Friday, April 30, 2010

Daily Devotional Dday & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek. TGIF! God has placed some wonderful people in my life, and I'm so happy that I'm open to receive them. Remember to always cherish your friends and loved ones, because some are Angels placed in your life for a reason. Never take anyone for granted, because you just never know who he or she is, or what part they’ll play in your life. It's written: Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. (Heb. 13:2) Have a wonderful weekend family, and be blessed!

Today's scriptures are about the keeping the Word of God. The key to maintaining righteousness, and staying in the will of God, is having the correct focus. When everything we do is done with God in mind, we're sure to keep His Word. God’s Holy Spirit guides us exactly where we need to go, and He lives in every believer. We each have a different journey in Christ, and He will make sure we get there, when we keep His word. He warns us to stay humble, because every blessing comes from the Lord. There are some people who get really "high and mighty", as they mature in their Faith walk. They’re appointed to leadership roles, or anointed with great gifts, and sometimes start to go ahead of God in life. Then there’s the "baby" Christian, who refuses to grow up. They pray and ask God for things, that aren't in His will, because they don't have a personal relationship with Him. These people may stay in the "wilderness", because of their ignorance. As I've grown in my faith, I've been in these stages, and can potentially go back, if I’m not careful. I can testify to the fact that it's hard to follow the will of God perfectly, because temptation is too great. We just can't do it in the natural, because perfection is unattainable in the flesh. I'm at a point in my Faith walk, where God isn't as lenient with me. When I know what He's asked me to do, and don't to it, I'm punished immediately. It was only because of this frequent chastisement, that I finally prayed and asked God to give me the wisdom to be able to know His will for my life, and follow it. He simply said, "stay with me", and at that moment, I was immediately convicted, because it's always been that simple. I believe this is the answer to Christians overcoming bondage. When I stay in the presence of the Lord, by keeping my focus on Him at all times, I'm truly blessed with that peace that surpasses all understanding. I know me, and so I have to I surrender to the Lord each day, because I'm in this constant battle with my flesh. There are still days that my flesh may win, but those days are few and far between, but were more frequent just a year, or even a month ago. The worst thing we can do is think that we got it, because as we know, our relationship with God is like a plant that needs to be continually watered. Jesus said: "Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." (Matt 13:18-23) Which of these are you, and how do you handle the Word of God when it's sown in your heart? God actually said to me, "stay with Me", what does that mean to you? When He said that to me, I immediately saw, and felt, times where I've been down or depressed. Right after He showed me some of those the moments, He showed me the moments before them. In each scenario I saw where I became disconnected from Him. I saw where I should've been doing one thing, but I was doing the other, and again He said, "stay with Me". The only way to live life in victory, everyday, is to humbly follow the Word of God. To do that, is to actively, and purposely seek Him. In everything you do, pray and ask for clarity. If you're lost as to what you're supposed to be doing, pray and ask for wisdom. If you’ve fallen short, confess and repent. These things are all a part of loving God with all of your heart, showing Him that you respect Him, and trust His judgment. Remember, “an idle mind is the devil’s playground”, so continually seek God. Read His living Word, and live by it. Jesus Christ is the glue that holds this bond together, so without Him, you're lost. Pray and ask Him to be Lord of your life today! My favorite verse today is: If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (John 14:23)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the priceless gift of our salvation. There are but so many things that money could by, and even the richest man has his share of trials and tribulation. Actually the more money a person has, usually equals to the more problems and responsibilities they're faced with. The things that matter the most in life, are the things that money can't buy, like love, joy, peace, and happiness, because those things come from God. Most importantly, you can't buy salvation. The blood of the Lamb was shed for all who believe in Him. Jesus was given for our sins, simply because God loves us, nothing more or nothing less. He didn't give up His life to persuade us to do anything in return, but love Him. He didn't take on the burden of our sins, and then sent us a bill, but He wiped our slate clean. Jesus was more than willing, and able, to atone for our sins, and He did without complaining. I'm sure, as He was hanging on that cross, He thought about us, and questioned our worthiness. He outright asked God "why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46) I believe that in that moment His human side kicked in. Right after He said that, it's written that Jesus "yielded up His spirit" (Matt. 27:50). Even down to His last breath, which He suffered just for us, He had the ability to take Himself down from the cross. He could’ve ended His suffering right there, and punished all who plotted to kill Him, but instead, He remained obedient to the will of God, and gave up His life. What if Jesus had disobeyed God, and went into hiding like Jonah? What if He succumbed to the enemy’s temptations that day in the wilderness? What if God continued to allow us to suffer, and never offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins? After all, He did give us the ability to choose right from wrong. The process of reaping what we sow has been in