Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & night


Today's scriptures are about living with a contrite heart. The word Contrite is defined: caused by or showing sincere remorse. This word is used a few times, in several versions of the bible, and in each version, this one word is kept the same. In my opinion, the word contrite and humble goes hand and hand. God wants us to be humbled at all times, knowing that we come from the dust, and we need Him to survive. We must be grateful for each breath we take, because without Him there would be none. When he planted us in our mother's womb, He had a job for us to complete, and it's by His grace that we received life. When we appreciate the life that He gives, and the overall love He has for us, it'll lead us to keeping His commandments. To live with a contrite heart is to recognize our weaknesses and frailties, knowing that without Him we cannot overcome them. We must overcome them in order to surrender and repent, falling into full fellowship with the Lord. After all, to feel remorseful is null and void, if you don't plan to do anything to rectify your situation.

Having a contrite heart makes all the difference between Victory and Defeat. Just as we can't serve the world and God, we cannot have victory in some areas of our life, and defeat in others. Having a contrite heart is the one way to insure that we'll always live in victory, because we’ll do our best to correct the behavior that causes us sin. No man is void from sin, which is why Jesus Christ was born, died, and resurrected. God never expected us to be perfect, but He does expect us to be wise. He expects us to seek answers to everything we face in life, and relaying on Him to provide them. He expects us to recognize His love, sovereignty, and grace, and praise Him for them. He expects us to be one with Him, as He is one with us, but we cannot do any of these things without a contrite heart.

I need you to take a few moments and think about what God has done in your life. Now put aside all of the self-inflicted hurts and pains you've experienced, and just focus on the lessons learned from them. Have you eaten today? How are you reading this message, where you blessed with Internet connection, in some way, shape, or form? I can go on and on pointing out all of the things God has given us, which we overlook each day. Even the small minute details of life, that we take for granted, like being grateful for your fingers and toes, because those play a vital part in your mobility.

God has blessed us with so many things, despite what little we give back to Him. He doesn't have to be gracious to us, because He's God, the creator of ALL things! He's gracious because He loves us, period. It's written: This is what the Lord says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you build me a temple as good as that? Could you build me such a resting place? My hands have made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are mine. I, the Lord, have spoken! “I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word. But those who choose their own ways—delighting in their detestable sins—will not have their offerings accepted... (Isa. 66:1-3 NLT)

A life without peace isn't a life worth living. It seems as though people work their hardest for some type of satisfaction in life, and many die never finding it. Peace isn't in building an empire, becoming financially secure, raising wonderful children, or any other thing we work so hard at achieving. Peace is found in a humbled heart. It's found in knowing that without God we cannot accomplish any of these things. It's about being content with the blessings of each day, and taking time to rejoice in them. Peace is found in knowing that you aren't perfect, but in the Lord you can surely try to be. Peace is found in pleasing God first, giving Him glory and praise daily, thanking Him for your many wonderful blessings. Most importantly, peace is found in a clean and contrite heart; in a heart that knows that you've fallen short of His glory, and leads you to repentance. It's written: Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding... (Prov. 3:13) How could God give you wisdom if you "know it all"? Understanding comes through surrender, and surrender comes with wisdom.

Jesus is the most wise choice you can ever make, however before you can really receive Him, you have to go to Him with a contrite heart. That's the only way to truly repent; to truly say to Him, "Lord I need you, I'm a sinner, and realize that I cannot go on without out". It takes a contrite heart to say "fix me Lord, renew in me a right spirit, and a clean heart". If you're tired of living in sin, and want a more peaceful life, then your heart is contrite. Take a few moments to pray right now, asking Jesus to be Lord of your life, and ask God for the wisdom to grow, in order to follow His will. Have peace in knowing that your Holy Spirit will continue to lead you in the way that you should go, for the remainder of your life. The only question is will you follow? My favorite verse today is: The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. (Psalm 51:17)


I love you!


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