Friday, January 29, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about God's ability to know all things at all times. It's hard for the human mind to grasp the enormity of who God is. I believe this is why we have such division our in beliefs and/or religions. We're made in God's image, but nowhere near as powerful or mighty as He. God is our Creator, so He knows our thoughts, and what we're going to say before we say it. He has given us our personality and uniqueness, and there is nothing we can hide from Him. We can put up facades for people when we don't want them to know who we really are, or what we've been through, but we can't fake anything with God, because He already knows. I believe that this fact about God is less understood than any other. There are a lot of people who carry the title "Christian", but don't know what it means to live like a Child of God, as the One who bonds us Jesus Christ. We're warned throughout the Bible not to be phony, or think higher of ourselves than we ought. We're taught to be humble, meek, truthful, kind, etc., but to do it from the heart. Life happens, and we'll go through different trials, and experience deep pain, and if they’re not properly dealt with, they could have a negative affect on our heart. Especially if we walk around with an unforgiving heart, and resentment toward the people who may have caused us pain. We’ll become bitter, and our heart grows cold, and when this happens we easily separate ourselves from God. He's often blamed for the pain, and His love for us comes into question, but what we don't understand is that He already knows everything about us. It's written that if we ask for forgiveness of sin, and repent, God will forgive us, by the blood of Jesus Christ. Repent is the key word here, because it means we must really feel remorse from the bottom of our heart. God knows us inside and out, so He knows if we’re sincere about what we speak to Him. Jesus said: Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matt. 7:21-23) Our greatest commandments are to "Love the Lord with all your heart, and Love your neighbor as yourself", and when we're not doing those things we're breaking His laws. There are so many "good people" in the world, people who give themselves for the greater good of mankind, but inside, they're not right with God. When Jesus comes into our life, we're given the Holy Spirit, who lives inside of us. The Holy Spirit is also God Himself, because remember God is broken up into the trinity of "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit". So if God Himself lives in our heart then how can we continue to live in sin? God came to earth in the flesh, as the Person of Jesus Christ, to experience life as a human, so He understands everything we face. He's everywhere, knows everything, and is present in our lives at all times, because He's the Alpha and the Omega. We try to put Him on our level, and rationalize our sin and disobedience, because God's ways don't make sense to us. Everything isn't supposed to make complete sense to us, because there's only so much that we could comprehend. Wisdom comes from God when sought, but we walk by Faith and not by Sight (2 Cor. 5:7). It's written: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. (Proverbs 3:5-7) I urge you to be sincere in everything you do, and no matter what, allow God to guide your path, and be sure to follow. Don't do things strictly because other people are doing them, but build a personal relationship with God. Allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart, and help you gain that wonderful Peace Jesus offers. We cannot achieve that type of abundance when we're attempting to fight this Spiritual battle on our own. God knows us, so be real with Him all the time, because He's always real with us; He's the same yesterday, today, and forever more. If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, then that's the necessary step required for you to get closer to God. He knows all about you, can you say the same? My favorite verse to day is: Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. (Psalm 139:2)


I love you!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about Jesus taking on our sin. It's written: All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:18-21 NIV) What do these verses of scripture mean to you? Take a few moments and think about your relationship with God, and where you "stand" in your Christian walk. If you were asked the question "are you saved", what would your honest answer be? From today forward, if you know that you've prayed and asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, then you are saved, no questions asked. Some people think that if they're not living a certain lifestyle, or have accomplished a certain Spiritual maturity, then God doesn't look at them the same, as He would a more "mature" Christian. If you're one of those people, then I implore you to drop all of your fears of “a lost of Salvation”, or the shame of your past sins. It's written in God's Word that He made Jesus to be sin for us, that we may become righteousness, Hallelujah! All we need to do is confess our sins and repent, and we're forgiven. It's written: As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12) Jesus is the Son of God, our Savoir, as well as God in the Flesh, and much, much more. Through His death on the cross, He's completely reconciled our relationship with God. Any separation we have because of sin, has been taken care of, and to never be worried about again. Jesus said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt. 19:26). This is a very popular verse of scripture, but its validity is often misunderstood. We miss our blessings when we think that anything in this life is in our control. We can't worry our transgressions away, nor can we wish them away, they’re only taken away by Christ Himself. God said, "In Christ we are new creatures", so without Him, we're bound to our own personal "wilderness". The most common lie the devil tells us is that we need to "get our life right” to truly walk with God. He’ll make us think that we have to change our ways, go to church, stop using foul language, abusing alcohol and drugs, or fornicating, etc, before we can have a true relationship with God. All of those things are lies, because we cannot truly change anything in our life without God. Jesus said come just you are, and “in Me you are a new creature". We often fail, or backslide in our own attempts to "clean up our lives", because we're missing one very important factor, and that's our Helper, the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Once you invite Him in your life, you're righteous in God's eyes. You must then, with Him, make the necessary steps to change your life. If you sin, not matter how much, or how severe, you have to come to Him with a remorseful heart, and confess. The Holy Spirit will convict you to a point where sin won't come as easy. These are gradual steps, and the speed of your Spiritual growth strictly depends on your ability to put God first every day. Sin, and sin alone, separated us from God, and Jesus has taken care of that, so why then have you alienated your Heavenly Father? As of today, you don't have to do that anymore. I'm not down playing sin by any means, because it's a very serious thing, that could cause very serious repercussions in our life, but I am letting you know that Jesus have already forgiven you. If you don't know Him as Lord and Savior, please go to Him right now in prayer, confess that you're a sinner, ask for forgiveness, repent, and most importantly ask Him to come into your heart as Lord and Savior. As always, I'm here anytime you need someone to pray with. My favorite verse today is: God, ... hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. (Heb 1:1-3)


