Monday, June 6, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you’re enjoying the beginning of another workweek (for most). I’m doing well, and have been enjoying the last few weeks of vacation. This weekend we’re having our 1st Annual Pig Roast fund raiser at my Church, Saturday, June 11th starting at 4pm. All is welcomed, so if you don’t have anything planned, please bring the entire family out for fun, food, games, and prizes! Please see our website for for further details, and directions. I would love to see you there! Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today’s scriptures are about the unconditional love of God. I’ve heard all of my Christian life that God loves me unconditionally, yet there are times when I feel like I’m not worthy of His love. Especially times when I know I’ve fallen short of His commandments, or have made wrong choices and bad decisions. I know that God will forgive me as soon as I ask, but I also know that I will reap what I sow. The devil is very smart and crafty, however he’s no match for a wise Christian, because we know how to put on the full amour of God. At the same time, he’s always going to attempt to place fear, doubt, and guilt into our lives, so that we lose sight of the fact that God does love us unconditionally. There’s nothing we can do or say to stop His love, because it is indeed “unconditional”.

Let’s think of the human body, and how much God put into creating us. How much care, attention to detail and love it had to take to create such complex yet simple creature. Compared to all of His other creations, we are superior, and were made with great precision. He took His time and molded us, and made sure that there are no two that are alike. He loves each individual that much that we’re unique in our own way. That alone should tell us just how much He loves us. The enemy doesn’t want us to know that, so he tries make us feel like we’re unworthy of God’s love, but the fact still remains that Jesus died for all mankind. I don’t care what type of sinner you are, He loves you no matter what. If you go to Him and repent, with a right heart and spirit, then you’re forgiven, no questions asked. There’s nothing that you can do that will separate you from Him for all eternity, once you’ve been saved. Look at where you came from and the type of stock you’re made of—you were created for a reason, because you are special to Him.

We can never base the love of God on the love of mankind—not even your mother can love you as deeply as God does. I know the love of a mother, and my mom would literally die for me, but she still cannot love me the way that God loves me. My mom has a limit to the things she’ll take from me; though her forgiveness runs deep, she is only human, and has a breaking point. God however, does everything for our good, even when He punishes us, or allows us to go through trials and tribulations—they’re all meant to work together for our good, we just have to pay attention and take the wisdom from it. I’m a firm believer that if we truly understood how much God loves us, then we can better love Him. We wouldn’t be so quick to sin against Him, because we’ll understand the sacrifices Jesus made so that we can have life.

Through Jesus we are blessed and highly favored, and we have inherited the Kingdom of God, and we’re truly righteous. You have authority by His Name to rule over all of the evil on this earth; remember through Christ, God has made your enemies your footstool. There aren’t many things that happen in our life that happens without our say; we have choices in everything we do, and those choices make up our life. Yesterday is Gone, tomorrow isn’t promised, all we can do is be better today. I was feeling a bit lost over the last week, and I’d been struggling with focusing on the wrong things, and when I spoke to God, He lead me to read Psalms 37. I absolutely love David’s Psalms because he truly bears his soul. He tells us like it really is, and he’s the first to say, “I’m not perfect but I love God, and God loves me”. If we each take responsibility for the choices we make in life, then we’d have a better relationship with God, because He truly understands what we’re going through, He simply asks us to confess and repent. Remember He was here in the flesh once before. I urge you, if you feel like you’re lost, and that God is just done with you, then think again. He will never be done with you, and will work on you until the day that you die. He loves you! Just love Him with all of your heart, and do the best that you can. When you seek Him, He will show Himself to you. He’s waiting for you. If you don't know Jesus as Lord, please take that first step, and ask Him to come into you life as Lord and Savior. Take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now! My favorite verses today are: The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people: but because the Lord loved you. (Deuteronomy 7:7-8)


I love you!

Anytime you’re felling weak, Psalms 37 is a great Psalm to turn to. I found great strength in these words:

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD,
And He delights in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the LORD upholds him with His hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old;
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,
Nor his descendants begging bread.
26 He is ever merciful, and lends;
And his descendants are blessed.

27 Depart from evil, and do good;
And dwell forevermore.
28 For the LORD loves justice,
And does not forsake His saints;
They are preserved forever,
But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.
29 The righteous shall inherit the land,
And dwell in it forever.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about making the best choices in life. The great thing about life is that we have choices. One of the gifts and curses of "The tree of knowledge of good and evil", was that it gave us the ability to make sound decisions. Once Adam and Eve made the choice to eat from that tree, they were given the knowledge of the ways of the world, and the ability to choose which way that they wanted to go. This rule is still in place, but the problem is, our flesh is so weak that we often choose the evil over the good. Although we now have the gift of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus as our intercessor, which makes our choices a little easier, we are still susceptible to choosing evil. Knowing the God we serve, we don't have to choose evil, we just do--it's just as accessible to choose to do good, and be good as it is to do evil. This takes effort and discipline, which requires work and dedication. There are so many people who dwell on how difficult living a righteous life is, but most things are difficult at first. We have to build a relationship with Christ. Since we were born in sin, and have sinful natures naturally, we have to allow the conformation from sinner to Saint to happen. Each day we're given on this earth, we have to live on purpose, and actively seek the face of the Lord. When we're doing that, above all else, righteousness will come.

