Thursday, September 3, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful Friday-eve. I'm doing well, a little sleepy, but I'll survive. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and getting back into the kitchen. I haven't really cooked any "real food" since the menu tasting. I'm still finalizing my menu for Sunday, but I'm going to have some of the favorites like chicken empanadas and the stuffed burgers. I may even have some crab balls with the avocado relish, if I could find a great deal on crabmeat. Then we'll have the grilled chicken and spare ribs as usual, with the usual sides, such as macaroni salad, baked beans, grilled corn on the cob, and a few cold trays. Yummy! I'm getting excited just thinking about it, I can't wait until Sunday. I also want to wish all of the September babies a Happy Birthday. Have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the leaven of evil. What is Leaven? I see that word used a lot in the King James Version of the bible, and it's defined: An element, influence, or agent that works subtly to lighten, enliven, or modify a whole. I was first introduced to this word in Bake Shop class in Culinary School. Leaven is usually yeast or baking soda; something that is used to make your bread or pastries rise through fermentation. I noticed that you only need a tiny bit of leaven to make a huge loaf of bread. It may be the ingredient you'd use the least amount of in your recipe, but it has the largest impact. Today's scriptures are referring to evil as the leaven in the bread of life. I read somewhere that a pebble dropped in the ocean could start a Tsunami, and the flutter of the wings of a butterfly could start a tornado. That always stood out to me, because it's actually true, especially when it comes to evil. Where I grew up, something as small as a dirty look could end up getting a person killed. The devil uses the tactic of placing one small evil thing in our heart or mind, and if we allow that evil to fester, it could turn into a huge thing. I've seen relationships and marriages breakup over things that start off so very small, so it's very important for us to learn the ways of God, and put Him first in your relationships. As you grow in your faith walk, you'll start to easily see these evil things as they arise. In some cases you'll start to feel an evil presence around you, and in those cases you must go to God in prayer immediately. If you're trying to live a righteous life, you must separate yourself from any form of evil. For example, most drug addicts start off with just trying a little bit at first, just to have a little fun, and because all of their friends were doing it. That one time tryout turns into losing your job, home, and family. We hear all the time that the flesh is weak, but sometimes that reality doesn't hit home until we're trying to pick up the pieces, or are tired of suffering the large consequences of surrendering to the flesh. Knowing the warning signs, and removing ourselves from certain situations can help us avoid falling victim to evil. When you're trying to walk upright the devil is going to always find a way to push your buttons. He'll place people and things in our lives, to get us to stray. Studying the word of God, and establishing a consistent prayer life will help us better be able to heed the warnings from our Holy Spirit. Evil must be removed from the inside out. Start by confessing that you're a sinner, and asking Jesus to come into your heart as Lord and Savior. Next, forgive those who trespass against you (Mat. 6:12). Once you do those things, you will receive and keep the light of the Lord at all times. Attempt to refrain from sin, and remove yourself from situations that will cause anger, because that is the most common leaven used by the devil. Some things can't be avoided, but once you mature in your Spirit, and tap into that inner peace, you'll find that evil won't be so much of an issue. We'll always have that person who cuts us off in traffic, insults us, or makes some sort of prejudice judgment against us, but as children of God, we must stay focused on Him and completing His will. Never forget, that praying for those people will stop evil right in it's tracks. My favorite verses today are: Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. (1 Corinthians 5:6-8 NKJV)


I love you!

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