Monday, March 21, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about living each day as if it’s your last (in Christ). I’ve heard the saying, “live each day as if it’s your last” many times before, but there usually isn’t any spiritual inclination behind it. It’s usually people saying live life to the fullest, by having fun, fun, and more fun. You often think of partying, traveling, and just having a good time, with few boundaries. However, the biblical definition of live each day like it’s your last would be to be conscious of the way you conduct yourself, because at any moment of any time, Jesus could return, or we could die. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying life, and having fun, but you must do it in a way pleasing to God, and there must be a healthy balance. We must take advantage of the time we have here, by doing our part to strengthen the Kingdom of God. We can do that by following God’s will for our life, and answering when He calls. Rest assured that when we’re living a life pleasing to God, we’re going to be blessed beyond what we could ever imagine.

If you knew that you only had one week to live how you would spend that week? That’s a hard question to answer, because neither of us really know how we’d react. I guess I’d try to enjoy some of the things I missed out on, and make amends for anything, or to anyone I’d wronged in the past. I’d also let all of my loved ones know just how much I love them, stay in the Word of God for comfort and strength, and live each moment that I have for God. In all actuality, we should live like this each day, regardless if we know we’re going to die or not. This means treating each moment as if it’s the most precious moment of our life, which is necessary to grow in Christ.

It’s written: In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. (2 Tim 4:1-2) This is the call on the life of every Christian. We each have a mission or ministry, which is a charge to teach the word of God, and help the lost and the wicked find their way. Because of this, we take on the great responsibility to be prepared in every season. We have to work on our personal relationship, and walk upright in Christ, before, and even during our attempt to bring others to Christ. We must rely on Jesus, without doubt, that He will see us through, and He will do just that. I challenge you to ask yourself a very hard question today one that my previous Pastor posed quite frequentlyIf Jesus came back right now what do you think He would say to you?” Would He say “well done good and faithful servant”, or “depart from me, I do not know you”?

Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow remains a mystery, so what are you going to do for God today? How will you show Him that you love Him? How do you stay on the path of righteousness? These are questions that we should pose to ourselves each and every morning we wake up. God created us to fellowship with Him, and has made us part of His great Kingdom, so we mustn’t take that for granted. There are times when I get sad or depressed, and I honestly have to remind myself that I am a beloved child of God, and there’s a greater calling on my life. This takes me into praise mode, because it allows me to drop that “it’s all about me” attitude, and take on the mind and heart of Jesus Christ. At the same time, God created me to be Saundra, and I have to be the best me I can possibly be. Sometimes that requires making hard decisions, and walking away from things that are no good for my spirit but my flesh loves.

I have peace in knowing that if Jesus calls me home tomorrow, I’m ready to go. I haven’t been a perfect person, a great missionary, or a famous Pastor of a mega church, nor have I touched millions of lives, however, I love God with all of my heart, and make sure that everyone I come in contact with knows how much He loves us. In a nutshell, that’s all that He expects from us, but each of us have our own unique way of sharing His love. Never cease seeking Him and His will, and I guarantee you that you’ll be ready when the “chariot comes, to take you home” [flaws and all]. If you don’t know Jesus as Lord, then you aren’t ready. Please don’t waste another day trying to “figure out” what you want to do. Try the Lord for yourself, you won’t be disappointed! Take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verses today are: The just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. (Hebrews 10:38-39)


I love you!

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