives of many were at jeopardy. He realized that there was no one else who could be Him, and do what only He was called to do, so He lived with unwavering faith.

If you’re like me, how do you break the habit, or conform your way of thinking from the way you’ve thought your entire life? It’s simple, “obey God and leave the consequences to Him”. His word is filled with the answers to any question we have in life, no matter how big or small. Learn Him, and commit His Word to your heart. Make it a point to understand that this life that you are living is His and His aloneno one can do for you what God can. Understand that His Word is the Law, and there is no refuting it. Trust your Holy Spirit, to help you along the way, because He’ll always give you the right answer, but you must learn how to hear His voice. Also, get to know yourself, and who you are in Christ. The biggest mistakes we make in our faith walk, is to try to live like another Christian. It’s okay to look up to people who are mature in their spirit, but you must be careful to understand that that person may have been called to do something completely different than you. God wants us to fellowship with one another, but He doesn’t want us to worship each other, because that could cause our faith in Him to waiver.

Wavering faith is so dangerous because we’re showing God that we don’t trust Him with all of our heart. It’s written: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Prov. 3:5-6) I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this proverb quoted, and even quoted it myself, so it’s very popular, but difficult to follow, because our flesh gets in the way. We are inquisitive creatures, so we want to understand everything. We want to know why, and God doesn’t always tell us why, most of the time He just tells us to go, so it’s important to trust Him. The only true way to have complete and utter unwavering faith is to trust in the LORD with all of your heart. Trust and faith are interchangeable; one is the catalyst for the other. You cannot have trust without faith, and you cannot have faith without trust.

The first step to living righteously, and building concrete faith, is to first trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you have not done that then your faith at the mustard seed level, and we all know that that’s all God requires to be saved. You are reading this message right now because you are curious about what God has to say to you, and it may not seem like that right now, but it is what it is. I ask you to take a few moments and that the God Quiz right now. If you are a Christian, but don’t live a “Christian” life then your faith is wavering, and it doesn’t have to be. God loves you just the way you are, and each day He’s waiting to hear from you. Make sure you take some time out for Him every single day, and show Him how much you love Him. My favorite verse today is: For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (James 1:6-7)


I love you!

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