Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Daily Devotional


Today's scriptures are about our good works through Christ. We each have unique callings in life. I was listening to Dr. Stanley yesterday, and he said "God has made us in His image, and that's such an awesome privilege, because no other living creation has the honor, we are special in God's eyes". That statement helped me understand how precious and important I am in to God. We can say that one hundred times over, but it’s another thing to believe it with all of your heart and soul. The best thing about our Faith walk is that we'll receive many epiphanies throughout our life, and it's awesome. There is so much to know about God, and He loves us so deeply, that when we seek Him, we dig deeper and deeper into His love. It's written: And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16) If God is love, and we're made in His image then that's what we're meant to be. It's a wonderful feeling when we discover our gifts and talents, given by the Lord. These things give us more joy than we can imagine, and all other things in our life become quite mediocre. I remember when I first realized my love for culinary arts. While I was in school, I truly realized how much food brought me joy. I remember going to the grocery store one night after class, and before I got out of the car I was really tired, but once I got in the store, I perked up. I started dancing to the tune of the music playing over the loud speaker, and I stopped for a minute and said, "why did I just start dancing like that", and I was reminded of where I was. I was surrounded by something I was passionate about, and I was happy. I feel that same joy when I 'm writing, teaching, and through music. I know they are all talents, given to me by God, to fulfill a very important purpose. Following God's will for our life could be challenging, because we either have yet to discover our talents, or have and chosen to put those them to the side to do something that's more logical. The world tells us that the more wealth we acquire the more import we are, but we know that God doesn't work on those terms. He will provide everything we need to give us a happy and peaceful life, so those things will come. We often pick our careers because of the amount of money we'll make, and not by how passionate we are about what we're doing. Believe it or not, we have an opportunity to show God in everything we do, and people are always watching us. Our calling can also change with the seasons of our life, so expect change, and embrace it. It’s important to keep a close relationship with God, because each day is new, and we don't live by sight, but by Faith. Are you miserable in your life right now? Do you dread work? This is a sure sign that you're not doing what God called you to do. Take some time and evaluate your life, pray and ask God for wisdom and insight into what "He" wants for you (remember Jesus' example, "not my will but your will be done"). Meditate on His promises, and He'll reveal exactly what's meant for you. Thank Him for your gifts and talents, and ask Him for the wisdom to use them the way that He intended. Enjoy what you're doing, and make sure that other's know where your blessings come from. If you're still trying to find your way then the Holy Spirit can help. Jesus is the only way to true peace, and no matter what God reveals to you, embrace it with the attitude that "All things are possible through Christ", God will never give you more than you can handle. If you don't know Jesus then that's the first step to discovering your calling, I’d love to pray with you. My favorite verse today is: Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands. (Psalms 90:17)


I love you!

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