Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about believing in God. It means more to God that you believe in Him with your whole heart, than any thing else in the world. Knowing that He's real, and reverencing Him, is all you need to start growing in your faith walk. Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God. Jesus always stressed that truth in His teachings. The stories about the barren fig tree, the prodigal son, walking on water, healing the sick, and resurrecting the dead, were all based upon Faith. There are numerous scriptures in the bible, where God said, in so many words, "All you have to do is believe in me". We can only receive salvation if we believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. We must not only believe that He was born by a virgin, but also that He was God in the flesh. We should believe in the miracles He performed, His death on the cross, and His resurrection three days later. We must believe that He sits on a throne in Heaven, at God's right hand, and His shed blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. That’s all that’s required to receive eternal life. Jesus said: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. (John 6:47) Notice neither He nor I ever said change your life, be perfect, stop sinning, etc. The two most important requirements for salvation are to believe in Him, and love Him. God will take care of everything else, through His Holy Spirit, which lives within us. We're taught from children to believe in ourselves, and that we could achieve anything we put our mind to, and in most cases that is true. If you have enough belief, hope, and faith in something you want, then you will achieve it. There are many successful people, who aren't believers in Jesus Christ. They accomplished everything they put their mind to, just by believing in themselves. Just imagine how much more they could've accomplished, if they applied half of that faith in God, and His ability provide their success. As believers, we must take that same principle, and apply it to our relationship with God. Believe Him to answer all prayers, and give you success; put your mind to it, and you’ll accomplish anything you want, by Christ. I'm talking about two totally different measures of success, because God’s view of success is totally different from the world's view. What other people think or say about us, is nowhere near as important as what God thinks of us. I cannot stress enough the importance of focusing on God, and God alone. Our every decision should be made with Him in mind, because that show's Him how much we love Him. It show's Him that we're committed to Him, we believe Him to do all that He's promised, and we trust Him with all our heart. If you know that all things are possible by faith, and believe in God, then why do you worry? Why the depression, weariness, and stress? Why is there crime, hatred, jealously and envy, if you know that God will supply your every need? Why lie, cheat, and steal, if you believe with all your heart, that the Holy Spirit walks with you every day? The answers lie within us, our maturity level, and most importantly our knowledge. We start our faith walk as "children", and we gradually grow into mature wise adults in Spirit. We're conformed to soldiers in the army of the Lord, and begin helping others achieve what's been revealed to us. There's true freedom in the wisdom of God! There's true rest in knowing that no matter what, He has you covered! There's true peace in knowing that if tomorrow never comes, you’ll be in Heaven, and God will say "well done good and Faithful servant". Imagine being adorned with jewels, and lead to your mansion, that Jesus prepared for you long ago. Freedom is what Jesus came to give us, and that freedom gives us true life. When I say life, I mean the ability to live, with an indescribable peace. God rewards those who love Him, but how could you truly love someone you don't believe in? It's impossible by earthly standards, and surely impossible by God’s standards. It's written: But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Your first step to freedom is by believing in Jesus Christ. Once you confess your sins, the fact that you believe, and invite Him into your heart, your life's journey begins. You'll start off with a “crawl” in most cases, but the more your seek Him, the faster you'll be able to walk with Him. In the words of Pastor D.U. Cooper, "Try Him out"! My favorite verses today are: With God nothing shall be impossible. And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. (Luke 1:37,45)


I love you!

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