I can testify to this personally, because only God knows how much fighting we had to do for me to get here. It reminds me of when Jacob wrestled with God--I wrestled with Him for many years. The wonderful thing about this story is that Jacob kept fighting, it's written: When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” (Gen 32: 25-26) Jacob wouldn't let go, even after his hip was out of socket, but waited until he received a blessing from God. Jacob left there with physical pain, but his heart was healed. I was saved at a very young age, maybe nine or ten years old, and I was baptized on my 15th birthday, but after that I didn't attend church regularly. I didn't care for or nourish this new relationship that I'd entered into, so I didn't know how to be righteous. Sure I felt God's calling on my life, and the Holy Spirit's warnings when I was about to make the wrong choices, but ignored them, because of ignorance. I always felt like I was wrestling with something, but I never knew what it was. I knew that I wanted to do the right thing, and live a better life, but I never knew how or why, I just felt like I was in this battle against myself. Have you ever felt that way?

It wasn't until about six years ago when God finally took my "hip out of socket". I was physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotional disabled. I was in so much pain that I couldn't get out of bed in the morning, yet I felt God's calling, but I just kept making the wrong decisions. It wasn't until I figured out that I wasn't alone, and that this thing that I was wrestling wasn't the devil, it was God. It wasn't until I understood that just like Jacob, I had the option to tell God, "I'm not letting go until you bless me". I finally understood what Jesus preached about at the Sermon on the Mount, when He said do not worry. I learned how to cast my cares on the Lord, as the Apostle Paul preached so diligently. I learned that I didn't have to let go of the fact that I wanted righteousness yet couldn't quite achieve it on my own, because that could only happen if I surrendered to Christ. The choices I made were made because I hadn't stood up and taken my right place in the Kingdom of God. When God revealed all of these things to me I was far from perfect, and was terrible at making the right choices. The best choice I have ever made in life was to completely follow Christ, flaws and all. Even though I enjoyed partying with my girlfriends two to three times a week, and I drank just because it was Tuesday--despite the fact that I still smoked a pack of cigarettes every other day, and my marriage was falling apart--I still choose God, and never gave up. I fell down, but I got right back up, and kept pushing forward in Christ.

At this point, I told God that I wasn't letting go until I was blessed with wisdom and knowledge to make better choices, and He did just that. It didn't happen overnight, but it happened more quickly than I realized. I was still limping around though life, because I was broken, and in the process of being healed, but I noticed that each day, when I prayed, meditated, and sought righteousness, I got a little better. I no longer wanted the cigarettes, and being drunk was no longer fun. Instead of enjoying myself at the clubs, I started feeling out of place, and analyzing and praying for all of the young women and men that were making really bad choices. I began to yearn for anything righteous, and was drawn to positive activities, and other like-minded people. These changes didn't happen until I finally let go of the old life that God had been slowly leading me away from, and allowed Him to bring me to where He needed me to be. I am still very much a work in progress, but if you can take a look at where I came from, to where I am now, I am a living and breathing testimony to the fact that if God changed me, He can change anyone.

I am so indecisive that choices usually make me anxious, only because I know that if I make the wrong choice I may fail. However, in most day to day decisions, it isn't that hard to choose good over evil. Remember, we have the knowledge thanks to Adam and Eve; we just have to hone those skills. Satan is crafty and wise, and he'll do what he can to throw us off, but "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world". Our Savior Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price so that He could be with us every step of the way, and make our choice that much easier. If you don't know Jesus as Lord, or aren't sure, then that's the most important decision you will ever make in your life. Please take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now! My favorite verse today is: Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed: and make you a new heart and a new spirit. (Ezekiel 18:31)


I love you!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about faithful fellowship with God and Jesus Christ. Jesus once said: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.” (John 6:44-45 NIV) In order to get to the Father, we must go to and/or through the Son. It’s not as complicated as it seems, but we must know who Jesus is, and the role He plays in our life. To fellowship with Him takes on a whole new meaning, because it requires interaction, communication, and sharing love with Him. Unlike just believing in Him, which can be done by anyone, fellowship requires effort. Being a believer is just the first step. I want you to ask yourself a fairly easy question, but you need to be completely honest with your answerHow often do you interact with God, through Jesus Christ?

Faith is one of the most important parts of being a Christian. The Apostle Paul wrote: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (11:1KJV) What did Paul mean by that? Well the New International Version (NIV) of the bible translates it: Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. From the beginning of time people preached about the love of God, even though no one has ever seen His face. Most believers gained their confidence in Him, by building a strong relationship with Him. They fellowshipped, worshiped, and praised Him, which helped build a bond, that assured them of His love.

Jesus’ coming was prophesied for years before He was even born, so people already expected the Messiah [the Son of God] to come. When He came they already believed in Him, because they believed in the Father that sent Him. He lived, died, and was resurrected, which changed the life of every human being, then, now, and forever. I don’t think a lot of people can grasp the complete truth in this, because it seems so unreal. There are people who suffer from internal painheart wrenching pain that they can’t seem to shakeand they can’t imagine anything other than that. They refuse to open up their heart to have faith in Him, because that comes with the risk of being hurt again. If you’re one of those people [like I used to be], then I need you to understand there is no one in this world who can love you like Jesus Christ. God loved us so much that He gave us His Son, who reigns over us, and takes care of every aspect of our life, now and throughout all eternity. Jesus was created to give you life, so you can lay down your burdens and be free.

To have faith in God is to trust in Jesus Christ, and to trust in Jesus is to be obedient, and keep His commandments. It’s written: Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:21-25) Faith in the “implanted Word”, who is Jesus Christ, is the only way to save your soul.

