Monday, November 23, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another hump day. I'm doing well, and am in good Spirits, because God is good. I had one of those mornings where I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I had to completely get back in the bed, say a prayer, and get back up on the right side. Have you ever had to do that? I felt so much better after I cast my cares upon the Lord, so I am testifying that it works. I know that may sound crazy, but we often don't think like that. I've heard some people say they're usually in a bad mood in the morning, until they have coffee or eat breakfast. Although we should start our day with prayer, it's not always common. I'm not a morning person, and I don't think I'll ever be, so I'm definitely glad I've finally taken heed to this revelation. This got me thinking, and I want to challenge all of you, for the remainder of the month keep a piece of paper next to your bed, and before you go to sleep, write at least two (2) things that you're thankful for. On December 1st go over that list, and tell me how it makes you feel. This may shape your attitude to better appreciate your blessings, and give back to those in need this holiday season. I'm going to do it,starting tonight! Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about our God given strength to endure life's temptations. Once we're saved, we receive an overall protection from the Lord. Have you ever seen commercials for Travelers Insurance Company? In these commercials this guy walks around with this giant red umbrella, and he uses it in different ways to protect his “clients”. There were times he used it as a parachute, boat, shade from the sun, and protection from storms. These commercials always remind me of God's protection of us. We're covered by the blood of Jesus, and given God's full protection, to help us overcome all struggles in life. God created us and He knows our strengths and weaknesses. As we enter into this covenant with Jesus, we're to start off as babes in the Spirit. It's written: Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. (1 Peter 2:1-3) We're to earnestly submit to the Lord for His protection, and to purposely lay down our bad habits and ways of life. As we grow, He'll pardon some of our sins, because we're still learning His ways. He won't allow us to be tempted and tried past what we could endure. In everything there are repercussions, but when God has a job for you to complete, you will complete it. The enemy will do his best to cause you to sin. He’ll be there every step of the way, with temptations that are hard for the flesh to resist. In those times, we must pray and look to our Holy Spirit for guidance. We must immediately separate ourselves from situations that may cause us to be weak. Repentance is all that’s required for God to step in and rescue us. The bible teaches that God will always and forever love us unconditionally, but it also teaches common sense, and self accountability, just as we learned from the ladder verse, which clearly says "Lay aside..." There are times when we sin, and honestly don't know any better. In these situations, when we go to God and repent, He'll overlook it. At the same time, if we're doing the same things over and over again with no intentions on changing, He’ll allow us to be tempted to a breaking point. Nevertheless, He’ll help us rebuild when we come to Him. Wisdom is precious, there's as beneficial as real life lessons, and maturity, that could only be learned by trials and tribulations. God allows us to suffer to build character and humbleness. He needs us to have a contrite heart, before He could shape and mold us into the person we're meant to be. We're meant to be leaders; Kings and Queens of this land. We're meant to stand above all things, and achieve great righteousness. There's nothing God wants more, than for us to live to our fullest potential, but we cannot do that when we don't allow Him to lead. Jesus prayed for our strength and endurance, and God gives Him whatever He asks. Rejoice in knowing that God is your strength when you feel like you can't go on. Rejoice in the fact that tests and trials were designed to teach us how to endure. Rejoice in the fact that God has our back no matter what, and we're always being blessed, even when it seems like we aren't. Don't forget to trust Jesus with your life, and God will be there to supply your every need. If you don't know Jesus, then get to know Him today. My favorite verse today is: Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not. (Luke 22:31:32)


I love you!

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