Thursday, April 22, 2010

Daily Devotional Day and Night


I've been praying for "normal" weather, but I don't know what is "normal" nowadays, especially with the weather. Everything has flipped upside down, and some say it's global warming, and others say it's the “sign of the time”. I just know that God doesn't make mistakes, and everything is exactly the way they're meant to be. I live in optimism, and that's sometimes a beautiful thing, but I just can't see living in fear for the rest of my life. I know that if Jesus comes back tomorrow, or my life ends in some type of natural disaster, I'm ready to go be with my Lord. That gives me the strength to live each day with hope, joy, and peace, no matter what's going on in the world. There will always be natural disasters, wars, poverty, evil, as long as this earth stands. We can only do our parts to make it better, but the fate of the world ultimately lies in the hands of God. All we can do is pray, and make sure we have a personal relationship with Him, through Jesus. If you know in your heart that that’s taken care of, then you have nothing to fear, if you don’t then keep reading. Enjoy the rest of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. As I'm meeting new people, and talking more about religion as a whole, I find that a lot of people believe in God, but doubt the life of Jesus. Most of them said they believed that Jesus lived, but don't believe that He and God are one. Some say that Jesus was a prophet, and believe He performed many miracles, but just as any other disciple of God. Others don’t believe He lived at all. All I know is what’s in my heart, and that’s the fact that Jesus lived in the flesh, just as you and I, and died for my sins. I also know that He still lives in my heart today, and there is nothing anyone can say to make me doubt that. He’s proven Himself, real and true, to me everyday. According to God’s Holy Word, sin separated us from Him from the beginning of time. There were some who loved Him, and obeyed His commandments, but very few. God eventually gave His son, the precious and perfect Lamb, as the ultimate sacrifice. One who never sinned, nor disobeyed God. He allowed Jesus to live long enough to be a great example of how to live a Godly life. If we didn't have the Gospels of Christ, we wouldn't be able to understand the ways of God as much as we do. He taught in ways that we could understand, and one of His greatest sermons was the "Sermon on The Mount", where He taught about life in general, including prayer, forgiveness, faith, worrying, and the overall love of God. Jesus had the same freedoms as any other man, the ability to chose right from wrong, and He was given a choice to lay down His life for our sins. For Him to know, for most of His life, or as long as He could understand, that He would eventually suffer and die for the sins of mankind, must've been really hard to live with. However, He did it with integrity, and without faltering. There were times when the reality of it set in, and He became afraid and/or anxious, but He always consulted our Heavenly Father in prayer. There was nothing He did without including God. He taught the Love of God, and not so much dwelled on the sinful state of the human race. Yes He pointed out our flaws, and reiterated God’s laws, but He never condemned anyone. He was truthful and honest about the consequences of sin, but always reassured us that something as simple as faith could change our entire life forever. He was often called Rabbi, Teacher, Priest, and Lord, because He lived with this regal since of leadership, and was kind to everyone in His path. He never hurt anyone, nor turned any seeking soul away, but He chose to see his or her heart. Hearing all of this, you may be thinking, "If He was such a good man, why did He have to die so young, and of such a horrible death". The question shouldn't be revolved around how He died, or when He died, but why He had to die. There was something going on greater than fleshly death, or human understanding. Just know that Jesus no longer had to endure the earthly life, but went on sit on a throne, at the right hand of God, where He belonged. Not to mention that God wanted us home with Him forever as well, without the hindrance of sin, and the only way to make that happen was a blood sacrifice, so He gave the best sacrifice that could ever be made. Jesus unselfishly followed God’s plans for His life, and surrendered His life for us. The enemy didn't take it, because there's no power higher then the Almighty Lord. It's written: "These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” (Rev 17:14) To not believe in the Highest Priest or the greatest King, is proclaiming your disbelief in God as well, because He and Jesus are one in the same. With Jesus comes salvation, and with salvation come His Holy Spirit, a life of abundance and peace, and eternal life in Heaven. A life without Him comes confusion, strife, evil, depression, a life full of regrets and unrest, and/or eternal life in hell. That's the truth, and the only truth. As believers, we must be willing to stand up for the truth, because people's souls are in jeopardy. Jesus took the greatest stand of all, by sacrificing Himself for us, so what are we willing to do for Him? First things first, establish a bond with Him, by asking Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior. If you've already taken that step, but have strayed, then pray confessing your sins, and repent, because He's always waiting for you with open arms. Either way, get to know Him, because He's the key to victory in life and death. My favorite verse today is: No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. (John 10:18)


I love you!

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