Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about the truth of God’s Word. We are here to serve God, so the questions that come with that broad commandment are how, when, and with what do we serve Him. The answers to all of those questions can be found in the Word of God. God is your Heavenly Father, the One who will eventually Judge you for all of your decisions and actions in life, so it’s important to know what He expects from you. This is the reason why He gave us the Holy Bible, which is His living Word. Any question you have about Him, or life in general can be answered in His word. We could learn how to communicate with, obey, and love, Him all in one place.

I was just talking about how important communication is in any relationship. Without proper communication people end up making a lot of assumptions, and you know what they say about people who assume? The same is true for our earthly relationships, and even more so with God. Since He isn’t physically here with us every day, and we can’t have a “real” conversation with Him, He’s given us this handbook for life. Whenever we hunger and thirst for His wisdom or knowledge, all we have to do is pick it up. When we need answers to life’s hardest questions, or help making the toughest decisions, all we have to do is seek the truth in His Word. It’s called the “living Word” for a reason; because that’s the way He communicates with us. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you seek the answers, He will, and His Word comes to life. You’ll always find what you’re looking for, but you must communicate with Him first.

God expects us to be obedient, and every human being needs laws, which are setup to not only keep us safe from evil, but to keep us safe from ourselves. God understands the weakness and frailties of the flesh, so He had to put certain laws in place. It’s written: Oh, how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day. You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep Your precepts. I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep your Word. I have not departed from Your judgments because You Yourself have taught me. (Psalm 119:97-102) The Psalmist truly understood the secret to a peaceful life; it’s all here in black in white. Simply seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and He’ll give you all the wisdom, strength, light, and guidance you’ll need to make it to the finish line of life victoriously!

God is the Alpha and the Omega, and He created you for a reason. He has dominion over everything on this earth, which means that, as heirs to His throne, we could have the world at our finger tips. The only requirements is to first believe in His Son Jesus Christ, and confess Him as Lord, and then you’ll be baptized with His Holy Spirit. Next, we must do as the Psalmist did next, and ask for the wisdom to follow His will for our life. If you’ve made the step to confess Jesus as Lord, you are one of the chosen few, so it’s time to seek some answers. It’s written: Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord, and teach me Your judgments. My life is continually in my hand, yet I do not forget Your law. (119:108-109) When we pray a prayer similar to this and then open the Word of God, a whole new world is opened up to us

I don’t know where I’d be without my bible; I feel lost without it. My Aunt gave me a bible cover as a gift, and I’m so grateful for it. I carry my bible everywhere, because I know it holds the truth. On this earth people are being controlled by the devil, and you just don’t know what to trust, because deceit lies in wait. Don’t forget the Spiritual warfare that’s constantly going on in our heartspirit against fleshso it’s good to have your “sword, which is the Word of God”, at hand. Whenever I feel lost, angry, lonely, scared, confused, or even happy, joyful, and content, I pick up the bible, and read the awesome promises of God. The more I get to know about my Savior Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father, the more I fall in love with them, which allows me to greater depend on, and trust, them with my entire life.

If you’d like to get to know who Jesus is, as Lord and Savior, in order to trust Him with your life, then start with the New Testament. If you have confessed Jesus as Lord, but that’s about it, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, open the book and start to read, I promise it’ll come alive, and eventually you won’t want to put it down. Don’t forget to meditate on His Word, because as soon as you take it in, the devil is coming to try and steal it, because He knows that God’s wisdom is the only way we can defeat Him. It’s written: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge(Hos. 4:6) To seek God, through His Word, is the most important step to maturing in your faith walk, so take some time out to study each day. My favorite verses today are: My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. (Job 23:11-12)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455517&dtype=Scripture



I love you!

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