Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about trusting in the Lord’s leadership. I believe trust is a big issue for every human being, just because of our very nature. If we cannot be completely faithful to God, then we surely won’t be completely faithful to each other. Let’s look at the word trust for a moment; it’s defined: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. It’s a known fact that another person will hurt or fail you at some time in your life, and when that keeps happening, it weakens your ability trust. When we begin to lose our trust in everyone around us, then it’s safe to say that we’ll have trust issues with God as well. However, God proves that He’s trustworthy when He wakes us up each morningif He’s done that, than you can trust Him to have a hand in everything that you do, and guide you in the right direction. It’s up to you to seek, listen, and follow His instructions, because He has already worked it out for your good.

One of the most wonderful things about that Lord is that He knows our heart, and thought process, because He created us this way. He understands how much faith it takes to even believe in Him, when everything and everyone in this world is trying to prove Him wrong. It’s just amazing how He’s always on time. I remember the really dark moments in my life, when all I could hear Him say to me was, “trust me Saundra, I will never leave you”. During the tribulation that I experienced in my marriage, when I was in Portland, I remember going to the Alter, at my church, for prayer. My heart was so heavy that I felt like I couldn’t take another breath. I spoke with a woman named Marilyn (I’ll never forget her), and I explained to her that my marriage was in trouble, and what God told me through her was to trust Him to lead me in the right direction. Marilyn never told me what to do, or how to handle the things in my marriage. She simply wrote the verses Isa. 30:18-22 and 61:1-4 down on a follow-up card, along with her phone number, and said if I ever need to talk, to feel free to call her day or night. That was nearly four years ago, and I still have that follow-up card in my bible, tucked in the book of Isaiah.

I thank God for the people like Marilyn, who trusts Him to use them as vessels, because I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done, had it not been for the conversation and prayer she had with me. God proved Himself faithful and trustworthy to me at that point. After I ran home, picked up my bible and read those verses, I was filled with so much joy and peace; I couldn’t help but rejoice with the Lord. I decided that day to trust God to do what was best for me and my marriage, and low and behold He did. He helped me understand the different seasons of life, and that this particular season as changing, and that I had to follow Him. He never forces us to choose Him, but He will give us every opportunity to complete the will He has for our life. I realized then that most of my stress, depression, and heartache came from not surrendering to God’s will for my lifeI wanted to do what I wanted to do, based upon the world’s views.

I struggle every day with trust. I honestly used to live by the motto “I’ll trust anyone, until they give me a reason not to”. I still live by that in most cases, but my guards are way up, so that I won’t go through unnecessary heartache and pain. I must admit that because of the pain in my past, I find it hard to freely trust as I once did, but I still stay open to everything God has in store for me. I read an article today entitled 10 Tips for a Fearless Life written by a practicing Buddhist, Susan Piver, which deeply penetrated my heart. Susan wrote: "The truth is that 99% of humanity is good. When you are vulnerable, people actually want to protect you." [This came from the third tip, “Ask for help]. From the little I know about Buddhist, they believe in trust, peace, and tranquility, and how to put positive thoughts and energy into the Universe, and you’ll receive positive things back. Some of their beliefs aren’t that different from Christian beliefs; however they’re missing the most important component, Jesus Christ.

Jesus always taught us to love and trust God, and each other. He preached peace, happiness, and having faith that could move mountains. He taught us how to focus on the important things in life, and that’s having a strong personal relationship with God. This can only be achieved by trusting in and talking to Him, as well as meditating on His word. When you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, you’ve taken the biggest and most important step of all; you trusted Jesus to be Lord of your life. Just because you did that freely, you can now live a stress free life, because God will have your back, for all of eternity. Whatever happens in life, God will be there, all you have to do is follow His lead. If you don’t know Jesus as Lord, I suggest you take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verses today are: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


I love you!

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