I love you!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the power in the Name of Jesus. A name identifies who we are, and where we come from. There's a lot of power in certain names, like Kennedy, Trump, King, Mandela, etc. When you hear these names, you think about important people in history. Then there are names like Kim, Rubinstein, O’Donnell, Gonzalez, or Muhammad, which helps us pinpoint a person's origin. It's important to seriously think about what we name our children, because certain names can hinder a person’s growth, or cause them to experience unnecessary mockery throughout their youth. These examples are to point out the significance in a name, because it is who you are. In most stories of the bible, God changed the names of His chosen people, like Saul to Paul, Sari to Sarah, Simon to Peter, etc. It’s written that when the Angel Gabriel told Joseph that Mary would have a son, he said, you will name Him Jesus (Matt. 1:21). God chose that Name for a reason. When we speak, or even think of the Name Jesus Christ, we should feel indescribable joy in our heart, because of Who He is, and what He's done for us. He saved all mankind from sin, and we can conquer all things, in His name. It's written: Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11) I’ve always felt that most devotionals are redundant, but as humans we need redundancy to form habit. How many times, in your Faith walk, have you been told to call on the Name of Jesus? Do you make that a practice in your everyday life? Our flesh comes from the dirt which makes it weak, but God breathed life into us, so our inner being is strong. Christ, Yahweh, Joshua, Emmanuel, are all Names given to Jesus. However, there is only one Son of God, who has baptized us with His Holy Spirit, when we made Him Lord of our life. Our every connection with God is through Him, so it’s important for us to call on His Name whenever we’re in need, or anytime we approach our Heavenly Father. It’s written: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) We’ve all carried one or more of these titles at one time, or another, in life, but the Gospel of Christ frees all who believe from the penalties of sin, when we ask in His Name. This means that if you don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior, then He’s still waiting on you to call on His Name, and invite Him to be Lord of your life. You simply have to live by these words: And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col. 3:17). I can only tell you these things by His Spirit, but don’t take my word alone, call on His Name, and He’ll personally show you the way to the abundant life He came to give. My favorite verses today are: Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come; and hath put all things under his feet. (Ephesians 1:21-22)


I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful terrific Tuesday. I'm doing well, getting more and more excited about my upcoming Lasik surgery. I try not to complain about my poor eyesight, because I know it's a blessing to be able to see at all. My friend and I were discussing the injustices of the world today, stemming from my message about Dr. King's birthday celebration, and she made some valid points. I wanted to share some of what she wrote: "I pray that one day people will not know the meaning of words like hatred, prejudice, [and] poverty. We are so far short, and [what's] more distressing is the number of people who think that the fight is over and that this [Dr. King's Speeches] is just history, "old news", and irrelevant. Until then, we [should] get up, and put our feet on the floor and work to take another step." I thought that was so necessary to share with you, because the fight, for equality and justice for all, isn't over. That change starts on the inside of us, so we can better recognize "Our common humanity", which Dr. King fought so hard to help us to understand. His fight wasn't only for the equality of Black (Negro) people, but to unify all mankind. I'm so grateful that God has blessed me with such wonderful friends and family who helps keep me grounded. No more complaints about frivolous things, but more encouragement, and uplifting words, and that's my vow to you. Enjoy the rest of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about knowing Humility. In today’s world, humility is something that most of us don't know how to experience or learn from. I hate to admit that one of my favorite pastimes is watching Reality Television. I think these types of shows are so popular because we get to escape from our own lives, and become a part of someone else’s. It's so easy for us to find entertainment in other’s humility or flaws, because we don't want to face our own. That is a very dangerous thing, because we fail to realize that there’s a reason for our flaws, and God says, “My grace is sufficient in your weakness”. Jesus Christ the Son of God was the only man without sin, yet even He experienced moments of fear, and weakness. He overcame every obstacle by surrendering to God, and allowing Him to lead. He suffered humility for the sake of all mankind, to show us the ways in which we should go. Jesus never walked around with an arrogant attitude, but had a really meek and humble Spirit, and He even prayed for the people who persecuted Him. He obeyed the laws of the land, that didn't cause Him to go against His Father's will. Jesus understood that the order which God put in place, and He walked uprightly. If the Son of God willingly experienced humility, why do we think that we're exempt from it? God put certain people in positions of leadership, and we must humble ourselves enough to respect and obey, as long as they're not asking us to sin against our Father in Heaven. Leadership comes in all forms, such as Presidents, Kings, World leaders, law makers and the people who uphold the law, Ministers, teachers, parents, etc. The "Bible Dictionary" lists a number of definitions and corresponding verses to explain what Humility is. One of my favorite definitions is: a prominent Christian grace (Philippians 4:11-13); it written: Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is the type of humility which comes from God. It is a state of mind well pleasing to God (1 Peter 3:4); it’s written: rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. Please take some time to read the others: it preserves the soul in tranquility (Ps. 69:32, 33), and makes us patient under trials (Job 1:22). Christ has set us an example of humility (Phil. 2:6-8). We should be led thereto by a remembrance of our sins (Lam. 3:39), and by the thought that it is the way to honour (Prov. 16:18), and that the greatest promises are made to the humble (Ps. 147:6; Isa. 57:15; 66:2; 1 Pet. 5:5). It is a "great paradox in Christianity that it makes humility the avenue to glory." I could've just given you on definition of what "Webster" says, but when you can take it straight from the Word of God, and learn so many different aspects of it, then this is what we call "Putting on the Amour of God”. Humility is taking the time to Seek ye first, and everything else, including the lusts of our own flesh, will have to wait. Make it a point to stop focusing so much on others, and pay attention to God. If we’ll spend half the time we spend on frivolous things with God, there would be a huge change in our life. We all make mistakes and being humble is going to God and admitting that, with a contrite heart, and allowing Him to make it right for you. Jesus is the only way to Righteousness, so pray and ask Him to be your Savior, and stay humble. My favorite verses today are: Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Matthew 20:26-28)


