Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scripture are about giving God all of the glory, all the days of our life. If I gave you a piece of paper and pen, and asked you to write down all of your accomplishments, how many of them would be for or about God? We live in a world where everything is driven by money, power, fame, and success, and people would sell their souls for it. The simple things like inner peace, joy, and happiness, has been outranked in order of importance, by money, career, and worldly status. My country was built by men of God, on the principles of God, but how soon we forget. Now, we’ve removed Him from every public place, in hopes not to offend anyone. However, this country is known as “the free world”, because our Forefathers understood that a land build upon God, is going to be a great land indeed. Let’s move away from such a large scale discussion as the current state of our country, to discussing the current state of the heart and mind of the “New Age” believer, and mankind as a whole. I can only speak about the things that I see, and most of us are in a very poor Spiritual state, because we have failed to make God a part of everything do.

Personally, it was the best day of my life when I realized that I am nothing without Christ. I went through (and sometimes still go through) times where it just doesn’t seem like things are going right for me. Everything I touched backfired, because I had failed to seek God in each choice. I failed to listen when my ears heard a word behind me, saying, “ This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever I turned to the right hand Or whenever I turned to the left. (Isa. 30:2). I suffered terrible feelings of depression and despair, because I felt lost and alone. I was missing something that only God could give me, and I aimlessly sought that through the wrong things, people, and “chasing waterfalls”. I experienced these times of emptiness because I heard God’s call on my life, but failed to seek out the path He had for me. I thought that the path that I wanted to follow was better for me, and I came up empty. I urge you, if you feel God’s calling on your life, please make it your priority to seek Him, so that He can lead you on the path that He wants you to go. Trust me, He’ll strip you bare, so that all you have left is Him, because after all, HE is the how, what, when, where, and who we live for.

God is such a merciful God that He'll plant seeds in our heart, water them with His love, and make them grow with His living Word. It’s up to us to allow the process and build upon that. We must seek God in every decision we make, from choosing a spouse, job, buying a home or a vehicle, to how to raise our children. Remember, Jesus is the chief corner stone, so we must build everything in our life with Him as the foundation. He’ll bless us with everything we’ll need to build a solid life, and make sure that no one can tear down what He’s built, as long as we continue to give Him the glory and honor. It’s written: Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. (Eph. 2:19-22)

I know I often write about life being more than riches and glory, which is true, but God has promised that we will inherit the earth. He wants us to be happy and have the finer things and life. If that’s something that we ask of Him, and we’re faithful and ready to receive it, He’ll bless us with all of the money and prestige we desire, but we must be sure to glorify Him and Him alone with it. There are many people who’s been blessed by God, and go off and do their own thing, because they perceive this sense of independence, but God only blesses us to bring us closer to Him. I was famous for that in the pastwhen I was struggling financially, or experiencing heartache, or heartbreak, I would spend every waking moment with God. I would wake up in prayer and go to bed in prayerwhich is often times why God allows us to come to those points in life, to bring us back to Him. However, as soon as God blessed me with the money to pay that threatening bill, or healed my heartache, I would spend less and less time with Him, until He was no longer the driving force in my life. Currently, I can’t go a day without God. When I do I feel itit feels like my world just isn’t right. I try to live with a heart of gratitude, while counting my blessings, because it’s hard to focus on the “have-nots”, when you’re too busy counting the “haves”. Don’t be a seasonal Christianlove Christ always, and not just when you need something from Him.

God blesses us to be blessings to others, and blessings come in many different ways. Jesus said: For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. (Luke 12:48) We must learn how to glorify God with any and every blessing He’s bestowed upon us, and when we’re faithful with a little, He’ll bless us with a lot. Jesus made our relationship with God as simplistic as possible. He taught us that what’s most important to our Father is that we love Him with all of our heart, and we love each other. Jesus is what links us to God, so if you haven’t confessed Him as Lord, then you need to take the God Quiz right now! Once you become a Christian, your heart will open up your mind, and your mind will open your eyes to a whole new world. Don’t waste another minute deciding; allow God to lay the prefect foundation. My favorite verses today are: Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day: lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein; ... then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God: ... for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth. (Deuteronomy 8:11-12,14,18)


I love you!

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