Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night

Today's scriptures are about unconditional peace. In your opinion, what constitutes perfect peace? Do you think that peace comes when things are “going good” in your life, such as shelter, finances, children, marriage, etc? If this is your answer then you may want to rethink that. I remember the days I used to think, as soon as I save enough money, get this new car, buy a home, get married, and have a family I’ll be at peace. There was always something more to do, or one more step to take, and I drove myself crazy trying to build this “perfect life”, that never happened. As the years passed, and the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Day, I’d always say this is going to be my year for peace, joy, and happiness, I can feel it. Then at the end of that year I ended up being let down, because nothing truly worked out the way I planned. Even when things “worked out” in my favor, I was still unhappy, because I was waiting for the next good thing to come. It wasn’t until I completely surrendered to God that I begun to learn what true peace is. No matter what’s going on around me, I could honestly say that I’m content with the fact that I am a child of God and He loves me. There were times where it seemed like my world was crashing, but in those times I chose God instead of allowing my circumstances to overcome me. The pain was unmistakable, the problems were real, but He had given me the strength to somehow keep moving on. When I shared my struggles with people I worked closely with, or even family members, they all reacted with shock and awe, because they would never had guessed I had been facing so many trials. I was able to endure, and overcome those things with full assurance that no matter what happens, in any situation, God will never let me fall. Knowing that we’re not in this life alone is what brings true inner peace. Knowing that we serve a mighty God, who cherishes and loves us, and is working things out for our good, is enough for me (Romans 8:28). I was listening to Dr. Stanley’s radio broadcast over the last few days, and ironically, he preached about having “Unshakable Peace” (God is so good!). I learned that “Self-sufficiency” plays a big role in the disruption our peace. Dr. Stanley reminds us that God didn’t create us to handle the things of this world on our own, so when we try take on the pressures and trials of life alone, nothing but strife and heartache will come from it. He also mentioned wanting “our will” stronger than the will of God. We’ve all heard the saying, “everything that looks good isn’t good for you”. Be careful what you wish for, and trust God, because peace is an invaluable gift from Him. Live for God, and make sure that you have everything you need to make that happen. Take care of yourself mentally, physically, and most importantly spiritually. At the end of the day you have to live with you, and if you spent all of your time trying to please someone other the Lord, then that will leave you empty and lacking peace. When you close your eyes at night, you’re left alone with yourself and God, is that a good experience for you, and is your Spirit at rest? If the world came crashing down around you, do you think you’d mentally survive it, or would you crash along with it? These are hard questions to answer, because it requires more evaluation of your relationship with God. If you think that peace comes with the “perfect life”, then I hate to break it to you, but that will never happen. The bible promises heartache, pain, strife, and trials for all believers, but Jesus promises to be there to guide us through them, and give us joy and happiness. You can have perfect peace right now, no matter what’s going on in your life, but you have to surrender to God, and leave the rest to Him. Peace comes through the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so if you don’t know Him as that, then it’s time to say that prayer today. Tomorrow isn’t promised, claim your peace today! My favorite verse today is: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. (Isa. 26:3)


I love you!

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