existence since the creation of mankind. There are numerous "what if" questions we could ask about the past, and the relevance of Jesus’ Crucifixion, but the main thing we need to know is that it was done out of love. God has forgiven and forgotten our sins, through Christ, and for that, we can do nothing but praise and worship Him. Worthy is the Lamb of God... Hallelujah! I've been looking for answers to so many things in my life for years, but the answers were always within me. Paul wrote: Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. (Gal. 5:1) The sacrifice of of Christ frees us from bondage, and allows us to be whole again. There's no better reward than that. I'm forever indebted to Jesus, because He's given up His life for me. He'll never force us to love Him, but He simply gives us the opportunity. Paul went on to say: And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith... From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. (Gal. 6:9-10, 17) Okay, one more "what if" question, and I want you to really think about this one... What if Jesus grew weary before He completed His task? I don't know the answer to that, but I thank God that He did. We live with the power of Christ, by His blood, and His marks are also inside of each of us. Take that authority and live in victory, because it comes at price that could only be repaid by love. If you haven't already, take the God quiz today. Jesus’ blood was shed for each of us, not just for the seemingly "perfect" people, but all who come. My favorite verses today are: Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, ... but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: ... manifest in these last times for you who by him do believe in God ... that your faith and hope might be in God. (1 Peter 1:18-21)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Last night I was up pretty late, with a lot on my mind. Life, in general, has its moments where everything just hits you all at once, and I had one of those moments. When I started to think about what I've endured, I was a little overwhelmed, but that's how the enemy targets us. He tries to get us caught up in our tribulation, instead of focusing on our blessings. I've been attempting to read the Sermon on the Mount, in it's entirety, since I wrote about it a few days ago, so I picked up the bible and started with Matthew chapter 5, and the first 16 verses gave me so much strength. Jesus understood the plights of His followers, so He gave us something to cling to, in those times when it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. If you've been feeling that way lately, I highly recommend it. Getting the answers to life, from the mouth of Jesus, is the best way. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the certainty, and the rewards of death. One of my favorite quotes is, "I'd rather live life as if there is a God, and die and find out that there isn't, rather than to live life as if there isn't a God, and die and find out there is". To some, that may not make much sense, but to those of us who are saved, we understand all too well. There are so many different religions and beliefs in this world, that it's hard not to question who God is, or even if we're serving the "right God". Who's to say that Buddha or Allah isn't the way to Heaven, and not Jesus Christ? Nonetheless, we all know that we will eventually die, but before then, we must know exactly what we believe, and why. The one thing I know for sure is that Jesus is the truth, the light, and the way, and no man can go to Father, unless through the Son. Jesus proves Himself true in my life everyday, and through Him I have victory over death. Not only do I have victory over death, but I also have life in Heaven forevermore, and that's been made possible simply by my belief in Christ. Jesus laid down His life, to give me everlasting life in Heaven. The Bible gives us accounts of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. There are stories written about Him, appearing to many people, after His resurrection. He did this, just to ensure that several people could testify to His life after death. Right before His ascension into Heaven, He appeared to a group of people, which included all eleven of His disciples, and they were all terrified. He asked them, "Why are you troubled?” and even showed them the wounds in His hands and feet, from being nailed to the cross. Even after that, they still didn't believe that it was He, so He sat and ate with them. It's written: Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures. Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things. Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:36-49) After all of this, Jesus blessed them, and was carried up into Heaven. This is where He still sits today, awaiting our return to Him. This may seem like a fascinating fictional tale, but everything written in the Word of God is the truth. Jesus did live as a human being, and still lives in Heaven, so that we can one day get there. For Jesus’ believers, death is victory. It's the end of imperfection, and the beginning of perfection. It's the end of sickness, disease, hurts, and pains, and the beginning of everlasting joy. The Prophet Isaiah predicted this, before Jesus was born, and it's written: He will swallow up death forever, and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces; the rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; for the LORD has spoken. And it will be said in that day: “ Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the LORD; We have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.” (Isa. 25:8-9) Whenever you think of death, you should think of the rewards you'll face, so that you won't fear the natural process of life. Some people spend a lot of time being so afraid of death, that they don't allow themselves to live. All of the fears and phobias need to stop today, because God intended us to enjoy our life, here and in Heaven. He's blessed us with Salvation through Christ, because He no longer wanted to see us suffer, at the fate of our own hands. I challenge you