Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about the sweet savor in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let’s take a few moments to think about how much Jesus has done for us, and how much He means to all mankind. When I think about how much He loves me, and even at the mention of His Name, I get a warming in my heart, and a smile instantly appears on my face. Oh how precious is the Name of Jesus! It makes me think of the song, Something About the Name of Jesus, by Kirk Franklin. It is the sweetest thing I know, oh how I love the Name of Jesus! The bible describes Jesus as the husband, and us [the church] as His bride, and we will be presented to Him, when the time comes, as a bride is presented to her husband. (Revelation 19:6-10) In any marriage, the husband works hard to gain the wife’s affection, but once He has that affection, she’ll do anything for Him, and will love him in a way that she loves no other human being. When we think of our relationship with Jesus and how much He’s done to prove His love for us, we should think of how beautiful, awesome, special, loving, kind, sweet, tender, merciful, and gracious He truly is.

I always wondered why the bible describes Jesus’ love like a “sweet smelling ointment (or oil)”, and today’s scriptures had me digging deeper to find that answer. Aside from all of the sacrificial uses of aromatic oils from the beginning of time, I thought about what certain scents do to the rest of body. Think about how Jesus makes you feel; it’s very similar. Think about your favorite scent, whether it’s a body oil, incense, cologne, or perfume, and think of how it makes you feel when you smell it. I remember the day I smelled a type of cologne whose scent will forever change my life, and until this day, when I smell it, it touches me deeply. I’m not sure why I’m so affected by it, but when a man walks by with it on, it’ll stop me in my tracks. It’s L’Eau D’Issey Pour Homme, by Issey Miyake. There may be some people that are repulsed by it, or it doesn’t have the same effect on them as it does me. It’s proven that certain aromas relax the mind, and some gives energy and awaken the senses, yet each person reacts to different scents uniquely.

In the beginning stages of your faith walk, you’re getting to know Jesus. Yes, you’ve learned enough about Him to invite Him into your life as your Lord and Savior, but that’s the beginning of your relationship. Just like any relationship, you’re entering into the infatuation stage, and that’s when you feel all giddy inside, and yearns to be close to Himsome people refer to it as the “honeymoon” stage, which will eventually wear out. Developing a deep impenetrable love for Him requires us walk with Him on our life’s journey. It requires us to seek Him out, pray, mediate on His teachings, and try our best to live by His commandments. When you’re doing these things, that’s when your love for Him will deepen, and you’ll start to feel like I feel when I smell Issey Miyake, whenever His Name is mentioned. It’ll stop you in your tracks, and you’ll feel this fullness in your heart, that I can’t begin to explain. Oh how I love the Name Jesus! When I start thinking about the things He’s done for me, and the storms He’s kept me through, I can’t help but praise Him.

There was a time when Jesus was asked: “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?” Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. (John 14:22-24) Now isn’t this the sweetest thing that you’ve ever heard? I’ll tell you what’s so sweet about itthe fact that He only wants our love, nothing more. He never said after you’ve cleaned up your act, then I’ll come to you. He only said love Me, and My Father and I will make Our home with you. He offers freedom and salvation to everyone who loves Him. I promise you, when you start getting to know who He is, and the amount love He has for you, you’ll easily fall in love, but that comes with time and dedication. You can’t truly love Him if you don’t know Him, and you can’t really know Him without spending time in the Word of God, and talking to Him in prayer.

If you’re reading this right now, chances are you’re looking for something, and that’s the beginning of loving the Lord, because you sought Him out. Why stop there? If you don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior, then take a few minutes to talk to God right now. Confess that you’re a sinner, and you want some changes in your life, and then ask Jesus to come into your heart. From that point on you’re born again. You’ll start in the honeymoon period, and that’s okay, building a strong relationship requires time to get to know Him. You can start with the Gospel of Matthew, the beginning of the New Testament. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you on this journey, and enjoy the sweetness of the Lord, for the rest of your life. If you you’d like more information, please take the God Quiz now! My favorite verse today is: Christ ... hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. (Ephesians 5:2)


I love you!Bottom of Form

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