Monday, November 16, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well, enjoying the beautiful weather. Yesterday's it was almost 75°F and sunny. The rain was dominating the region for the last few days, but we were rewarded at the end. I've been hearing really good reviews about the movie "Precious"; I read the novel it was based upon "Push", so I could imagine how good the movie is. It's hard to imagine that children endure such cruel treatment, and most of the people who saw it were deeply saddened, and some were disturbed. It truly brings abuse, neglect, incest, and illiteracy to light, just to name a few. Some say it's based upon a true story, and we really need to pray for our children. I appreciate the writers and producers for bringing this story to life; it makes people take a long hard look at their surroundings. This will either make you drop to you knees and thank God that you didn't have to endure such treatment, or it'll make you do your best to change your circumstances. Please continue to pray for our world, and most of all our children. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the truth through God's Word. I try to convey, in every devotional, the importance of reading and understanding the Word of God. This is the only way we'll know what He expects of, as well as promise, us in this life. We must study the Word of God, as if our life depended on it, because it does. There is no better way to gain wisdom then to read the Holy Bible daily. This book was written, translated, and simplified through the Spirit of God Himself. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the book and it's validity, yet it's proven time and time again as truth. I was watching the previews of a new documentary called “Religulous”, and in it Bill Maher travels to numerous religious destinations, and interviews various people with Religious backgrounds, to try to seek out some truth. I have not seen this film, but I am interested in seeing it. In the previews the Interviewer is trying to get people to confirm their Faith, by answering conflicting questions. There are some people who believe that the Holy Bible is the full truth, some who only believe in the teachings of Jesus, and then there are people that say the book wasn't correctly translated, because it was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and some in Latin. It’s said that the English version may not be true, because it was translated man, and changed to say what that writer wanted to say. God is the creator, and is greater than anyone or anything on this earth, and He gave His word, the Holy Bible as a handbook to life. It was originally written by Him through man, as well as translated and updated by Him through man. There will always be people who doubt the Word of God, and try to discredit it, and the only way you'll know for yourself is by seeking the wisdom it takes to better understand it. God could only be understood on a Spiritual level hence the reason we're baptized with the Holy Spirit when we're saved. The Bible is God's living Word, as it's written: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) There is no Law written that's above it, and the only way to live the abundant life that God has intended us to live is by seeking Him. I was reading Psalms 69, written by King David, and he starts off humbling himself to God, and repents. King David wrote this Psalm to make his case to God, as well as teach those of us who will follow in His footsteps. One of my favorites verses in this Psalm is: The humble shall see this and be glad; and you who seek God, your hearts shall live. Out of this truth David gave something to encourage and guide us. Without the Holy Spirit, it's merely impossible to get out of the Word what God intended for us. He gives us all of these real life stories, that teaches us from the experience of other followers. He gives us an account of the punishments, as well as the rewards (pros and cons), of following or disobeying His commandments. We receive a glimpse of Heaven and a preview of hell; everything we need to gain the right knowledge and understanding is found there. The only way to rise above the hatred, pain, and evil that plague the earth is to fill yourself with God's promises of love, life, and salvation. The only way to get to a point of Peace that surpasses all understanding is by seeking the truth through His word. I write everyday in hopes to rely these important points, salvation is free to all who asks through the blood of Jesus Christ, confess and repent for sins often, and study and meditate on God's Word to stay on the path of Righteousness. If you don't take anything else out of this, I pray you get those three major points. If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, seek Him now and everything else will fall into place, but don't solely take my word for it, seek the truth for yourself. My favorite verses today are: My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. (Job 23:11-12)


I love you!

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