Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your day. I'm doing well; I had an awesome 4-day weekend. I apologize for not sending the devotional since Thursday, I've been really busy/lazy, I'm sure most of you know how that is. I also know that I have a job to complete for the Lord, so I feel bad when I don't write the devotionals, I normally end up writing them anyway, to be prepared for the book by the end of the year. Please pray for me on that, because I need to stay motivated and focused. I am also having "cooking block" of sorts. I haven't been in the kitchen in a few weeks, and I'm going through withdrawal. I finally made my Grandmother some bread pudding last night, but I wanted to cook something more. I have a taste for some crab cakes and grilled scallops. I'll be having that this weekend, I can't wait. This is the season for fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood, so I need to take advantage of it. If you have some good recipes let me know. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about Jesus wiping out sin forever. Sin is the biggest hindrance in establishing a relationship with God. However, it's something that every human being suffers from. We're born with free will, which entitles us to the freedom of choosing right from wrong. Most of the time, wrong is the most appealing answer. God created us to be very inquisitive people, and we needed to evolve as a species, as well as invent the things we need to survive. However, lust, pride, greed, and gluttony, are some of the things that makes us fall. Things had gotten so out of hand at one time, God destroyed the every living thing on earth, and started all over with Noah and his family. God then made a covenant with Noah that He would never again destroy the earth with water (Gen. 9:11). It's written in Gen 9:14-15: It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. Starting over with a righteous man and woman still didn't remove the penalties of sin, because the new generations to come still had issues with sin. They had the option of an animal sacrifice, but that didn't eliminate disconnection between them and God. So He once and for all He sent His only begotten son as the ultimate sacrifice. This was a sacrifice like none other. God came to better understand us. He's a loving God, and He was tired of seeing us go through hurts and pain. As our creator, He wants us to have the best life possible. He doesn't want to keep punishing us to the point where we need to be destroyed, so Jesus took on the penalties of sin, and laid it on the cross for good. There is no more need to sacrifice any innocent animals. We don't have to work off sin, nor could we donate money to pay for our sin. All we need to do is confess them to Him, and ask for forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. It's written in Romans 6:23: The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord. Jesus voluntarily laid His life down to pay our sin debt in full. He didn't have to do it, because He too had free will. His sole purpose however, was to save us from ourselves. God gave us reign over every beast of the field and bird of the air (Gen 9:2), but we cannot save ourselves from sin. If it weren't for Jesus who knows where we'd be? I'm not sure about everyone else, but I could personally say I don't know where I'd be without Him. Sin is one of the hardest things we'll face. Perfection is something I strive for everyday, and most people who know me know I'm a perfectionist of sorts. It's all or nothing with me. I can't stand doing things halfway, and if I don't have the tools to get things done right, I'd rather not do it at all. I heard a speech by Michelle Obama, and she mentioned that she always puts 110% of herself into everything she does. I'm striving to be that type of person, because in life in general we have our parts to play. Jesus said He laid down His life freely, no one could've taken it from Him. Jesus gave 110% in everything He done, out of His love for us. Not only did He die for us, but also He was tortured and killed. He did that freely, so we could understand how much He loved us, as well as learn humility through Him. His crucifixion taught me that I am not above anything on this earth, and I deserve exactly what God has given me, which when I think about it, isn’t all that bad. A lot of the times we look at life as if we deserve so much. How many of you have prayed and said "God I don't deserve this, I'm do good to people, I pay my tithes every week, I volunteer, and go to church every Sunday, why me"? I don't know how many times I prayed that prayer, and God taught me quick to look at what His Son had to endure, and asked why did I think I am above what He’d given me. He sometimes forced me to replay my actions, so I could better understand that I'm not perfect. Whenever I start to get to proud and boastful, He allows me to experience humility, and I'm always reminded of Jesus' voluntary humiliating death, and start to understand that I am not worthy, yet He loves me unconditionally anyway. I thank God for Jesus, and ask Him to keep me humble, and thank Him for the awesome blessing of Eternal life, and a life full of abundance on earth. No matter how I complain, I realize that I am more than blessed. Jesus has paid my sin debt and full, and we owe Him nothing. Salvation is a free gift to us, and it allows us to live as if sin no longer exists. However, it gives us the awesome opportunity to work on ourselves, to strive to be like Christ. The death and resurrection of this one Extraordinary man, has freed the entire human race from death, Hallelujah! This freedom is a gift given to us, by the grace of God the Father. It's free to whoever believes in the Son, and to all of those who asks. Have you humbled yourself and asked for Jesus to live in your heart as your Savior? It's time to do that now, because once He's there, He's there forever, and you will be forever free of sin. If you have, are you exercising your freedom, by confessing your sins as they happen, and asking for forgiveness? I suggest you spend time daily being aware of your shortfalls, because they do separate you from being complete with God. Salvation is Priceless! My favorite verses today are: I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. (John 10:17-18)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455048&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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