Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today marks another milestone in my life, and things are simply moving along, helping me understand that the one consistent thing about life is time. It moves so fast, that if you take too much time out to blink, sulk, or hold on to regrets, you'll surely miss out on a lot. I know a lady never tells her age, but I'm 32 years old, and it feels like my life is only beginning. I can't believe that it's been about 14 years since I've graduated from High school, but it seems like only yesterday. Life is short, and to live in the past is like carrying a weight on your shoulders. Today has so much more to offer than yesterday, because you can actually do something with it. Make it a point to tell someone you love them today, and most importantly, believe that to be true for yourself. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the sweet love of God. God has turned me into this great big ball of love. I've had this conversation with several people lately. When I say the word Love, I get this deep tingling sensation in my heart, and I feel full of happiness. It wasn't until I truly opened my heart to God, did this loving Spirit begin to grow. When I think about God, I think love, because He loves us more than we could ever understand, even if we don’t love Him in return. Yes it's written that we should fear God, but that fear should be intertwined with love. We grew up fearing our earthly parents, because they chastised us when we did something wrong. However, we knew that it was all out of love, which made us love, and depend on them so much more. Punishments are done to teach us right from wrong, and there are serious consequences for our actions. God loves us so much that He's going to do whatever it takes to keep us on the path that He's laid out for us. His path is the best and only way to true happiness, which He intends for us to have. He comforts us whenever we're in need. He's there whenever we call out to Him, and will never leave us alone. He thinks the world of us, because we're His creation. Most of us grew up watching the Cosby Show; they were the perfect TV family. Every child wanted to be a Huxtable, because of the love this family shared with each other. They weren’t perfect, they had disagreements, and sometimes the children disobeyed the parents, but ultimately it was all love. That's how our relationship is with our Heavenly Father. He's going to always love us unconditionally, no matter how much we sin. He even rejoices when we return to Him, after we’ve strayed. He's always waiting with open arms. He literally gave His life for us, so that we would no longer be subjected to a horrible fate. I've had conversations with a few different people lately, most of whom said that they don't believe in religion, or in Jesus, because of things that's happened to them, by other people, or churches, in the past. What they don't understand is that God could never be compared to man. Jesus always warned about the evils of the world, and how important it is for us to stay close to God. No matter how "great" of a Christian you think you are, even you are subjected to the evils of the devil, because you live in the flesh. It's important to take each day as a clean sheet of paper in your book of life, and write a new story of love. When Jesus enters your heart, love comes with Him. Paul wrote about the "Greatest Gift" in his letter to the Corinthians, and he ends this chapter with this: And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor. 13:13) The sweetest thing about God is the fact that He is Love. We can have greater faith and hope in Him because of it. Love is indeed the greatest gift He’s given us, and not only does He instill it in us, but He showers it upon us personally. Love is a wonderful thing, and it gives us happiness, peace, joy, hope, contentment, freedom, and the strength to move on. It isn't something you should be afraid of, but something you should embrace, cherish, and most of all respect, because it comes directly from God. This sums up today’s message for me: "Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you're my God, You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me...". (~Israel & the New Breed) Those words speak love, and you'll only feel that when God has penetrated your heart on a deeper level. The only way to have that is to let go, and open up to Him. He'll do nothing but continue to love you, I promise, because He's done it for me. If you feel like something is missing, honestly ask yourself if you've truly surrendered your life to Christ. If you haven't, it's time to do that today. My favorite verses today are: How precious ... are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. (Psalms 139:17-18)


I love you!

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