Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this hot and humid Friday eve. I'm doing well, a little sleepy, but that's okay because today is my Friday (TGIF!!!). I can't wait to get in the bed tonight. Get a good night's rest and get ready for the weekend. I'm looking forward to some fun mixed with some relaxation. There are a few family barbecues on Saturday, one for my little cousin Tony Jr. and one for my Aunt Cathy, who are both celebrating birthdays. Today is my late Uncle Craig's birthday, he's been gone since 1991, but his birthday is a time to celebrate his life. I'd like to wish everyone who's celebrating a birthday this week, a Happy and blessed birthday. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Today's scriptures are about seeking God's Wisdom. Wisdom is the most valuable thing you could every have. It's worth more than anything material in this world, because it can't be taken away from you. I've always said that you have to live with you. At the end of the day, when you lay down and close your eyes, you're left with yourself, and you must be at peace with yourself. We spend a lot of time in our lives trying to please other people, and overlook the fact that we must seek the wisdom of God to get through a life pleasing to Him. In the end it only matters if we’ve pleased Him. I looked up the word Wisdom to get the formal meaning, and of course there were several. My two favorites are: 1) the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight. 2) The sum of learning through the ages; knowledge. Wisdom is something that comes with experience. God allows us to face certain things in our lifetime to give us wisdom, and when we face our many stumbling blocks, we must first find the wisdom that comes along with it. He will give us wisdom freely, because He needs us to have the insight to share with other people. He always makes it a point to give us the wisdom that we'll need to complete the tasks He’s given us. Our relationship with God is just that, a RELATIONSHIP. He's walking with us in this life, to make sure that we have everything we need to survive. In any earthly relationship, we must get to know the other person, to better understand how we can live a harmonious life with them. When we enter a relationship, we enter as two separate people, with different personalities and ideals on life. However, we are usually with someone who has the same or similar goals that we have. Overall we coincide very well, we love each other, and show that love through our words and actions. We make sure that we learn our partner’s likes and dislikes, helping us understand how to love them better. At times we'll experience ups and downs, and won't always agree with what the other person is doing. Most of the time they're only trying to do things that will add to our life, and not tear us down. It may seem like this thing means us no good, but if we don't question that person, or ask for insight, we will never know. This is the same when it comes to our relationship with God. There are so many things that happen in our lives, which we scratch our heads about. When we go to God and ask Him for answers He will give them to us. God gives us a lot of responsibility for our Spiritual growth. Things just aren't handed to us, because He wants us to stay humble. It’s written several times that we must be crucified with Christ, in order to grow stronger everyday. Wisdom is necessary to complete our works, and is readily available when we seek Him. God’s always been slow to anger and quick to forgive, so He gives us as many chances as it takes to get things right. He's very adamant when He's trying to teach us something, because He'll keep allowing us to go through the same trials, over and over, until we get it right. Especially when we're impatient and attempt to move before Him. He asks us to be patient and wait on Him. Patience is a very necessary skill have, yet extremely hard to master, and it requires a lot of wisdom. When we pray for wisdom, the Holy Spirit will reveal it in a few different ways. Through The Holy bible, which is in fact God's living word, and it has answers to anything we could ever face. I sleep with my bible right next to me, because it's the only tangible piece of God that I will ever have on earth. I've finally become wise enough to know that when I'm going through tribulation, to seek God's insight in the situation. I first start by praying and asking Him for answers. Most of the time I'm on my knees crying out to the Lord. After I cast my cares upon Him, I ask Him to show me why I'm going through these things. When I pick up the Bible, my Spirit always leads me to a story, or verse of scripture that teaches me how to deal with that very thing, in a Godly way. He also sends certain people in our lives, often friends and family members, who we could learn from. Mostly it's someone who is, or has, gone through something similar, that could give us some insight. Sometimes it's people that have no clue what we're going through, but they have the key to what we need. God gives us the Church building, and the officers there, who are put here to offer the wisdom that they've acquired over the years. Most importantly, He allows us to learn from our own mistakes. Wisdom is something that should get stronger with time, if we go out and seek it. If you're wondering why your life is at a standstill, and it seems like nothing ever goes right, then ask God for some answers. If you have a strong yearning to pursue a goal, but just don't know how to start, ask God for wisdom and guidance, and He'll help you along the way. God is the creator of Heaven and Earth, He IS the answer. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, then it will be very wise for you to get to know Him for yourself. He's a quick prayer away, and I'm always willing to pray with you and for you. Don’t take my word for it; Christ is whom we’re trying to be like. My favorite verses today are: We are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. (Romans 6:4-5)


I love you!

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