I can promise you that when you experience the love of God, through Christ, you’ll truly understand what life is all about. Jesus is freedom, and through Jesus, God lives in our heart. He’s there to lead and guide us, shape and mold us, into the person He truly created us to be. All He asks us to do is have faith in Him, and through that faith we love Him with all our heart. I don’t care what else goes on in life, we can always depend on Jesus to be who He is, and He’ll always be there for us. God made sure that we will never have to be apart from Him again. If you don’t know Jesus as Lord, then you don’t know God as Fatherto have faith in the Son, is to have faith in the Father. Remember faith can move mountains, and the first step of your faith walk is to take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)


I love you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are assure us that the Lord hears our prayers. How many times have you prayed and felt like God just wasn’t listening? How many nights have you cried, waiting to hear a word from Him, or seeking a change in your situation? We have all gone through this a few times in our life, but I want to assure you that God always answers our prayers. I remember those days, when it seemed like all hope was gone, and I was not going to make it through, but I always made it. In hindsight I realize that God was there all along. He answered every prayer that I have ever prayed, but most the times it was an answer that I didn’t expect (or even want), but it was always what was best for me. I used to be afraid to pray to God sometimes, especially when my own sin caused my pain. I have since learned that nothing is too big or small for God; He's always waiting to hear from me, in hopes that I will repent, and stay in continuous fellowship with Him.

As I grow in my faith walk, it seems as though He answers my prayers much quicker. It’s not that He’s quicker in response; it’s just that I’m able to see them more clearly, because I know Him. I understand who He is, and what He expects from me, so pretty much I know how He answers my prayers. For example, there may be a time when I’m planning to buy something that I do not need, but I have a bill due. I’ll pray, "Lord please provide me the means to pay this bill", but in my heart I’m thinking, and some extra so I can buy this ____. He knows that whatever this “thing” is, it might cause me to sin, or become an idol in my life, so He’s only going to provide enough for me to pay the bill. In the past, instead of me praising and thanking Him because the bill was paid, I would get mad, and sulk, because I am thinking that I deserved to blessed to be able to buy whatever I want (or think that I need at the time). Boy how mixed up I was! I now understand, that God's way is the best way. I ask Him for what I want, but He answers me with what He wants for me, and I'm so very happy with that!

God will never overlook our cries for help, nor would He fail to provide everything that we need, when we need it. That is not that type of God we serve. We serve a God who loves us unconditional, and always has our best interest at heart. There are reasons for everything that we go through in life, and also stages that we have to past through, in order to grow. There are going to be things that we don’t understand, or nights that we feel alone, or feel that He isn’t listening, but always know that He’s right there. If you turn to the book of Psalms, you’ll see several examples of this—where these great servants of God cried to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise, and some even with hurt and anguish. These things are a part of life, but the one thing that all of these Psalmist have in common, is that fact their prayers were always heard. You know King David was one of my favorite Psalmist, because he was the first to admit his faults, and he understood that God is the only way out. He understood that all he had to do was cry out to the Lord in repentance, and God would hear his cries. David was one of the most imperfect people written about in the Bible, but He was God's favorite.

God was proud of David because he always obeyed His will, and he knew how to humble himself and cry out to God in times of trouble, as well as praise him in times of bliss. David asked God for exactly what he needed, when he needed it, in great detail, because he knew God personally. He had no reason to doubt Him, because God had always come through for him. I loved David's Cry for Help in Trouble, where he starts off: Lord hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy, in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Do not bring your servant into judgement, for no one living is righteous before you. (Psalm 143:1-2) Don't you love the way David put that out there? He spoke to God as if he was sure that his prayers were going to be answered,with confidence in their relationship. He had this confidence because God had never let him down before, so that is exactly what he expected, every time he prayed. Now I ask you, has God ever let you down? Just think about it for a few minutes, and allow your memories to come back to you. Is your relationship with God similar to David's? If you answered no, then you're wrong. If anything, we're closer to God, because we know His Son, Jesus Christ. David didn't have the advantage that we have, but he was still blessed and highly favored. God hasn't changed from who He was with David; if anything He keeps getting sweeter.

Do you feel lost and alone sometimes, and need someone to talk too? You may have already tried to talk to your friends, your mother, or even a therapist, but you still feel empty. God is waiting on you to talk to Him. He's our father, brother, best friend, co-worker, therapist, and anything else we need Him to be. He said ask, seek, and knock, and your prayers will be answered. You have to be real with Him,, and stand on His promises, just as David was real with Him, because He already knows your heart. He needs you to be genuine in repentance, and with the trust that He will always be there to answer your prayers. Finally, pray in the Name of Jesus, because without Him, we have no relationship with God. He's our mediator; He makes a way for us to be one with God, so you must start with Him. If you don't know Jesus as Savior, please take a few moments and take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us. (2 Corinthians 1:10)


I love you!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you enjoyed this beautiful “Terrific Tuesday”. I am doing well, and am feeling much better today! I guess my first day back in the gym wore me out, more than I realized. When I sat down to write, I could not hold my head up. Well that, and the fact that I have not been sleeping as well I would want, conquered my will to write last night. Transitions are awesome, especially when God takes you into a quiet corner, and teaches and molds you into an awesome servant. I am learning that there are times where you are not supposed to do anything but listen and learn. The only way that we will be able to teach what we have learned, is to allow this much needed season. I remember when I was living in Portland, OR, and we were about to enter into the rainy season. We had gotten halfway through November and the rain still had not started. I was elated about that, because I was not looking forward to eight straight months of rain. When I said this, my friend, who grew up in Portland, looked a little worried, and she said, “There is a reason for the rain, and if we do not get it, that means that we could have terrible forest fires next year, and things just would not be right”. Sure enough, after that painful rain season, the spring peaked through, the trees and flowers bloomed, and it was the most beautiful, green, lush place that I have ever seen. If it had not been for the rain, who knows what it would have looked like. When we are going through periods of nonstop rain, or when God sits us down to just listen, it seems like it is never going to end. Quite frankly, it is just downright boring and sometimes painful, however, everything happens for a reason, so it is important for us to allow the seasons. I’m in a season of listening and learning so that I can better teach the Word, which is what I was called to do. Always be sure to know which season you are in, and embrace it. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family.

