Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about looking forward to the fate of our eternal life. Death is such a gloomy subject to talk about, because it brings such sorrow and pain. However, it should be the one thing that a believer should look forward to. Not in a way that we want to die each day of our life, but we shouldn’t fear it. At the same time, we’re only human, and have never been anything but, so it’s natural for us to question, and even fear, the unknown. Even Jesus briefly feared death. He understood the things He had to suffer, but the human side of Him couldn’t fathom the amount of pain He would endure. He prayed to God, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Matt 26:39) He understood better than anyone, what had to be done, and He stood on the promises of God. He knew what waited for Him on the other said, so that gave Him strength to complete the will of God.

Jesus truly lived by the saying, “obey God and leave the consequences to Him”. He was obedient up to death and now He’s King over all mankind. He’s been given power and authoritya Name above all Names. He received this power because He survived human life sinless, and with unwavering Faith in God. He endured the temporary pain and suffering in the flesh, because He understood that one day it’ll all end, and He would be able to experience eternal bliss. He gave up His life to free us from the fate of the wicked man. He offered himself in the place of our sin, and willingly shed His own blood for us, so that one day we’ll be with Him. What’s so awesome about this news is that it’s all free! If you simply believe in Jesus Christ, you will enter into the Kingdom of God when your flesh perishes. You’ll be able to give Jesus the biggest hug you can imagine. God will tell you how proud He is of you, and you will never hurt, hunger, stress, be depressed, or cry again. Can you imagine a life like this?

Jesus taught us that: “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35), which is just the way God does things. I always wondered why God says throughout the bible the last will be first and the first last. I questioned whether if it was wrong to have an abundance of success and wealth on earth. I’m now learning that when God said the “last shall be first”, He means being last at heart. It means living your life as a humble servant of God. It means not putting the wealth and desires of the world, before the work of God. Servants are humble, meek, and subservient, and want nothing more than to please their Master. They put themselves last and their Master first, in hopes of pleasing Him, and in return the Master will blessed the servant tenfold. We are servants of God, and He comes first in our lives. He’ll bless us with much if we learn how appreciate little. The more we humble ourselves, and put His will before our own, the greater our reward would be in Heaven.

There’s also a hierarchy in Heaven, and the more we serve God on earth, the more we have to look forward to in Heaven. As if eternity with God isn’t enough, those of us who put in the work while here, are storing up treasures in Heaven as well. It’s said that once we reach Heaven, and we go through our judgment, we’ll receive an “Incorruptible Crown” (1 Cor. 9:25). In this crown will be jewels, and the amount of jewels you receive, represents your level of prestige. I love the example my Aunt gave me years ago, she said, “it’s like if you have one jewel in your crown you’ll be a janitor, and if you have fifty jewels you’ll be a King or Queen”. I’m sure it’s not exactly like that, but this can give you an idea of how it works. The amount of work you put in here on earth, does matter when it comes to your eternity. There are many people who think that just believing in Jesus is enough, and you can go through life sinning with no regard for Him, because you know that He’ll forgive you. I beg you, for you own sake, to turn away from that thought process, because we’ll each stand judgment.

The one thing we can rest easy in knowing is that Heaven is the final destination of any, and everyone, who believes in Christ. No matter what you go through in life, make sure you acknowledge Him, and quickly repent for your sins. Jesus said: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:1-3) These scriptures give me so much peace, because I know that God is in control of my life now and forever. If He is with me, who can be against me? Can you honestly say the same thing? If you’ve accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, then yes you can, and don’t let anyone tell you any different. If you don’t believe in Jesus then you can’t, and there is no mansion for you. That can be changed right now, by confessing to God that you’re a sinner, and asking Jesus to be Lord of your life. Repent and follow the ways of the Lord! For more information, take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth. (Isaiah 25:8)


I love you!

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