I love you!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful day! Most people have the day off, celebrating the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those people, and that's what happens when you’re "essential personnel". I don't mind working, especially since I'm being paid for the holiday, and the hours I work. Today is a special day, because Dr. King did a lot of important work to change the ways of the United States of America. My Pastor preached on knowing your calling in life yesterday, and the scriptures we focused on where about when God first called Moses to free the slaves in Egypt (Exodus 3:1-10). This reminded me of what Dr. King must've gone through. I wonder how he reacted when God called him to be this huge Civil Rights Activist, and to ultimately give up his life for the full freedom of all Black Americans. I thank God for Dr. King, who knows where we would be, had he not answered that call on His life. Barack Obama wouldn't be President, and countless others wouldn’t have been able to step up and make a difference in our world today. All of this was in God’s perfect plan. Take a moment and reflect on the impact Dr. King has had on your life. America still has evident racial separation, because racism still heavily exists, but we've come a long way in the last 40 years, and I Thank God for it. I saw a copy of my dad's birth certificate a few months ago, and his Race was listed as Negro, and I was a taken aback by that. However, he was born in the 50's, so that's what we were considered, but what are we really considered now, Black, African American, Black American, or Negro? I'll say it loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud!” but more importantly I'm proud to be an American in 2010. Our President is giving a Speech tonight called 2010 and Beyond, here's some information that I received via e-mail: Enjoy the rest of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about Jesus renewing our earthy being. We are original descendants of Adam and Eve, who were created from the earth (or dust). God gave Adam reign over every other living creature on the earth, but Adam ended up disobeying God. God warned Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or "they would surely die". Of course they didn't physically die, but the Spiritual bond they had with the Lord did. God still cared for them deeply, but as it's written "the wages of sin is death". Adam was but a man from the dust, who was weak, and that one mistake changed his world, and the world of all mankind forever. God made sure He provided everything Adam needed so he could be fruitful and prosper. Throughout time, without that Spiritual connection with God, mankind slipped deeper and deeper into sin. They were ruled by the principalities of the world, and worshiped false gods. The amount of sacrifice required to atone for sin was great in numbers, and too many souls were lost. God then created another Man, who would spiritually reconstruct mankind, and renew our relationship with God once and for all. The Spirit of God came to earth, in the flesh, without sin, to be the ultimate sacrifice for Sin. This marked the rebirth of an entirely new generation of children of God, without the need of destroying the earth again There only had to be one last sacrifice, and through Him, life is given to any who ask. In God's eyes, our spirits are as clean as the Adam and Eve He created at the beginning of time. It’s His hope that no man shall perish, but all will have eternal life. We were created to fellowship with God, walk in His will, and follow the perfect plan He has for us. Our lives, and the lives of Adam and Jesus were all predestined from the beginning of time. God said He knew us even before we were formed in our mother's womb (Jer. 1:5). The enemy will lie to us and make us think that we're insignificant, worthless, and unlovable. He's very crafty and conniving, so it’s important for us to realize who we are, and where we come from. God gave us a handbook for life, which stood and evolved through the ages. The Holy Bible is written in different dialects, and versions, so that everyone can understand it. Adam was the beginning of the flesh, and Jesus was the beginning of the Spirit. We each are made up of Adam and Jesus, because we're weakened by flesh, but strengthened by the Spirit. It's written: Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (Romans 8:12-13, 20-21) Jesus has freed us from that bondage that was created through Adam, and He gives us hope for the future, and freedom from sin. If you don't know Him as Lord and Savior then you're missing everything that Jesus came to give us. Please know that we live by Faith and not by sight, so if you're waiting for a miraculous sign, or for someone else to prove to you that Jesus exists, then I suggest you do the research for yourself. If you're reading this right now, then God put you here for reason. God has invited us to a place that's more beautiful than Eden, and the only way to get there is through the Blood of Jesus, who some call "the second Adam", because He's reintroduced life to the world. My favorite verse today is: As by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. (Romans 5:19)


