Thursday, March 11, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the blessings of the Lord. I remember a prayer taught to me as a child, that we used to call "Grace". We would say this "grace" before each meal: "God is Grace, God is good, and I thank Him for my food, bow my head, and now I pray, give us Lord our daily bread...Amen, Thank you Jesus." This prayer was taught to most of us, from the time we were able to talk, and the tradition is still being passed our to our children. Now that I think about it, it was a great way to teach us about the goodness of the Lord from the beginning. Some may see it as merely a tradition, but it goes way beyond that. As we get older we veer away from this "child's prayer", but I think it should continue to be used throughout our lifetime. In all actuality, we could use the reminder throughout the day. God’s blessings abound beyond anything we could imagine, and they are given by His grace. Blessings come in so many different ways, and it's important to thank God for any and everything in our life, because they’re all working together for our good. In most cases, blessings bring us joy, but some may cause temporary pain, which is all a part of the blessing of refinement. We must also learn to communicate with the Holy Spirit, to strengthen our Spirit of discernment, because there are things given to us that may look like blessings from God, but really aren't. Sometimes the devil will "bless" us with things that may bring temporary pleasure to the flesh, but in the end, will bring unnecessary heartache and pain. It happens all the time, for example, maybe you've been depressed because you're in a lot of debt, and on the verge of losing your home. You've prayed and asked God for a blessing to save your house, but the days are rolling by, and you haven't received an answer from God. One day you're at the grocery store, and someone just robbed a bank. While running from the police, they threw the bag full of money in your car, and no one saw it. Your first thought is, "this is a blessing, now I can save my house". Technically, it is a blessing, but a blessing from whom? If you keep that money, you'll eventually pay, maybe not in the world, but God sees and knows everything. If you give it back, God will not only bless you with the house, but you’ve stored up treasures in Heaven as well. We must have patience, and wait on the Lord, because there's not a day that goes by that He doesn't bless us in abundance. He promises over and over in the bible, that He will answer every prayer, and supply every need. I can testify that He's never failed me yet. It's written: "I, the LORD, keep it, I water it every moment; lest any hurt it, I keep it night and day. Fury is not in Me. Who would set briers and thorns against Me in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together. Or let him take hold of My strength, that he may make peace with Me; and he shall make peace with Me.” (Isa. 24:3-5) I think these verses of scripture tell a great story about the blessings of God. He will always keep us close to Him, every moment of the day. All we need to do is stay close to Him, love Him with all our hearts, and follow His will. We're either with Him or against Him, there is no in between, or "trying to make your mind up". If you’re against Him, you will feel His fury. His blessings flow to everyone good and evil, but just imagine how much more the good receives. As Christians we have the authority to ask for anything we want, need, or desire, that won't cause us to sin against God. If it's in His will, we'll receive it, because of His grace. The blood of Jesus is the greatest blessing we will ever receive. God didn’t spare His own Son to give us joy, peace, and happiness, so how great is His love and mercy? The best thing we could give God in return, for His blessings, is thanks, praise, and sharing our testimony. I challenge you to create a new habit; every night for the next twenty-one days, take some time to really count your blessings. I mean every blessing, not just the "big" ones. I believe this exercise will help us create a more humble and grateful heart, allow us to appreciate what God has done in our lives, and help build our faith. Get to know Jesus on a personal and intimate level, and He'll teach you the ways of God, through His Holy Spirit. You'll start to notice the new blessings given, and the ones that have been there all along. Pray and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, and commit to building your love for God. My favorite verse today is: The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22)


I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Chef Jones, this blog is truly a blessing and an "on time" message for those of us who need encouragement to keep the faith that all of God's promises will be revealed in due time. I truly believe that I am moving into a new "season" in my life and that some of the seeds of faith that I've sown will blossom into the blessings that the Lord has for me. . . Continue to teach us and you will receive your blessings from the Lord as well. God bless!

    -Yolonda G.