Today’s scriptures are about walking in perfection. Perfect is what we all strive to be, even though God never created us to be that way. In the flesh we are actually imperfect and sinful in nature, yet we try to be perfect. What’s wrong with this picture? You may be wondering why God asks us to be perfect, when it is absolutely impossible to do. Well the answer lies in Christ Jesus. He was perfect and sinless, because we were incapable of being that on our own. He gave up His life, so that we do not have sacrifice another living breathing soul. He taught us how to walk in righteousness through His teachings, and the way that He walked in faith. He endured everything that we could ever face, and more, so that we can understand that it is all a part of life, and we too can overcome any obstacle. So in Christ, we are indeed perfect, because we’re washed by His blood. When we accept Jesus as Lord we’re baptized with the Holy Spirit, and born again. We’ve become “new creatures”, which gives us the opportunity to be perfect. To clarify: within the flesh we will never be perfect, but in Christ we are made perfect by the blood of the Lamb. The only thing left for us to do is to conduct ourselves in such way, so that we can grow in our faith, as well as be great representatives of Christ.

It amazes me how much scrutiny Christians are under. It seems like we are under a microscope, because people analyze everything we do—believers and non-believers alike. I don’t know how many times I've heard someone say, “He’s not acting very “Christian-like”, or “Did you hear what she said, isn’t she supposed to be a Christian”. This annoys me because sure we’re Christians, but we’re also human, and are going to make mistakes. We’re only perfect through Christ! The person who’s trying their best to make their outside match the inside, deserve all of the credit in the world, because it is not easy. If you wake up each morning with the intention of making God proud, then you’re perfect in your spirit. If you happen to fall short, which each and every one of us will at one time or another, then that’s okay, because God knows your heart. He sees us trying, and that is all that we can do. I mean genuinely trying, by making sure that we have Him in mind with everything we do. Just getting up and making it to church every Sunday, or donating money when a disaster happens—which are all great things—are not enough. You must walk, talk, and think like Christ, which takes practice. You have to actively want to be better, do better, look better, work harder, love deeper, and have a stronger sense of the Kingdom of God. That, brothers and sisters, is perfection in Christ.

In order to maintain this perfection we have inherited from Christ, our entire lives must change, because again we are in the flesh, and the flesh is indeed weak. We have all heard what the Apostle Paul had to say about this, when he wrote the “Instructions on Christian Living”. My favorite part is when he wrote: So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. That, however, is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. (Eph. 4:17-24) You may have read this and thought “that is easier said than done”, but trust me, it could be easier, if you do it with your heart. If you really Love Jesus, then you are going to want to live in a way that pleases Him, because He gave up so much for you. Do you think if Jesus had to do it all over again He would? Of course He would, because He loves us just that much, and He knows better. All He's asked of us to do is LOVE Him; is that too much to ask?

To take a few moments to think of your life. With sin comes payment, and that payment takes a toll on you physically, spiritually, and emotionally. When you walk in righteousness, it also comes with payment, which builds us up physically, spiritually, and emotionally. All you have to do is make a conscious decision—choose Jesus, and trust Him to show you the way. Believe me when I say that you DO NOT have to be perfect to accept Jesus as Lord, He'll take you just as you are; I am a living witness. Besides, Jesus is the only way to achieve perfection in God's eyes. Take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now! My favorite verse today is: Ye shall Be Holy unto me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine. (Leviticus 20:26)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you enjoyed this beautiful "hump-day". I'm doing well, and feeling great! I've been making sure that I start my days right, with some inspirational music, positive thoughts and attitudes, which allows me to end my days right as well. We all have those days when we wake up on the "wrong side of the bed", and when that happens, you have to combat those negatives with positives. Take some time to talk to God, read His Word, meditate, or do your own little praise and worship session, while you're getting prepared for your day. Trust me, it works, and has the potential to turn your entire day around. It sounds simple, but it actually isn't. I was just reading an article, that over 70 people were killed in the south today; tornadoes touched down and caused massive damage, and lost of life. We are living in some trying times family, and it's time to pray for our nation, and the people all over the world, who's experienced or is experiencing this type of devastation. I also want you to understand that at any given moment this could happen to you and those you love, so it's time to get your life in order. It's time to stop straddling the fence as to what you believe or don't believe; no more struggling with that question, "am I going to completely surrender to God's will?", it's time to make up your mind! You have to choose God today, because even though we pray for tomorrow, tomorrow may never come. Please don't take another day for granted, being afraid to do the things you want to do, because life is certainly short. Continue to keep the people who's affected by these natural disasters in your prayers. Enjoy the remainder of your day family, and BE blessed!