I love you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about our Spiritual war against the flesh. My word for this year is Focus. I chose that word because it's impossible to accomplish anything in life without it. As long as we're living in the flesh, we're going to struggle to make the right choices. As a "baby Spirit", that struggle is very hard, and often times our flesh will win the battles, but once we consistently focus on God, we'll notice a lot of changes. What most Christians don't understand is that we're not responsible for growing our Spirit, God is. We are responsible for keeping our minds and Spirit focused on the things from above. As long as we do that, God will give us the wisdom to grow to in our Spiritual journey. Paul teaches us that once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we should change our worldly conduct. We're to stay focused and "no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind" (Eph. 4:17). He also goes on to say: if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. (Eph 4:21-24) We are responsible for turning away from our old ways, but God gives us every tool required to do that. Jesus left His Holy Spirit with us when He ascended into Heaven, to sit at the right hand of the Father. As soon as accept Him as Lord and Savior we're baptized with the Holy Spirit, so He lives inside of every believer. However, we still aren’t exempt from temptations of flesh, because the enemy wants to destroy any relationship we have with God. This is why it's so important to stay focused on the ways and teachings of Christ, because we can't, and aren't expected to, fight this battle alone. This is the perfect message for this time of year, because we've all made New Year Resolutions. You’ve vowed to change your sinful ways, and swear off drinking, smoking, gluttony, lying, fornication, cursing, or whatever your vices may be. How many of you have said, "I'm going to get my life right this year, start going to church, and change my ways"? That's a wonderful attitude to have, but most people who make that promise, without focus, end of failing at that transformation, because they tried to do it all on their own. It doesn't work that way, growth starts with wisdom, and wisdom comes from God, through Jesus Christ. Being a Christian isn’t just belonging to a church, volunteering your time, or donating money in times of crisis, although that's a part of it. Being a follower of Christ is a lifestyle. It means that from the time you wake up in the morning, to the time you go to bed at night, your focus is on God. When you awake, the first person on your mind is Jesus, and you immediately thank Him for another day. Before getting dressed, read a scripture and pray for a good day, safe drive to work, etc. Every decision you make throughout the day should be determined upon if it glorifies God. You should constantly thank Him for your victories, big and small, and pray for strength through your defeats. When you get home at night, study His word, and pray and meditate before going off to sleep. As we're going through our day we will be tested and tempted. People will provoke us, we'll fight feelings of lust, anger, greed, etc, but if we stay focused on God, we'll breeze past those things, without so much as a scratch. If you do slip and fall, confess and repent, and God will pull you right back up. Feel your heart with the fruits of the Spirit, because true peace, joy, and happiness lays in the Son of God, who dwells inside of anyone who asks, and receives Him. If you don't know Him, then I suggest you say that prayer right now, because witnessing the present state of this earth, I don't use the phrase "tomorrow isn't promised" loosely. I'll be more than happy to pray with you, just call or e-mail me anytime day or night. My favorite verse today is: The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (Galatians 5:17)


I love you!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the Father and Son relationship of God and Jesus. God is the Father of all nations and creator of all things. He governs the world in its going and coming, at all the times. How then are we to connect with Him as mere mortal, sinful human beings, and He's pure love and righteousness? He had a Son, who came as flesh, to be the Savior of the world. This child was born by God Spirit, and in His likeness. God loved Him as any Father would love their child, and as He grew, He instilled in Him all of the wisdom, knowledge, and power He possess. Jesus was God in the flesh, but He experienced everything we experience on a daily basis. He was tempted by the devil, and faced heartache, trials, deceit, betrayal, and anything else the average child of God would, yet He was able to resist the devil, and complete God's will for His life. We are also children of God, created for His purpose, and we're adopted through the blood of Jesus. Paul said it best, in the beginning of His is letter to the Ephesians: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. (Ephesians 1:3-6) God has put our destiny in the hands of Jesus Christ, because only Jesus knows each side, Spiritual, being God Himself, and physical, having once lived in the flesh. Jesus communicates with God on our behalf, because only He can give first account of what we go through. He has dominion over us, and He loves all who's in His care. He doesn't condemn us because of our past actions, nor does He overlook anyone who calls on His Name. He was sent to save the lost (Matt 18:11), and once you're saved there's no turning back. Our Heavenly Father wants you return to Him, because He has a predestined journey laid out for you, and you can only complete that journey through Jesus Christ. One of Jesus' great disciples Paul, previously known as Saul, once sought out and killed Christians. Until one day Jesus came to Him and ask why he was persecuting Him. When Paul realized who He was, He immediately surrendered, and all of his sins were forgiven. Jesus temporarily blinded Paul, and allowed him to be without sight for three days, and he neither ate nor drank, I’m guessing to give him time to think about his past actions. Jesus sent another disciple Ananias to lay hands on Paul, to restore his sight. Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.” But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:13-16) Paul went on to do great things for Jesus, and he ultimately died in the Name of the Lord. He couldn't have made that transformation without Jesus, and neither can we. If Our Heavenly Father can forgive Paul, He surely will forgive us, because we’re all His children, through Christ. Never be afraid to go to your Heavenly Father about anything, because His Son Jesus has overcome the world, and through Him, so have we. If you don't know Him as Lord, then I suggest you confess your sins, and surrender. He's waiting patiently to hear from you. Just as Paul, He'll give you a new sight, which is sure to change your life forever! My favorite verse today is: The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. Thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. (John 3:35,17:2)


