Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Daily Devotionals Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful fall day. I cannot believe that September is coming to a close already, because it seems like it just began. I've had a really full September, filled of ups and downs, and it's been like this for the last few years. I sometimes wonder about that. I know that all things work together for our good, so I'm relying on God to reveal the whys behind everything in due time. I saw my grandmother last night, and she's doing well, although she's exercising a little pain and discomfort. The doctors are still trying to get rid of the pneumonia, but she's breathing a little better. It's a bit touch in go, but she's in good hands. The holidays are coming up, so I hope she’ll be doing a lot better, and get her strength back so that she can travel with us. I've fallen off of my gym workouts because of my extremely busy schedule over the last few weeks, but I'll get back in there tonight, please pray for me. I know I'll have a little difficulty, but it hasn't been that long. You are always in my prayers, be blessed, and enjoy the rest of this Terrific Tuesday.

Today's scriptures are about Jesus’ example of His undying love for us. Did your parents ever sing the song “Jesus Loves Me” to you as a child? My mom sung that to us as young children, and we also sung it in Sunday school, and on the church field trips. Most of us were taught, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so..." However, do we truly understand how much Jesus loves us? He loves us so much that He was hung, bled, and died for our sins. I lose sight of His love a lot in my personal life, because I often get so overwhelmed with battling my flesh, worry, and anxiety, that I forget what was instilled in me from a very small child. Jesus loves me! He died to save me, despite my flaws. The Lord of Lord stands in intercession for us, with our Heavenly Father, to make sure that we have everything we’ll need to have life, and have it more abundantly. Jesus constantly prayed that we become one with Him, when He walked the earth. He loved us so much that He wanted us to experience the peace, love, and tranquility that He had come to give. Luke chapter 17 has an account of a prayer He said specifically for Himself, His disciples and all believers. In the prayers for all believers, in verses 24-26, He says: “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. 25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” Until this day, He still wants what's best for us, and by His blood we can have it. When we accept Him as Savior, He's in us, and this is when our transformation to become one with He and God begin. We have confessed our belief in Jesus Christ, and He who sent Him. Thus we become Christians, and are to take on the attitude of Christ. Jesus was the least selfish man that you will ever know, because everything He did was to glorify our Father, and because of His love for us. Jesus' love plays a huge part in our transformation from Sinner to Saint. Through His Spirit that dwells in us He gives us step-by-step instructions on how to live a Righteous life. He taught us how to pray, and how to treat our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. When people see us, they should always be able to see that light. Jesus said we should always be kind to and pray for one another, as well as minister to the lost and misguided, to help them find there way. Losing all sense of self better allows us to become one with God. In every situation, when we ask ourselves "What would Jesus do", or stay in prayer seeking the right knowledge, guidance, and understanding, we figure it all out along the way. It becomes easier to accept the fact that Jesus loves us no matter what, just as we were taught as young children. We begin to be healed from sickness, depression, bad habits, and abuse to our bodies and others, etc., because Jesus' blood delivers us from it. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you may not get it after all. He's a simple prayer away, and if you need someone to pray with please let me know. My favorite verse today is: Christ ... suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. (1 Peter 2:21)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455104&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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