Today's scriptures are about the perishable nature of the flesh. The irony of these scriptures is that I read them after I wrote the first paragraph, so the Spirit is really leading us into this message today. These words are needed by everyone who reads this today. I was having a conversation with some friends at work, about a seafood restaurant that was closed down for health code violations, and I explained just how perishable seafood really is. In the restaurant business, you have to be very careful when dealing with seafood, because it's very expensive to purchase, and it's only fresh for one or two days. When planning a menu, you really have to take many things into consideration, because with one false move you can lose out on a lot of money, and/or make someone dangerously ill. I liken our flesh to the perishable nature of seafood; we were bought at a high price, yet we our flesh will surely perish. Sure we last far more than a few days, but in Heaven, time doesn't matter. So a lifetime to God for one could be 80 years, and for someone else it could be 20 years. It's said that Jesus died at 33 years of age, and look how much He accomplished in His seemingly short lifetime. In God's eyes, Jesus was here long enough to do what He needed to do, so you see, we are truly perishable. We're here to complete His will, so it's important to make sure that we're doing all that we could to please God, on a daily basis. Praise Him anytime of any day, and not just in church on Sunday morning. Tell someone about Him, when you're on the bus and the opportunity presents itself, or when you're out ministering to the lost. Take every opportunity given to live your life, but most importantly live a life pleasing to God.

Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matt. 6:19-21) I quote this scripture often, because I don't think many of us truly understand it. Life is so short, and before we know it, it's over. I know it sounds drab, but it's the truth. Life is too short to be working yourself to death for earthly riches, or trying to prove something to worldly people. It's too short not to do what you really want to do, or what God has called you to do, because you're afraid of what people may think. It's ridiculous not love who you love, because they may not fit a physical or educational background that you think that they should. Be who God has called you to be, and be it well, because you're working toward your eternal life as well. Nobody can do you but you--so stop trying to do someone else. Most of the celebrities you see on television are doing what they were called to do, but too many of us are trying to live our lives like them, when God never intended that for us. I've learned that life is too short to cut corners, and when God put something in your life, a calling or a passion in your heart, then you have to go for it. Ask for His strength and guidance, and follow that path. Tell someone you love them, and never be reluctant to share that affection, because you may never get a chance to do it. Enjoy every moment, person, and gift God gives you to the fullest. Don't hesitate, because we are perishable, and we may not have as much time as we think.

Have you ever heard the expression, "don't sweat the small stuff"? Well that means don't spend too much time worrying about the little things that are either out of of control, or too small to even worry about. I think most of us spend more time picking out an outfit to wear to church, then trying to actually learn something while we're there. When we live everyday for God, from start to finish, He'll make sure we have everything we need--there's nothing to ever worry about. We don't have to do missionary work, or walk around asking people if they're saved every hour of the day, but we have to live our life for God. Keep Him in mind in everything we do, and show people Christ, by conducting ourselves in a manner where we're His light is always shinning. It's written: Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods. Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare. (Psalm 40:4-5) Just as the Psalmist stated, when we trust in the Lord, He'll bless us abundantly, now and forever more.

Although our flesh is perishable, our Spirits will live forever. However, we only have but so much time in the flesh to complete God's will. With all of the Natural disasters, like the ones we've seen in the past months, there's no time like the present to get your life right with God. First take some time to evaluate your salvation status, because you have no time to wonder if you're really saved or not. Also, if you know that you haven't accept Jesus as Lord, then it's also time to take that step---there's a reason you're reading this today. There is life in Jesus Christ! Take a few minutes to take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. (Romans 13:12)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about Jesus, in whom salvation is possible. Last week we celebrated what most call "Holy Week". We're meant to reenact the last week of Jesus' life. Actually, the Lent season is meant to reenact/celebrate the last few months of Jesus' life, but Holy Week, is what salvation is all about. I think most of us celebrate Easter, and don't know the meaning of it, because it's a nationally celebrated holiday, so why not eat some ham, candy, and dye some eggs? How many of us really take into account that Jesus is the reason for the season? Easter is almost as commercialized as Christmas, which are two major celebratory days in the life of Jesus Christ--the day He was born, and the day He was resurrected. What does that mean to you personally? What does that mean to the world as a whole? For those of you who don't realize, Jesus is life! Jesus is forgiveness, salvation, healing, redemption, resurrection, and all things alike.

Palm Sunday
marked that glorious day when Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey--as it was prophesied years before--as the Messiah. Then we skip to Munday Thursday, where we celebrate the Last Supper, where Jesus washes His disciples feet, prophecy about the things to come, and prepare His followers for His death. Good Friday was the day that He was beaten, hung on the cross, and His side was pierced, for virtually no reason at all. He was an innocent lamb, who was slaughter for the life of His beloved. He loved us so much because He and God was one, and God loves us because we're His children. Jesus was part human, and He had a choice whether He wanted to live or die--God gave Him free will, just like each of us, but Jesus CHOSE to lay down His life, because if He hadn't He not only would've disobeyed God, but He would've let down the entire Human race. Besides, He knew that that pain and heartache that He had to endure was only temporary--it was only one day of suffering compared to an eternity of bliss. He understood, that that one day of suffering would also lead to an eternity of bliss for anyone who sought righteousness. He knew that God's will was the only thing worth living for, and not going through with what He was instructed to do, meant death and destruction for all mankind. On that Good Friday (or whatever day it was), Jesus chose us over Himself. Hallelujah!

Easter Sunday
, in my opinion, is one of the most important days of the year! It's the day that Jesus' work was done, and He was resurrected from death. Rejoice and celebrate that Jesus is ALIVE! This was all a part of God's plan from the beginning of time, and so of course it went off without a hitch. Jesus had been allowing us to get to know who He was, and the power He held, throughout the entire Gospel. He once said: “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.” (John 10:17-18) So you see, Easter is such a glorious day, because by His God-given power, Jesus was able be resurrected and made whole, and now sits, very much alive, on a throne, at the right hand of the Father. He's there to offer Salvation to anyone who believes in Christmas, Palms Sunday, Munday Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter! He's there to make intercession for us, so that we can complete the will God has for our lives, just as He did thousands of years ago.

