Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another terrific Tuesday. I'm doing well, had a wonderful start to the week, and a fresh start to life. When I woke up to this morning, the word resilience was in my heart, and it’s defined: the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. The word was planted in my Spirit several months ago, when I visited my nephew's Art Exhibit, at his school. Resilience was the theme, and the first time I really took a good look at the word. For some reason it stuck with me, and I can now see why. The world does its best to try and beat you down, and if you don't have God in your life, it will succeed. I attribute my resilience to the almighty Lord. Just thinking about His grace and mercy, fills me with so much love, peace, and joy, that I can't help but share it. I’m always surprised when the world says one thing, but God shows me another. I feel like I've reached a milestone in my life, and a major leap in my growth, I give all the honor and glory to God. It feels so good to shout: I'm going to make it after all! Hallelujah! I'm going to make it after all, thank you Jesus! Have you ever been so deep in pain and heartache that you thought you’d never overcome it, but as soon as you stepped into the light at the end of the tunnel, you felt free? That's how I feel today, and I wanted to share that with you. No matter what you go through, and how life tries to beat you down, there's victory in Christ Jesus. Never rely on another person to give you 100% support, because they're incapable, put that type of trust in God, and watch Him work. I feel so much love in my heart that it's overwhelming, and it comes from that simple revelation. I thank you as well, because you've each had, or will have, an impact on my life, and your prayers make a huge difference. I’m grateful to fellowship with you in such a special way. Strength is a state of mind, and you're only as strong as your level of faith. My Grandmother can use your continued prayers as well; she had a little cough this morning, and it frightened her. Let's pray that the pneumonia will never come back, because she's been doing so well. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about sowing into God. Giving is always a hard thing for people. Let's face it; most humans are selfish because of the flesh. A wise person once told me that everyone does everything for some type of retribution. I guess that's the “reap what you sow” type of mentality. However, God always commands us to be people of integrity, and to work to uplift His Kingdom. Those who are believers of Christ are considered a part of the Kingdom of God, so He requires each of us to sow into each other. We're to plant seeds through love, ministry, volunteer work, money, and time. God requires our best, when giving offerings, because He always gives us His best. Giving money to the Church, through tithes and offerings is always a touchy subject in the world of "religion", because people have a lot of different views on it. However, what did Jesus say about the rich man? If you're not willing to sell all you have, give it way to the poor, or for the greater good of His Kingdom, then how strong is your faith and love for Him? Guess what? He doesn't ask us for all of that! He only asks us for a small percentage. Think about our churches, which are mostly non-profit organizations. They're built to help all who come, no matter if you're saved or not. A lot is required to run a church. I didn't realize how much, until I became a Deacon at my current church. There are so many things that are required of the church, to even open its doors on Sunday morning, let alone the different ministries offered on a daily basis. The church needs our contributions in order to adequately serve the people of God. The Pastor(s) or leaders of the church, often gives up their life for the church, and he or she needs to compensated for the awesome tasks given. The church needs our time and money. If you aren't an active member of a church, then sow into different charities, or simply help someone who’s in need. Don't have the attitude of giving someone your week-old leftovers, because you don't want them anymore, but cook a fresh meal and take it to a retirement home, or shelter. You never know how you can touch someone's life. Volunteer your time, by visiting someone, or taking a few minutes to call a friend that’s going through tough times. All of these things are showing God to those who may have no other outlet, and you'd be doing just as Jesus commanded of you. The theory of building a healthy relationship with God is putting Him first in everything you do. Do you wake up each morning, thinking, "what can I do for God today" or "how will I make a difference"? Well we all should. Some people think that you have to be rich in order to make a real difference, but that isn't true. Give what you can, and God will provide everything you'll ever need. The more you give, the more you're receive, it just as simple as that. Have you ever wondered why you’re lacking at times? It’s time for self-examination. God blesses us to be a blessing to each other, and that's His commandment, "love your neighbor as you love yourself". It takes more than saying you love someone to fulfill that commandment, but it requires your all. It's written: But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:22-25) God is so good, and all He asks is that same passion in return. The first commandment to love Him with all your heart, and those who love His Son, loves Him. Allow Jesus to be Lord of your life first, and pray and ask God to allow you to be a cheerful giver. Give from your heart, and not out of obligation, and so many doors will be opened to you. If want to find out how to establish a true relationship with Jesus, please let me know, and I'll be happy to pray with you. My favorite verse today is: God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints and do minister. (Hebrew 6:10)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455300&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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