today to live! Live as if today is your last, and rejoice in the fact that if it is, you'll spend all of Eternity in the presence of the Lord. Share this with as many people as you can, so that you will reunite with your loved ones in Heaven. There's so much more to know about Heaven, but salvation is the greatest, yet easiest gift to receive. All you need to do is believe that Christ lived, died, and was resurrected for your sins. Pray and confess that you're a sinner, and repent of your sins. Finally, ask Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Once you do this, your name will be written in the Lambs book of life, so when Jesus returns, or you're faced with physical death, you’ll have absolutely nothing to worry about. Make sure you strengthen your relationship with God along the way, because Jesus suffered and died to give you that privilege. My favorite verse today is: To live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)


I love you!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about God’s protection of those He loves. When we’re protecting, or being protected, there are certain steps we must take in order to stay safe and taken care of. God offers us protection from not only the evils of the world, but protection from ourselves. The commandments He gave us, through Moses, were all designed to protect us. He gave us laws of integrity, which teaches us to carry higher standards. Most importantly, He commanded us to love Him first, and allow Him to do the rest. He's our Heavenly Father, so for Him to say, “trust Me and I'll protect you”, means a lot. When we're born again, or confess Jesus as our Savior, we became babes in Christ, and just as a parent would protect their child, that's how God protects us. When we start off on our journey with Him, He holds our hand, feeds and nourishes us with the right knowledge and understanding, until we mature enough to stand on our own. Even then, He's with us every step of the way, so when we do fall, He's there to pick us up, dust us off, and get us back on the right path. He's such a wonderful and loving Father, and because of that He gives us choices. He gives us instructions on how to live life, the Holy Spirit for guidance, and the blood of Jesus for forgiveness, but continues to leave it up to us to use those resources. It's written: At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. (Matt. 18:1-5) Humility comes to mind when I read this passage of scripture, because Jesus laid it all out for us right here. All we have to do is become as little children, and we'll be considered the greatest, of God's chosen, in Heaven. Look at life in the eyes of a child, they're so carefree, joyful, and full of life. They have this undeniable innocence about them, and they never worry about anything. They look for the good in all things, and use their imagination to take them to wonderful places. They rely on, and trust in their parents’ protection, without a care in the world. Now I know what you must be thinking, but Jesus isn't asking us to be oblivious to the dangers of the world, because He also said: “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." (Matt. 10:16) He’s simply asking us to trust in our Heavenly Father, stop worrying about things we can't control, and as long as we do these with a humbled heart, we won't have a care in the world. Do you realize the magnitude of the power of Christ? We can do all things through Christ, because His power lives inside of us. Just as you did when you were a child, dream of your best life in Christ, and ask for His guidance to get you there. When you put your faith and hope in Him, He'll take you where you need be, giving you protection against the enemy along the way. The enemy will always try to steal that childlike innocence Jesus is referring to, but when we stay in the presence of the Lord, He'll rebuild all that the enemy attempts to tear down. Notice the keywords today like trust, hope, faith, and humility, because they're all necessary to receive the full coverage of God’s protection. Think of it this way, when you buy a car, it's equipped with door locks and an alarm system, to keep thieves from stealing it, but if we don't lock the doors, and activate the alarm, it's wide open, and the thief can just get in and drive away. Your car will eventually be replaced, if you have insurance, but it’s just the hurtful process it takes to get the replacement. We wake up each day to a God with open arms, ready to receive us, but it's up to us to welcome that embrace, and hold on tight. Jesus is the bond that brings us together with God, so you need Him before you could have that full embrace. Get to know Him, and the condition of your salvation, by taking the God Quiz today. My favorite verses today are: The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. (Psalms 37:23-24)


I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the staying power of the Lord. I can't get enough of verses like these, because it's always good to be reassured of the love of God. When we're in long-term relationships with people, we still expect them to tell us that they love us, no matter what. Although we may know that this person loves us, we still need to hear it. I come from a very affectionate family, and my mom told us she loved us all day, everyday. When we were leaving a room, finishing a phone conversation, going to bed at night, she made sure she didn't leave our presence without saying I love you. I've met lots of people who didn’t have that type of relationship with their parents, and they still suffer from it in adult hood. There are many relationships and marriages that suffer because of a lack of affection, or constantly communicating the love between them. If love is that important in our lives with each other, how important must it be to God? After all, God is Love. Each time we open the bible, our Spirit will reassure us of the love of God. It's written throughout the Word, and is the meant to be what our relationship with Him is based upon. His love is unlike anything we could receive from another person, but it's more than