I love you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night

Today's scriptures are about unconditional peace. In your opinion, what constitutes perfect peace? Do you think that peace comes when things are “going good” in your life, such as shelter, finances, children, marriage, etc? If this is your answer then you may want to rethink that. I remember the days I used to think, as soon as I save enough money, get this new car, buy a home, get married, and have a family I’ll be at peace. There was always something more to do, or one more step to take, and I drove myself crazy trying to build this “perfect life”, that never happened. As the years passed, and the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, I’d always say this is going to be my year for peace, joy, and happiness, I can feel it. Then at the end of that year I ended up being let down, because nothing truly worked out the way I planned. Even when things “worked out” in my favor, I was still unhappy, because I was waiting for the next good thing to come. It wasn’t until I completely surrendered to God that I begun to learn what true peace is. No matter what’s going on around me, I could honestly say that I’m content with the fact that I am a child of God and He loves me. There were times where it seemed like my world was crashing, but in those times I chose God instead of allowing my circumstances to overcome me. The pain was unmistakable, the problems were real, but He had given me the strength to somehow keep moving on. When I shared my struggles with people I worked closely with, or even family members, they all reacted with shock and awe, because they would never had guessed I had been facing so many trials. I was able to endure, and overcome those things with full assurance that no matter what happens, in any situation, God will never let me fall. Knowing that we’re not in this life alone is what brings true inner peace. Knowing that we serve a mighty God, who cherishes and loves us, and is working things out for our good, is enough for me (Romans 8:28). I was listening to Dr. Stanley’s radio broadcast over the last few days, and ironically, he preached about having “Unshakable Peace” (God is so good!). I learned that “Self-sufficiency” plays a big role in the disruption our peace. Dr. Stanley reminds us that God didn’t create us to handle the things of this world on our own, so when we try take on the pressures and trials of life alone, nothing but strife and heartache will come from it. He also mentioned wanting “our will” stronger than the will of God. We’ve all heard the saying, “everything that looks good isn’t good for you”. Be careful what you wish for, and trust God, because peace is an invaluable gift from Him. Live for God, and make sure that you have everything you need to make that happen. Take care of yourself mentally, physically, and most importantly spiritually. At the end of the day you have to live with you, and if you spent all of your time trying to please someone other the Lord, then that will leave you empty and lacking peace. When you close your eyes at night, you’re left alone with yourself and God, is that a good experience for you, and is your Spirit at rest? If the world came crashing down around you, do you think you’d mentally survive it, or would you crash along with it? These are hard questions to answer, because it requires more evaluation of your relationship with God. If you think that peace comes with the “perfect life”, then I hate to break it to you, but that will never happen. The bible promises heartache, pain, strife, and trials for all believers, but Jesus promises to be there to guide us through them, and give us joy and happiness. You can have perfect peace right now, no matter what’s going on in your life, but you have to surrender to God, and leave the rest to Him. Peace comes through the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so if you don’t know Him as that, then it’s time to say that prayer today. Tomorrow isn’t promised, claim your peace today! My favorite verse today is: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. (Isa. 26:3)


I love you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about finding the wisdom of God. Nobody knows the true meaning of life but God; after all He created all things, and is Omniscient. Life is but a mystery, because we don't live by sight, nor can we predict the outcome of everyday life. We can plan for the future, work toward our goals, but ultimately God is in complete control of everything. It's natural to question the order of things, the whys behind our trials, and the what’s of each day. God created us to be inquisitive people, as we learn from the very beginning, by the actions of Adam and Eve. He granted us free will, but also gives us full access to the wisdom necessary to choose righteousness. King David wrote about "the beginning of Knowledge" in the book of Proverbs, and1:2-7 sums up the entire book: To know wisdom and instruction, To perceive the words of understanding, To receive the instruction of wisdom, Justice, judgment, and equity; To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion, A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, To understand a proverb and an enigma, The words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. The Woman's Devotional Bible (NIV) says Proverbs was written to give "prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young" (1:4), and make the wise wiser (1:5). It also goes on to say: Although Proverbs is a practical book dealing with the art of living, it bases wisdom solidly on the fear of the Lord (1:7). The wisdom of God is the key to having a successful life, in every aspect. That wisdom is only received when sought. We must seek ye first, and He will grant us the wisdom to not only succeed here on earth, but also in Heaven. There are a lot of smart people, who aren't very wise, and without God’s wisdom their smarts won't take them very far. There are also a lot of wise people, who have gained the wisdom of the world and not of God, who allow the enemy to use them to try and destroy our work for the Lord. The prophet Micah writes to the people of Judah to warn them of this very thing, and of God's Judgment. He gives warnings of the evils in the present world, yet offers hope for those who have Faith to God. It's written: Do not trust in a friend; Do not put your confidence in a companion; Guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your bosom. For son dishonors father, daughter rises against her mother, daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are the men of his own household. Therefore I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. (Micah 7:5-7) Knowing that the world isn't perfect, and neither are we, is true wisdom, and can only come from God, when we completely surrender to Him, and not other people. He allows us to experience many things in life, in hopes of them making us wiser. We know that all things work for our good, but during most of life’s seasons, we have no idea why we're there, but once those seasons pass, and we seek answers from God, and He'll reveal them to us in due time. Always look to the Lord, and don't solely rely on the things of this earth. Take time to study His written Word, and strengthen you're prayer and meditation time. It's better to be wise and peaceful, then rich and foolish any day. All of these things are offered through Jesus Christ, so the wisest thing you could ever do is to make Him Lord of your life, and seek God through Him. My favorite verse today is: The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. (James 3:17)


