Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about knowing who you are in Christ. There are many Christians stuck in the same type wilderness our ancestors were in, because they don’t know who they were created to be. God created us in His own image, to rule over everything on this earth. Out of all of His creations, He made us wiser and stronger. It’s written: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (Gen. 1:26) From the time we were created we had the ability to overcome the world. If we couldn’t do it physically, we could do it mentally. Brothers and sisters, we are most important to God, and to prove that, He’s given Heaven and earth to everyone who believes in Him.

One of my favorite scriptures in the bible is when Jesus said that we have enough power within us to cast a mountain into the sea. (Matt 21:21-22) How powerful is that?! All we have to do is have faith the size of a mustard seed. After reading that, I thought to myself, how great and wonderful is Christ, and how great and wonderful am I, because I’m made in His likeness. His Name is what we stand on, and the authority we have, to live above this world. It’s written: Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2:9-11)

We’ve been placed here to strengthen and uplift each other, not tear each other down. We’re to work hard at making Jesus a reality in the lives of those who don’t know Him, or think that He’s unreal. There are many people who are lost that think that Jesus is “too good to be true”. So it’s time for us to step up and show His love to others. We must always be true with ourselves, in order to be true to others. We need to stop going by the worlds ideas of success and what happiness should be, and define that through our personal walk with Jesus. Don’t sell your soul for a piece of “the life”, because in the end it truly isn’t worth it. We are vessels for God, and He’s using us each day to touch someone, so don’t be quick to judge or condemn anyone God puts in your path, but learn how to be the friend and brother you want others to be to you.

Life moves so quickly that it seems like we’re here today and gone tomorrow. This makes me realize my own mortality, and the certainty of my death, which always causes me to praise God! I’ve spent many days and nights in misery, because I was unhappy with my life, and unsatisfied with the little that I had. I disliked myself because of who I was, and where I’d come from. At one time I wanted to just give up on life, and everything around me. I felt like this because I had failed to realize what’s real, and why I’m here. I failed to realize the truth, and who God created me to be. I lost sight of the real meaning of joy, peace, and happinessfellowship with God, through Christ. I failed to realize that He loves me, and calls me wife, friend, daughter, and sister, all rolled up in onenow that’s a lot of love. I failed to realize that He wasn’t judging me because of my career, looks, bank statement, credit score, what type of car I drove, the size of my home, the color of my skin, or the neighborhood I grew up inHe loved me for me!

When I realized that it wasn’t about anyone but me, and my personal walk with God, I was able to “let go and let God”. When I came to the point in life where I started to feel the Holy Spirit’s conviction, and actually repent, I’ve had more peace than I could’ve ever imagined. When I started to understand that it’s not my place to judge my fellow brethren, but to always offer my love, support, prayer, as well as food for the soul, I could see the heart of a many through their eyes. I started to understand that everyone has rootsa pasta place that they come from, which causes them to do the things that they do. No one is all bad, because God created all of us, and we each have potential to be extraordinary through Christ. We must put Him on the throne of our life, and reverence Him as Lord, but also love Him as our closet most dear friend. The first step is asking Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior, and then you too will have the power to live above the worldthat’s where the true peace lies. Once you do this, if you’re “gone tomorrow”, you won’t leave with any regrets. Live life to the fullest, in Christ, each day that you’re given on this earth. If you aren’t sure if you’re save, but want to be, please take a moment to take the God Quiz today, or feel free to contact me at anytime for prayer. My favorite verses today are: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455621&dtype=Scripture



I love you!

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