Thursday, March 25, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I'm grateful for the Lenten season, but even more excited that it's coming to a close. How are you doing so far? Forty days are longer than you anticipated isn't it? This upcoming Sunday is Palm Sunday, so we're a little over a week away from celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This upcoming week, starting Sunday, we'll commemorate the week of Jesus' death. Palm Sunday celebrates when Jesus entered Jerusalem a few days before He was betrayed. The story is found in John 12:12-19. The people of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus with Palm branches, which were used as a " symbol of triumph and of victory". As He was entering the city, they shouted “ Hosanna! ‘ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ The King of Israel!” This Sunday, collect your Palm leaves, and allow them to symbolize your “triumph and victory” over whatever may have you in bondage, because that's what Jesus died to give you. Don't forget to praise His Holy Name in the process! Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family.

Today's scriptures are about the Lord's promises to never forsake us. I'm so grateful that God is not like any human being on this earth. He has promised, from the beginning of time, to never leave nor forsake us. What does it mean to be forsaken? The word forsake is defined: to quit or leave entirely; abandon; desert. I don't think that's a concept that we could easily grasp, because we're only able to understand those things that are logical. To know that God is with us at all times, could seem like a fable, but it's true. This is a wonderful thing, because we could always count on Him to be right there when we call. Whenever we're in need, lonely, or in pain, He's right there. When we're happy, and rejoicing, He’s there to share in that as well. He'll always be there because He loves us. I remember a day, not too long ago, when I was going through something, and I called all of my closest friends, my mother, sister, and father, but no one answered, and a small still voice said to me, "Saundra, talk to me". It was like an epiphany. I told God all that was on my heart, I laughed and cried with Him, and He was there to give me the comfort that I was seeking all along. It's written: A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 12:24) Jesus also said: No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. (John 15:15) This is a reason to rejoice! Jesus has formed our bond, by His blood, and so God waits anxiously to hear from us. He delights in us, and wants to be a part of everything we do. Even when we sin, He's there, quick to forgive. When we're running around with no aim or direction, He's waiting on us to seek His guidance. He's never too busy, and nothing is ever too small to share with Him, because He longs for our fellowship. Are you one of those people who only talk to God when you're in desperate need? Do seek people who you assume to be "holier" than you, to pray when you need a miracle from God? I have good news for you; you no longer have to think that way, because God is always with you. As long as you pray with a sincere heart, in Jesus' Name, He’ll listen, and answer. When you cry out to Him, He'll comfort you, no matter how many sins you've committed. When you ask Him for wisdom, He'll grant it. We need to be sure we're keeping God on that personal level, because that's where He wants us to be. Yes, He's the Alpha and the Omega, but He cares as much about you and me, as He does the affairs of the entire world. After all, He intentionally sought us, as if we were lost sheep. We frequently rely on, and trust in, our fellow man (or woman) for the comfort that can only come from God. Human minds aren't designed to always “be there”, so we have the ability to hurt each other. We're prone to let one another down, because none of us are perfect. If we're not in tune with God, it's impossible to be truly in tuned with anyone else. God's love, the Agape love, is bliss, and will never fade, but human love can, and in a number of cases will. Anytime we rely on another human to be our all and all, we'll eventually be let down or disappointed, because the flesh is naturally weak and selfish. God is the only one who will never forsake us. My intention is not to convince you to never trust another human being, but I'm urging you to Love God with all of your heart, and to trust in Him first. When you're doing that He will ensure that everyone, and everything else is aligned. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “Pray without ceasing.” If you're tired of being let down, or struggling with emptiness in your heart, then you're missing a very important component. Jesus is the Sealer of your fate, and the Author of your eternity, so be sure to build a close relationship with Him. Take Dr. Stanley's "God Quiz" today! My favorite verse today is: Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Deuteronomy 31:6)


I love you!

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