I love you!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the beginning of another workweek. I'm doing well, after have a nice relaxing weekend with family. I actually was a little too relaxed, but it was worth it. My Grandmother is still in the hospital, and will be transferring to an extended care facility tomorrow, which is more than any of us expected, so please continue to keep her in your prayers. Our family is coming together through these wearisome times, and I'm trying hard to understand that “it's not my will but God's will be done”. I saw her tonight, and it gave me some peace, because she’s still in good Spirits. I know that Jesus heals by Faith, so I'll continue to keep that in the forefront of my mind. On a lighter note, I was given some information from the alumni liaison at Washington Jesuit Academy last week regarding federal grants for college, for Washington, DC residents. They’re helping DCPS graduates attend any college or university in and out of state, and it's a really good program. If you know of anyone who could use the information, please let them know to visit to apply. I know how hard it is to pay for college, and loans are no joke, so if your child could get up to $10,000 per year for 5 years, and a stipend for living expenses, that’ll be a blessing. Take some time to look into the DC TAG program. God has blessed our boys (my brother and nephew), to have attended WJA for middle school, and this school follows them all the way through High School and college, giving them the tools needed to become successful and productive men. If you have a son entering into middle school soon, and live in the DC area, I recommend you look into it. This school is surely a blessing to my family. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about honoring the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Let's take a moment to think about how life would be without Jesus. The Old Testament holds pertinent information about life before Jesus, and the many challenges mankind faced to be close to God. At that time, God mostly had connections with only certain people, such as prophets and High Priests. In order to be forgiven for sins people had to offer sacrifices of clean and healthy animals, on the altar of the temple. I don't know about you, but I couldn't imagine having to do that, especially considering the reality of sin, and how often we fall short. I couldn’t imagine not being able to pray and ask for anything, in the Name of Jesus, and it be given to me. Jesus gives us so much freedom, and we never have to depend on anyone else for our Salvation, forgiveness, or relationship with God. Everyone who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior has been chosen. Without Jesus we have no “direct” connection to God. It’s written: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6) Reading through the New Testament, we find several miracles and blessings Jesus performed. He makes it known through His actions that He and the Father are one, yet He leaves it up to us to make the final assumption, and to believe in Him with our whole heart. We must confess that He is Lord with our mouth, and have Faith in that. There was a time when Jesus was traveling with His disciples and He asked them “who do people say that I am?” They told Him what other’s thought, and He asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matt. 16:16) Jesus is in fact the only “begotten Son” of the living God, yet we are also “children of God”, and joint heirs to His Kingdom. It’s because of Jesus’ life that we get to truly know the love of God. We’ve learned to fear and reverence Him in the Old Testament, but when Christ was born we were truly taught to Love Him with all of our heart, and we see, first hand, His love for us, and that couldn’t have been possible without Jesus. He prayed for us constantly (John 17), and still intercedes for us whenever we call on His Name. Jesus plays a vital role in our life, and through Him we’re granted the Holy Spirit, and through His Spirit we can heal, and are healed. We must be sure to praise Jesus for all that He has done, and is doing in our life because without Him we are nothing. Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Do you know how much He loves you? Jesus was hung on the cross, bled, and died for your sins and mine, for one reason only, because He loves you. His love will overcome anything wrong you’ve done in life, and could bring you out of the darkness. His love conquers all things and makes us who we are. If you’re reading this today, know that He loves you, and He took the time to tell you, through me. If you don’t know Him then you’re lost, and He’s waiting for you to come to Him. God has given us Jesus for one purpose, and that’s to mend our brokenness, by eliminating the ultimate penalty of sin, through the blood of the perfect Lamb, who is none other than Jesus Christ. I urge you to pray and ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior, and confess and repent for your sins. Don’t forget to thank Him, and give Praise to the one that makes it all possible! My favorite verse today is: To us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. (1 Corinthians 8:6)


