Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the Shepherd to the Sheep. Why is Jesus often referred to as our Shepherd? Most importantly, why are we often referred to as His sheep? Well thanks to some research, I've found that sheep are often "prey" animals. They have the natural instinct to follow the leader, usually travel in crowds, and they often panic when faced with stressful situations, based on their "herd mentality". They aren’t considered the brightest of the animals, but their smart enough to know how to follow the right path laid out for them. According to this, and other sources, sheep are similar to humans, especially when it comes to our culture. We do tend to "herd" like sheep, and we succumb to the most popular trend.
The Shepherd is a person appointed to lead the sheep. He familiarizes himself with them, by constantly caring for them, so that they would trust him enough to follow. The Shepherd is usually a confident leader, and commands the attention of the sheep. He’s been appointed to the flock, to make sure that they get from one destination to the other safely. He allows the sheep to roam freely, because they're often good at following the direction of the leader, until they're lead astray by a predator, or another strong-minded sheep. Jesus is referred to as our Shepherd because He offers everything we need to make it to our destination safely. He'll provide living water, food for our souls, and protection from predators, so all we have to do is follow.
The enemy is always looking for an opportunity to attack us, and he does it in any type of way. If we lose sight of our Shepherd, then we also leave ourselves open to those attacks, which could ultimately lead to our destruction, or we'll fall victim to the ways of the world and succumb to the flesh.
When we are in this world with no leadership, or guidance, we're lost. We tend to do things that aren't becoming of us, and fall into bad habits, because we know no other way. We don't have the positive leadership, nor can we see clearly the road ahead, so we maintain the best way we know how. I remember being in that very dark place, not too long ago. I can remember having no sense of direction or purpose, and not knowing my left from my right. The parable of the Lost Sheep helped me out tremendously! Jesus said: “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." (Matt 18:11-14) The day I read this scripture for the first time, in Joyce Meyer's book "Be Anxious for Nothing", it was one of the brightest spots in my life, because at that time I truly felt the love of God. The Holy Spirit allowed it to resonate in my heart, and I learned that just because I was lost, Jesus never stopped looking for me. When I finally found my way back home, God and all of Heaven rejoiced at my return. I was that one important sheep! There was never a time when He wasn't looking for me, or knocking at my door waiting on me to answer. He's always waiting with open arms, because He's been given the awesome job of being our Shepherd, and He doesn't take that job lightly.
He doesn’t lead us like dogs with leashes, but we're allowed to journey with Him and make our own choices, because He trust us love Him enough to follow His familiar voice. He offers salvation, and is slow to anger and quick to forgive, because we need to be able to trust and rely on our leader to be there no matter what. Jesus is the true and highest Shepherd of all mankind. He earned our trust by the lifestyle He lead, and the sacrifice He made for us. I don't know about, but I will follow anyone who loved me enough to give up His life for me. Someone who never sinned, was always honest and true, and but sacrificed it all for a sinner like me, and asked for nothing but love in return.
When you stray, the enemy's best attack is to make you feel guilty for your sins, worthless, and shameful for your transgressions, so much so, you feel like you're not worthy of God's blessings, or Jesus’ gift of Salvation. The enemy leaves you feeling empty inside, which causes you to not only fear God to a point where you stop communicating with Him, but also hide from Him when He's calling you. All of these things can be overcome by simply returning home, asking God for forgiveness of your sins, with a heart of repentance, and accepting that forgiveness for what it is, a clean slate. He's done that for me, on numerous occasions, because He's the God of the second, third, forty-ninth, or fiftieth chance. No matter how much you stray, if you come to Him with a humble heart, He'll always forgive you, and welcome you back home. God loves you; it's just as simple as that. It grieves His heart to see you in pain, or to know that you're lost in the wilderness trying to find your way home. If that’s you, consider this your call home; He's waiting to hear from you. If you don't know Jesus, start there first. My favorite verses today are: I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:14,27-28)


I love you!

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