Jesus saves us from sin, death, hell, and most importantly He saves us from ourselves (our flesh). All we have to do is call on His Name, and anything we need is done, by faith. Before He left this earth, He gave us this great promise: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:1-6) Now this is the true definition of Salvation--there's nothing more to be said. Now I'll ask you once again--what does Easter mean to you?

If you don't know Jesus as Lord, you aren't saved. However, because of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you can be. First you must believe that He is who He says He is. Faith, confession of your sins, and inviting Jesus into you life as Lord and Savior, will ensure that Jesus has prepared a place for you in His Kingdom. He doesn't require anything but your faith and love, and once He gets that, He goes to work in you, to create a clean heart and a right spirit. I urge you to trust Him right now; take a few minutes to take the God Quiz today! My favorite verses today are: Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. (Acts 13:38-39)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about learning how to live by the principles of God. It's so easy to hear sermons, and read devotionals about the forgiveness of God, but it's very hard to stand on the ones that hold us responsible for our own conduct and choices in life. There are so many people that start to question God, their salvation, and even the validity of the Bible, at the first feeling of conviction, because the real truth is hard to bear. God gives us as the responsibility to choose Him, each and every moment of the day. That's how most of us have to live, moment by moment, because the devil is always working to steer us onto the wrong path. However, we give him way too much credit, because in everything that we do, we have a choice. No one is making us choose to do the wrong things, we're just weak to the flesh. Some are more weak then others, so it's up to us to live our own life, and go down the path that God has laid out for us. One of the hardest things to do in life is to admit that you're wrong, but the easiest thing to do is to make excuses for the wrong that you've done. How many people use the infamous line, "the devil made me do it"? In all actuality, he really don't matter, one way or the other, in the life of a believer. From what we learn about him in the bible, he was kicked out of heaven because wanted to be equal with God, but he is in no way equal. Jesus Christ, who lives inside of us, makes us much stronger than he.

It's time for us to start living in victory--like the Saint's that we are through Christ. He's not looking for a perfect believer, but a believer that will at least try. Samuel tried to explain this to King Saul, because Saul had lost sight of this very thing. It's written: "...The LORD has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you.” (1 Sam 13:14) There you have it, the simple truth--The Lord seeks men and woman who are after His own heart, and He exalts them in His Kingdom. His commandment to love Him with all of our heart shouldn't be taken lightly. Jesus said: "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” (John 14:21) The only way to keep Jesus' commandments is to be aware of His presence, and to learn His ways.

We must first know what Jesus expects from us, before we can do what's required, and it takes some practice. It takes the study of His Word, and our praise and worship. It takes fellowship with other believers, and a yearning for righteousness. Everyone who has confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior, has been anointed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit not only convicts us when we do something wrong, but He warns us before we even make the choice. However, if we've consistently ignored His warnings, then we'll become immune to His voice, and will go on to make bad decisions. I don't know if you know anyone who confesses Jesus as Lord, but still lives like one of the biggest heathens on earth, but I sure do. I remember when I was one of those people, so I understand why they can live like they seemingly have no conscience or the Holy Spirit. However, the good News is, that the Holy Spirit is a living breathing Spirit of God, and He's always waiting to be called by you. He's been sent to live within us to be our helper, and Spiritual "tour guide" of sorts, as we continue on this journey to righteousness, among this wicked and perverse nation. Consult Him before you make a decision, especially when you're not sure if it's good or bad, and He'll be right there to help you along the way. Just as Jesus' job was to go to the Cross, the Holy Spirit's job is to be our helper and "Spiritual Adviser".

If God appointed Jesus as our Savior and High Priest, and the Holy Spirit as our "Helper", then surely He's appointed each and every one of us a job to complete on this earth. The first job is to be sure that we're trying our best to make better choices. You don't have to curse everyone that makes you mad, or drink every time you go to a party or social event. You don't have to fornicate, or commit adultery just to please your flesh. You don't have to wear provocative clothes just to get attention, because when we allow Jesus to completely purify our heart, His light will shine so brightly in you, that everyone will notice. These are just some of the surface, and most common sins; we all know that it gets way deeper, but we don't have to let all of these frivolous things have control over us. You can choose to live like Christ, because you are in fact a Christian, which gives you the power to overcome the world and the temptations of the flesh. Jesus paid a great price to give us that opportunity, so it's time to choose Him.