I love you!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Daily Devotional


Today's scriptures are about what God thinks of us. When I was reading through the Faith Walk Ministry’s website, I noticed one quote that gave me another one of those epiphanies I was referring too yesterday: " Our wish for you this year is that you will appreciate the reality of knowing that you are the apple of God's eye!" That's an awesome way to think of our relationship with God, because we are, in fact, the "apple of His eye". He created us to be one with Him, as His companions, and most importantly in His image. He's our Heavenly Father, yet He loves us far more than any earthly parent can love a child. He gave us His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for our sins, to renew our Spirits, and share that special bond with us again. Why then do so many Christians have such a poor self-image? The first thing the enemy attacks is your confidence in who you are, and who you are in the Lord. He uses sin and guilt to make you believe that God doesn't love you, because of what you've done. I can't count how many times I've asked an unbeliever why they wasn't saved, and the answer was "because I'm not ready yet, I need to change my life and get right". There are also numerous Christians who are saved but aren’t sure, for the same reasons. This causes them to compromise their relationship with Jesus, and lose all inner peace. I see the pain on a person's face when they say, "I don’t know if I'm saved, because I've done so much wrong". O ye of little Faith! Jesus has conquered sin, and He says it best in Matt 18:10: For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. Perfection comes from the blood of Jesus, none of us can achieve it on our own, and God doesn't expect us too. He loves us regardless, and Jesus also said: And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.” (John 10:28-30) When we accept Jesus, as Lord and Savior He’ll always be there for us, so never worry about losing your Salvation, your sin debt is paid in full. When God sees you, He sees His perfect creation. He doesn't see your outer appearance, what you're wearing, or how much money you have, He sees your heart, and He loves you. When you praise Him, follow His will, and pray to Him He's proud. It's written: The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. (Psalms 145:8) As humans we fail to see the bigger picture, God is so much more powerful than we could imagine. As I was on plane a few weeks ago, we flew over a city, and all I could see were the lights, and the homes looked like small models, and sat on perfect winding roads, and I thought, "wow, we're such a small part in the world, how mighty God must be". It's written: “ Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2:9) He sits on a throne in Heaven looking down on us, and although we're such a small part of this huge universe, He loves us more than we could ever imagine. He chooses us personally, to complete His will, and we're so important that not one of our prayers is missed, and He communicates with us daily. Here's a question that has a seemingly obvious answer, but really think about it. Do you truly know how much God loves you? Don't spend another moment thinking that you're not worthy because Jesus gave His life to prove otherwise. Start living like a child of God, and set out to love yourself a fraction as much as God loves you. Spend some time with Him, and allow Him to pour His love into you. Even if you haven't confessed Jesus as Lord, God still loves you, and is waiting to hear from you, please take the time to say that prayer. My favorite verse today is: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jerimiah 29:11)


I love you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Daily Devotional


Today's scriptures are about our good works through Christ. We each have unique callings in life. I was listening to Dr. Stanley yesterday, and he said "God has made us in His image, and that's such an awesome privilege, because no other living creation has the honor, we are special in God's eyes". That statement helped me understand how precious and important I am in to God. We can say that one hundred times over, but it’s another thing to believe it with all of your heart and soul. The best thing about our Faith walk is that we'll receive many epiphanies throughout our life, and it's awesome. There is so much to know about God, and He loves us so deeply, that when we seek Him, we dig deeper and deeper into His love. It's written: And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16) If God is love, and we're made in His image then that's what we're meant to be. It's a wonderful feeling when we discover our gifts and talents, given by the Lord. These things give us more joy than we can imagine, and all other things in our life become quite mediocre. I remember when I first realized my love for culinary arts. While I was in school, I truly realized how much food brought me joy. I remember going to the grocery store one night after class, and before I got out of the car I was really tired, but once I got in the store, I perked up. I started dancing to the tune of the music playing over the loud speaker, and I stopped for a minute and said, "why did I just start dancing like that", and I was reminded of where I was. I was surrounded by something I was passionate about, and I was happy. I feel that same joy when I 'm writing, teaching, and through music. I know they are all talents, given to me by God, to fulfill a very important purpose. Following God's will for our life could be challenging, because we either have yet to discover our talents, or have and chosen to put those them to the side to do something that's more logical. The world tells us that the more wealth we acquire the more import we are, but we know that God doesn't work on those terms. He will provide everything we need to give us a happy and peaceful life, so those things will come. We often pick our careers because of the amount of money we'll make, and not by how passionate we are about what we're doing. Believe it or not, we have an opportunity to show God in everything we do, and people are always watching us. Our calling can also change with the seasons of our life, so expect change, and embrace it. It’s important to keep a close relationship with God, because each day is new, and we don't live by sight, but by Faith. Are you miserable in your life right now? Do you dread work? This is a sure sign that you're not doing what God called you to do. Take some time and evaluate your life, pray and ask God for wisdom and insight into what "He" wants for you (remember Jesus' example, "not my will but your will be done"). Meditate on His promises, and He'll reveal exactly what's meant for you. Thank Him for your gifts and talents, and ask Him for the wisdom to use them the way that He intended. Enjoy what you're doing, and make sure that other's know where your blessings come from. If you're still trying to find your way then the Holy Spirit can help. Jesus is the only way to true peace, and no matter what God reveals to you, embrace it with the attitude that "All things are possible through Christ", God will never give you more than you can handle. If you don't know Jesus then that's the first step to discovering your calling, I’d love to pray with you. My favorite verse today is: Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands. (Psalms 90:17)


