Monday, October 11, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Jesus is our advocate of sorts, and it's through Him that our prayers are answered. It doesn't matter what we've done in the past, because He's taken care of our sin debt. Jesus is the reason we can go to God freely, at any time, and have our supplications heard. Jesus said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." (John 14:12-14) Now there are a few key things that Jesus said in these verses, which explains the times where it seems like God isn't answering our call. He said, if we believe in Him, the works He does we do also. Jesus' entire life was devoted to God. He worked day and night to spread the gospel, and to prove God as real. All of the things He asked of God would somehow strengthen Him, and the Kingdom. When we pray, we must pray within the law of God, asking for things that would contribute to the our or other's wellbeing, and/or tools required to allow us to better follow His will. God answers our prayers because He loves us, but also so that He can be glorified.

Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15), therefore we must make a conscious effort to live according to His will. If you know you've been out of His will, and haven't prayed for awhile, then you should expect for there to be somewhat of a disconnect from God. There needs to be a deliberate effort on your part to reconnect with Him. He's always there, but sin separates our bond with Him, so we must confess our sins and repent, in order to have those sins washed away for good. There are consequences for our disobedience, and sometimes we're put on punishment, or given the silent treatment. Better yet, we’re given time to think about what we've done, in order to lead us to repentance. It's not that God doesn't hear us, or refuses to answer us, but He's allowing us time to learn from our mistakes. At the same time, He's working on the answers to our prayers.

God knows what's best for us, and exactly what we could handle, so those are also times that we may not receive an immediate answer from Him. Sometimes we ask for things, that we aren't ready to handle. A good parent wouldn't give a 12 year old child a brand new car, just because he asks for one, especially if he's never driven before. The parent will wait until the child is at the legal age, take the time to teach them how to drive, make sure they earn and appreciate the privilege, and then give them a car feasible for their skill level. That's how our Heavenly Father is to us, He waits to be gracious to us, but being omniscient, He knows what's best for us, exactly when it's best for us. We must get to know God personally, so we'll be able to follow His will. We should always pray with faith, and expect an answer from God, but we should first seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Whenever you're in need never hesitate to call out to the Father, especially in time of pain or sorrow. We should always seek comfort in Him first. It's amazing to sit quietly with Him, and just feel His presence. It's awesome to speak in tongues, which is your native language, between Him and you. God will never let us down, even in those times when we don't deserve His favor He gives it, because that's just who He is. Jesus gave His life to bring us close to God, and we can never lose that privilege. Trust Him to be there, and He will.

If you feel lost or alone in this world, and haven't confessed Jesus as Lord, then there's only one way to be fulfilled. The world won't ever fulfill you, and sin leaves you hollow and empty on the inside. Sin is death, and death is cold, dark, and lonely. Jesus is the only way out of sin, and He brings light. All you have to do is confess to God that you're a sinner, be genuine about the fact that you want to change, and that you want light. Ask Jesus to come into you're life as Lord and Savior, and then rejoice! Thank Him for your Salvation, and then seek His will for your life. Please don't put it off any longer; He's waiting to hear from you. He'll never turn his back on a believer. My favorite verses today are: I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (John 14:18, Matthew 28:20)


I love you!

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