Thursday, April 8, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the enrichment of Jesus Christ. When I saw the word enrichment in the opening verse, it took me back to culinary school. In nutrition class I learned about the importance of vitamins, and why it's necessary to replenish them, on a daily basis. Vitamins help with the natural function of our body, and help it fight against sickness and dieses; as well as help other parts of our body to grow. The best vitamins are found in food, because they're natural, and were created by God, and does exactly what He intended them to do in our body. However, in recent years, food has become big business, and all about production and money, rather than nutrition. A lot of our foods are enriched with vitamins, because an abundance of certain vitamins, which are good for us, are lost in the growth process. Most fruit juices, grains, and dairy are enriched with vitamins, calcium, minerals, antioxidants and etc. Here’s the definition for the word Erich, which best describes what I’m refering to: to restore to (a food) a nutrient that has been lost during an early stage of processing. However the first definition listed is: to supply with riches, wealth, abundant or valuable possessions. Jesus was born, died, and resurrected to do all of that and more. We were born in sin, which made us lack important elements of life. When we grow and learn who Jesus is, and make a conscious decision to accept Him as Savior, God immediately enriches our life. Believers are referred to us as "the body of Christ", and we're all meant to work together as a whole, to strengthen the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 12-31). Just as we input vitamins in our body everyday, we must keep in contact with Jesus. We must walk with Him, talk with Him, eat, breathe, and drink Him, because He enriches our life. Without daily vitamins, given by food and water, to our body, we couldn't survive. Just as we need food to live, we need Christ. When we take vitamin supplements, we're giving our body an extra boost, to ensure that we're not only living, but we're growing, and keeping ourselves healthy. That's what fellowship, church, bible study, prayer, and meditation does for our Spiritual health. We do those things to enhance our relationship with God, to be a greater asset to the Body of Christ. God wants us to be full, whole, and healthy, by His love. He wants us to bare good fruit, avoid sin, and experience peace, joy, and happiness above all else. Worry, anger, sin, and envy, all bring sickness to our mind, body and Spirit, but Christ has delivered us, with love. The Apostle Paul wrote: For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:14-19) The Salvation that Jesus came to give means so much more than a mansion in Heaven, but it enriches our life right here, and right now. Jesus gives us the power to overcome all the evils of the world, any trial we may face, and He'll heal everything that the devil positions to tear us down. We must acknowledge His presence, and each day, find a way to get closer to Him. We must learn His teachings, and imitate His life, attitude, and love for others. This is true richness, and all the money in the world, can't give us what Jesus can. If you don't know Him, then you need to be enriched today. You're living, but that's just it, living. Jesus offers an abundant life, and that entails more than just material wealth, but mental and spiritual wealth as well. Take His word for it; I can testify that He's never lied to me yet. Enrichment is just prayer away, do it now, and everyday for the rest of your life. I promise you won't regret it. My favorite verse today is: In everything ye are enriched by him. (1 Corinthians 1:5)


I love you!

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