I love you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about God’s rest for the weary. Yesterday we learned about eternal rest, but today we learn about rest on earth, which is also called peace. Work is the main focus for most Christians. There are times when we're to minister by working for our church, schools, or volunteering for a worthy cause, and those things could be time consuming, as well as draining. Then there are times when God has us be still for a while, and just listen and learn from Him. There are seasons we're to give, and some we’re to receive, but through every season, the one thing that is evident is temptation. Sin causes us to lose our peace, and through our busy times, we're so preoccupied with the task at hand, we can get frustrated or irritable and sin. In our restful times, our mind could be too idle, and we look for things to entertain us, and our eyes could be opened to things that cater to our weak spots. Every person has a weak spot, something or someone who has very bad influences on them, but Christ gives us ways out of all of these situations. Jesus promised to be our strength, so we must learn how to recognize our limits. We all have or will reach a point were we can't take anymore, and our decisions at those moments are crucial to our Faith walk. We must be careful of who and what we do or don't surround ourselves with, because the enemy comes to steal our joy, and will use any means necessary. We must take steps to make sure that we take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual health, and Jesus will do the rest. If we know we have a strenuous schedule ahead, we must make sure we pray without ceasing, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise, surround ourselves with positive and uplifting people, and most importantly try your best to get as much sleep as possible. Our bodies are the Lord’s temples, and if we're not feeling good within, it affects our relationship with God. It leaves us open for greater temptation, and gives us less drive to fight back. I woke up the other day and was lead to read Psalms 77, which explained the type of night I'd had. There are times when we'll get so weary that we cannot even speak to God, and where we simply feel like life stinks, and there are changes that need to be made. God taught me, through this passage, that it was okay for me to feel that way, and assured me that I'm not the only one. He assured me that no matter what goes on in life, Jesus will be with us, and His Spirit will lead us through. Through Faith, we have the power to overcome anything that threatens to knock us down, and that's what will give us the courage and the strength to take one more step. We'll experience times of haves and have not’s, but that shouldn't dictate our happiness, because we serve a God who have conquered the world, and there's nothing we'll ever want for. After the Author of this Psalm explained his weariness he wrote: And I said, “This is my anguish; But I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.” I will remember the works of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds. Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. You have with Your arm redeemed Your people... (vs 10-15) He's teaching us that no matter what happens in life, God is who He is, and He will never change. Just like this man of God, we should claim victory over our struggles, even when we're going through them. Praise God, continue to follow His ways, and you'll have that internal peace. Depression is something that I know very well, and it wasn't until I started listening to God, as much as I was speaking to Him, that my peace was restored. There are times when I'm down, but not for long, He always sees me through. There are days I wake up and think, "how am I going to make it another day", but He gives me the answer and puts a smile on my face. That type of rest is invaluable, and it's a free gift through the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. Look to the Lord, pray and meditate on His word, and He will give you peace which surpasses all understanding. Jesus is just a prayer away; so let me know if you need someone to pray with. My favorite verses today are: Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2)


I love you!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about receiving complete rest. While in the flesh we'll get weary, both physically and emotionally. In most cases being emotionally exhausted is much worst than physically. In God we receive peace, but we won't receive complete rest until we enter the Kingdom of God, where Jesus has prepared a place for those who believe in Him. This life is indeed a race to the finish, and throughout that race, we learn, laugh, cry, scream, rejoice, praise, curse, and whatever other emotion that you could think of. The one thing for sure is that life isn't easy for anyone, nor was it easy for Jesus Christ. Jesus kept His peace by knowing whom He was working for, and where He was going to end up when His tasks were complete. It didn't matter the physical pain He would have to endure to get there. When our focus is on the Lord, things get a lot easier, because Jesus helps us bear our burdens, and gives us the strength to overcome them. When Paul wrote his final letter to Timothy, he was in good cheer, even though he knew that he would be killed soon. He wrote: For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.(2 Tim. 4:6-8) At the beginning of this Chapter Peter urged Timothy: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. (vs. 2) Do you think this message was meant only for Timothy? A lot of people don't follow Christianity because they think it's too volatile. Some people say that Christians are very close-minded and judgmental. They choose not to believe that there is only One True God, and His son will return to receive us and give us rest, and for those people we must pray. Pain and trouble will come, that's a given, but I'd rather suffer for God, and with Jesus, than to suffer alone. He's given me peace and strength, and will give me rest for my soul when it's all said and done. Death is inevitable, and it will come to each and everyone of us, but until then we must "Preach the word and be ready!” as Paul so eloquently put it. I know in my heart that Jesus lives, because He's in me, and I can feel His presence all around me. When He speaks I listen, and He does the same. God has given me a million second chance because of Him, and will ultimately give me a crown of glory. I write these devotionals in the Spirit daily, to ensure that you know it too. Focus is my new word for the year 2010, because where your focus is, determines where your heart is, and when your heart is in the Lord, and He in you, there's no stopping you. You can do All things through Christ who strengthens you, and Faith is all the fuel you’ll need. Make the best of today, and don't live strictly on circumstances and emotions, but live with the Peace in knowing that soon and very soon we are going to see the King, and live all eternity in bliss. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior then you haven't experienced true peace on earth, nor will you have a mansion waiting for you when your race is complete. He's a simple prayer away; it doesn't require any blood, sweat, or tears, because Jesus has already done that for you. My favorite verse today is: There the wicked cease from troubling: and there the weary be at rest. (Job 3:17)

I love you!