If you're feeling like no matter what you do in life, something is missing, then it's time to make better choices. I know how it feels when you're growing in your finances, career, and personal relationships, but you still feel like there's something missing. I ignored God's calling on my life for so many years, and in those years I was miserable, depressed, and lost, but the moment I made a conscious decision to at least try to live for Him, my life changed drastically. I'm not referring to the outward changes only, but my inner peace--my ability to trust Him for everything I could ever want or need in life--which freed me to live again. If you're ready to live again, please take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now. Choosing Jesus is the first "right choice" you can make in life. Next, be aware of every decision that has to be made, and if you're not sure what the right choice is, consult your Holy Spirit. My favorite verses today are: The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. (Titus 2:11-14)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you enjoyed this Terrific Tuesday. I'm doing well, and am enjoying the rain, sunshine, and the wonderful smell of flowers blooming, in the air; God is so awesome! It's rather fitting to celebrate Easter in the spring, because it's a time when things that were once presumed dead, are resurrected. I used to marvel at the bare tree branches in the dead of winter, and wonder how these old dry and brittle branches, could without fail, bring back beautiful colorful leaves, each and every spring season. That's the cycle of life, and we go through many many seasons, which is normal for each and every human being. This week we celebrate the life and death of Jesus Christ, because it seals the fate of the believer. As we relive the week before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, think about what it means to your life. I've been faced with a rather perplexing question throughout my wilderness period--I've been asked "Who do you say that I Am?", just as Jesus asked Peter. Peter gave Jesus the correct answer, but the question still remains, what did that really mean to Peter, and what does that really mean to us? We're approaching "Maundy Thursday", where we celebrate Jesus' last supper with the disciples, "Good Friday", celebrating the day Jesus was crucified, and then the ultimate day, Ester Sunday, when Praise the Lord, our Savior lives! I grew up in Southern Baptist churches, and we never celebrated the Lent season in great detail. It wasn't until I joined the Disciples of Christ church, that I started to get into the celebration of the season, and I'm so grateful that I have. I urge you, no matter if your denomination is Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, AME, etc., to take this time to get closer to Jesus, by appreciating and understanding His passion for you. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the truth, the way, and the Light, Jesus Christ! Jesus is a Name of great debate all across the world. It's a Name in which some will rejoice, and some will kill over. However, it is in fact, not just a name, but the Name above all Names, which belongs to the one and only Son of God. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior, Rabbi, and High Priest to the entire human race. There is nobody greater than Him! When I listen to VaShawn Patterson's song, "Nobody Greater", it helps me with the answer to that question, "Who do you say that I Am?", because in my heart, mind, and soul, I know that there has never been, is, nor ever will be, nobody greater than Jesus! He's the reason that we can live in freedom, grace, mercy, love, and utter peace. Now as I write this, I don't want this to sound rehearsed and/or recited, because this comes from my heart. When I think of how special I am to Him, that He chose to lay down His life for the likes of me, it makes my heart rejoice! It makes me want to be like Him, to make Him proud, to give myself to Him, which is the lest I could do, after all that He's done for me. He's me given my life back, after the devil came in and stole it. He's healed me, and comforted me when no one else could. He's protected me and fought for me to be at the place that I am in my life, and only the Lord truly knows that I've been in some dark places, so again I say in my heart, mind, and soul, there's nobody greater than Jesus.

How many of you know who Jesus is? I mean really, who is He to you? Don't answer right away, or try to read right pass this section, but really take some time to think about it. It's not as easy as it seems. We've all read the books, and watched the movie, so in theory we know who He is, but WHO is He to you? Do you know that He's the only way to God--do you understand what that means? I love Him so much because He's been exactly where I've been. He's been tempted, lied to, betrayed by friends, and had great expectations on His life. As a little baby, people worshiped Him, and expected great things out of Him, so He had to live up to those expectations. From a child He sought out the Word of God, and yearned to be close to Him. He made the right choices, even when His friends were choosing to do other things. Can you imagine the life you must live to get to the age of 33 years old and have never sinned? I can't imagine getting through the rest of the week without sinning, and He went through His entire life. His life was "squeaky clean", so He never did anything to deserve the torture He received, that ultimately lead to His earthly death. He knew that going in, but He went to the cross anyway, to take on the sins of all of mankind. He did this so that we could have a fighting chance at an abundantly peaceful life forever.

It's always good to question your beliefs and faith every once an awhile, because if you're content with where you are in your Faith walk, how will you ever grow? It's written: Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. (1 Peter 2:1-3) We have to take action, each day we awake--Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23) In order to truly take up our cross, we must die to the flesh, by doing the things Peter mentioned in the aforementioned verses. These things require focus, dedication, and a blatant yearning for the Love of God. This is the reason that Jesus was so adamant about our daily re-commitment to Him, because that is what it took for Him to make the sacrifices that He made for us. What do you think kept Him strong enough to endure? First it was the love He had for His Father, and then it was the love that He's always had for us. This is a reason to rejoice!

After all of the things I've done in the past, whether mistakenly or blatantly, to sin against God, Jesus still loves me! No matter what I'll do, or even thinking about doing in the future, Jesus will still love me, and will forgive me as soon as I ask! Right now, at this very moment He's watching over me, speaking to me, living through me, loving for me, and enduring with me; what more could I ever ask for? I have my answer to the question of "Who do 'I' say that He is?", so it's time for you to come up with your own, if you haven't already. If you don't quite know who He is to you, or what role He plays in your life, then take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now; maybe you'll find some much needed answers. As always if you need someone to talk to or pray with, never hesitate to contact me, by replying to this e-mail. My favorite verses today are: We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2)


I love you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about maintaining a steadfast and meek spirit, while waiting on the Lord. In some way or another we all will pass from this life, and enter into what some call "the after life". Those of us who are believers will go on to live all eternity in the House of the Lord, enjoying eternal bliss. Therefore, our entire existence here on this earth should be spent preparing ourselves, and those around us, for this glorious trip. Our life is all about the life after death. Certainly, over the last few weeks, we've seen many natural disasters, bombings, religious and political gridlock on grand scales--this will only continue if we don't do something about the way that we're living. We have to start with ourselves, and then branch out to help others. It could be a bit difficult to maintain a spirit of meekness, if our focus is on the wrong things.

I read a devotional today, written by Dr. David Jeremiah, entitled "Meek not Weak", and ironically his message ties in well with our group of scriptures. He referenced the verse: But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. (1 Peter 3:15) You notice that Peter first said "sanctify the Lord God in your hearts", which is key to taking on the Spirit of meekness, because when your heart is right with God, your Spirit will automatically be transformed. This transition starts from within! There's an old saying that you do things much better when "your heart is in it"--how many of us know that to be true? That especially goes for our personal walk with Christ. If we don't first sanctify and purify our heart with His love, then that's when meekness turns in to weakness.

