Thursday, August 20, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying another hot Friday eve. I'm doing well, looking forward to the weekend. My Mom's birthday is Monday, so we're going to celebrate this weekend. I was hoping to make it out to the beach, because I haven't been in any water this entire summer, but I'm not sure if we'll make it. Either way, I'm grateful to have my mom here another year, and am fortunate to be able to celebrate her, along with family. Please pray for her, my sisters, and myself, that we're able to come together and have a good time. Have a wonderful day, and wonderful weekend.

Today's scriptures are about the fact that God cannot tell a lie. The Holy Bible is filled with many of God's promises, and stories of how Faithful He's been to all of mankind, yet we still doubt His word. God isn't man, and is 100% righteous, therefore He doesn't have the capability to lie. In any regard, what reason does He have to lie? We learned this week that He's the Alpha and the Omega; the Creator of All things, and has all power and authority over everything and everyone on earth and in Heaven. Why would He lie about anything? A lack of Faith in Him is for the most part, not believing in His promises to us. He promised that "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us" (Phil. 4:13), yet we go through life with fear and doubt in our abilities and ourselves. He tells us that He is our ever-present help in our time of need (Heb. 4:16), yet we go on and try to face our problems alone, and end up doing more harm to ourselves than good. We all know that God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only son so that we could have life (John 3:16), but we still walk around in the shadow of death (Ps. 23:4). When we pick up the bible, it opens our eyes to so many wonderful truths about the God we serve. When we fellowship with one another, we learn about all of the wonderful miracles He's performed in the lives us others, through the sharing of our testimonies. At the same time we still don't believe that it could happen to us. I don't know how many times I've been afraid or reluctant to ask God for something that I wanted because of my own insecurities. For example, I've always loved to cook, and I would look at the food network, or even visit a nice restaurant, and study the Chef's work. I would be thinking to myself "I would love to do this, but its very hard work and I could never do it", and would push it out of my mind. All the while my Spirit is heightening my passion to create and cook, and I accepted it, but never pursued it. As those urges got stronger, God finally put me in an tough enough situation where I was forced to find out what one of my true callings were, and I finally prayed on it. As soon as I prayed and asked for His guidance and strength, He lead me to go to culinary school and I graduated with honors. I tell you all of this to say that the enemy gets us so wrapped up in F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), that we start to doubt the power of God, when in all actuality, God didn't lie to us, we just never asked for His help. I always drill the three major principles in growing in your Faith Walk, Ask, Seek, and Knock; I cannot stress that enough. The proof is in His words, His actions, and His wonderful love through His blessings. We are children of God, and He loves us as much as He loved His Son Jesus Christ. When Jesus walked this earth, the major thing that set Him apart from every other person around Him, was His tremendous Faith in God. He had tremendous Faith because He remained close to God at all times. He constantly prayed and asked for guidance, strength, as well as prayed for the people around Him and all mankind. Just as most of the major people written about in the bible, who most often kept their relationships with God their number one priority, and He never lied to any of them. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, which means all the promises He made to them thousands of years ago, still stands for us today. The only thing you need to do is to clarify your relationship with Him. Take some time to reflect on the way some of God's promises has worked in your life, and thank Him for them. Continue to strengthen your wisdom and faith by studying His word daily, even if it's reading one verse or 5 chapters of the bible. Pray and meditate daily, even if it's for 5 minutes or 1 hour. The first step is establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ, because it is written that no man can come to the Father, unless by the son. A relationship with Jesus can be established right now, by saying one simple prayer. If you need help with that prayer feel free to let me know, I'm hear to serve God, and He promised to take care the rest. My favorite verse today is: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent. (Numbers 23:19)


I Love you!

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