Taking on the Spirit of meekness in Christ, actually makes us stronger. It allows a greater and deeper inner peace, and also leads to the steadfast spirit, which is required to serve God. We know that God is an on time God, but on who's time--certainly not ours. It takes much patience and perseverance to be a true servant of God--these things come directly from the heart. I for one may be the most impatient person you know--I want things yesterday! You can only imagine how God has to break that spirit in me. I pray for things five minutes before they're set to happen, and I expect an answer right away. Oh the anxiety I used to feel, when waiting on God to answer my prayers; I was a mess. I would sit and rock back and forth, chanting something like, "God I know you're listening, so please come now, I need this right now". God knew as well as I did (deep inside), that what I was praying for was either not that urgent, or it was already done, once I cast that care upon Him. Once I learned how to trust Him with all of my heart, I was able to build faith a bit larger than a mustard seed. I was able to humble myself, because now I understand that I'm serving the one and only true God. Even in turbulent times I'm able to stay meek, and not take my frustrations out on others. I'm even able to still keep God's commandments, and love Him, and my fellow brethren, with all of my heart.

Brother's and sisters, life is short! Remember when Paul reminded us that it's a race to the finish. It doesn't matter how fast you get there, it simply matters the condition of your heart and Spirit when you cross that finish line. I think what Paul preached to the Elders of Ephesus, is the epitome of a meek, humble and steadfast Spirit, and I thank God for him! He said: ...“You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. I served the Lord with great humility and with tears and in the midst of severe testing by the plots of my Jewish opponents. You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus. And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." (Acts 20:18-24)

I want to leave you with this, during this Holy week, where we're celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul knew what faced him, when he broke rules, by continuing to preach the Gospel Christ, but he did it anyway, because of His love for Jesus Christ. The Word of God helps us know and understand what His life, and ours, is all about. I'm quickly coming to the point in my faith walk, where I'm beginning to feel like Paul. I wouldn't be telling you the whole truth, if I said that I don't struggle a bit with it, but who doesn't? Even Jesus struggled with coming to terms with His own fate and destiny. So have you come to terms with your role in the Kingdom of God, and the great fate that God has for you? Jesus died so that we no longer have to spiritually suffer death, and now we have the opportunity to give Him something back. Surrender, love and cherish Him with all of your heart, all the days of your life! If you don't know Jesus as Lord, then you'll need to take a few minutes to take the God Quiz right now; it's detrimental to you eternity! My favorite verses today are: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:5-7)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about having unwavering faith. As I sit here and think about how to even begin to writing about this, I actually realized that my faith [and other things], have been a bit wavering. I’ve always been known as “Miss Indecisive”, because I try to always weigh the pros and cons of every situation. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt more times than not. I am very compromising, and love being “stress free”, but Jesus was anything but. So can you understand my dilemma? I don’t know why I am like I am, but I was born that way, and it’s so very hard to change. There are many people like me, who are “people pleasers”, or don’t like “rock the boat”, so we shy away quietly in hopes of avoiding conflict. We only fight for what’s right, when back into a corner, in hopes of saving ourselves, and what we believe in. However, Jesus was always in the face of believers and doubters alike. He never hesitated to preach in synagogues, at public markets, on mountain tops, or wherever His Spirit led Him, because He completely trusted the fact that He was a child of God. He understood His calling, and the fact that God’s word is the beginning and the end; there’s nothing more important than teaching and sharing it with the lost. He understood that His message was one that could not be concealed, because the lives of many were at jeopardy. He realized that there was no one else who could be Him, and do what only He was called to do, so He lived with unwavering faith.

If you’re like me, how do you break the habit, or conform your way of thinking from the way you’ve thought your entire life? It’s simple, “obey God and leave the consequences to Him”. His word is filled with the answers to any question we have in life, no matter how big or small. Learn Him, and commit His Word to your heart. Make it a point to understand that this life that you are living is His and His aloneno one can do for you what God can. Understand that His Word is the Law, and there is no refuting it. Trust your Holy Spirit, to help you along the way, because He’ll always give you the right answer, but you must learn how to hear His voice. Also, get to know yourself, and who you are in Christ. The biggest mistakes we make in our faith walk, is to try to live like another Christian. It’s okay to look up to people who are mature in their spirit, but you must be careful to understand that that person may have been called to do something completely different than you. God wants us to fellowship with one another, but He doesn’t want us to worship each other, because that could cause our faith in Him to waiver.

Wavering faith is so dangerous because we’re showing God that we don’t trust Him with all of our heart. It’s written: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Prov. 3:5-6) I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this proverb quoted, and even quoted it myself, so it’s very popular, but difficult to follow, because our flesh gets in the way. We are inquisitive creatures, so we want to understand everything. We want to know why, and God doesn’t always tell us why, most of the time He just tells us to go, so it’s important to trust Him. The only true way to have complete and utter unwavering faith is to trust in the LORD with all of your heart. Trust and faith are interchangeable; one is the catalyst for the other. You cannot have trust without faith, and you cannot have faith without trust.

The first step to living righteously, and building concrete faith, is to first trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you have not done that then your faith at the mustard seed level, and we all know that that’s all God requires to be saved. You are reading this message right now because you are curious about what God has to say to you, and it may not seem like that right now, but it is what it is. I ask you to take a few moments and that the God Quiz right now. If you are a Christian, but don’t live a “Christian” life then your faith is wavering, and it doesn’t have to be. God loves you just the way you are, and each day He’s waiting to hear from you. Make sure you take some time out for Him every single day, and show Him how much you love Him. My favorite verse today is: For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (James 1:6-7)


I love you!