a thousand times magnified. He loves us unconditionally, and it's called Agape love, and can never be broken. Which assures us that He will always stay with us, even through all Eternity. This should give us the hope that we need to love as God loves. Paul wrote: Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:1-5) God not only loves us, but He pours His love into us by the Holy Spirit, which will ensure that He stays with us everyday of our life. There's nothing we can do to escape it, and I don't see any reason why we should want to. The next time you're feeling overwhelmed with guilt because of sin, you now have the wisdom to be able to overcome that, by simply confessing and repenting for your sins. Whenever you feel like you're not good enough, know that the Love of God makes you good enough. The next time you feel like life is just too much, and you can't take another step, try taking a step out on Jesus' love, because He's been with you all the time. If you don't know Him as Lord and Savior, then get to know Him today. If you haven't already, take the God Quiz today. My favorite verse today is: The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. (Psalm 34:17)


I love you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Daily Devotional Day and Night


I've been praying for "normal" weather, but I don't know what is "normal" nowadays, especially with the weather. Everything has flipped upside down, and some say it's global warming, and others say it's the “sign of the time”. I just know that God doesn't make mistakes, and everything is exactly the way they're meant to be. I live in optimism, and that's sometimes a beautiful thing, but I just can't see living in fear for the rest of my life. I know that if Jesus comes back tomorrow, or my life ends in some type of natural disaster, I'm ready to go be with my Lord. That gives me the strength to live each day with hope, joy, and peace, no matter what's going on in the world. There will always be natural disasters, wars, poverty, evil, as long as this earth stands. We can only do our parts to make it better, but the fate of the world ultimately lies in the hands of God. All we can do is pray, and make sure we have a personal relationship with Him, through Jesus. If you know in your heart that that’s taken care of, then you have nothing to fear, if you don’t then keep reading. Enjoy the rest of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. As I'm meeting new people, and talking more about religion as a whole, I find that a lot of people believe in God, but doubt the life of Jesus. Most of them said they believed that Jesus lived, but don't believe that He and God are one. Some say that Jesus was a prophet, and believe He performed many miracles, but just as any other disciple of God. Others don’t believe He lived at all. All I know is what’s in my heart, and that’s the fact that Jesus lived in the flesh, just as you and I, and died for my sins. I also know that He still lives in my heart today, and there is nothing anyone can say to make me doubt that. He’s proven Himself, real and true, to me everyday. According to God’s Holy Word, sin separated us from Him from the beginning of time. There were some who loved Him, and obeyed His commandments, but very few. God eventually gave His son, the precious and perfect Lamb, as the ultimate sacrifice. One who never sinned, nor disobeyed God. He allowed Jesus to live long enough to be a great example of how to live a Godly life. If we didn't have the Gospels of Christ, we wouldn't be able to understand the ways of God as much as we do. He taught in ways that we could understand, and one of His greatest sermons was the "Sermon on The Mount", where He taught about life in general, including prayer, forgiveness, faith, worrying, and the overall love of God. Jesus had the same freedoms as any other man, the ability to chose right from wrong, and He was given a choice to lay down His life for our sins. For Him to know, for most of His life, or as long as He could understand, that He would eventually suffer and die for the sins of mankind, must've been really hard to live with. However, He did it with integrity, and without faltering. There were times when the reality of it set in, and He became afraid and/or anxious, but He always consulted our Heavenly Father in prayer. There was nothing He did without including God. He taught the Love of God, and not so much dwelled on the sinful state of the human race. Yes He pointed out our flaws, and reiterated God’s laws, but He never condemned anyone. He was truthful and honest about the consequences of sin, but always reassured us that something as simple as faith could change our entire life forever. He was often called Rabbi, Teacher, Priest, and Lord, because He lived with this regal since of leadership, and was kind to everyone in His path. He never hurt anyone, nor turned any seeking soul away, but He chose to see his or her heart. Hearing all of this, you may be thinking, "If He was such a good man, why did He have to die so young, and of such a horrible death". The question shouldn't be revolved around how He died, or when He died, but why He had to die. There was something going on greater than fleshly death, or human understanding. Just know that Jesus no longer had to endure the earthly life, but went on sit on a throne, at the right hand of God, where He belonged. Not to mention that God wanted us home with Him forever as well, without the hindrance of sin, and the only way to make that happen was a blood sacrifice, so He gave the best sacrifice that could ever be made. Jesus unselfishly followed God’s plans for His life, and surrendered His life for us. The enemy didn't take it, because there's no power higher then the Almighty Lord. It's written: "These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” (Rev 17:14) To not believe in the Highest Priest or the greatest King, is proclaiming your disbelief in God as well, because He and Jesus are one in the same. With Jesus comes salvation, and with salvation come His Holy Spirit, a life of abundance and peace, and eternal life in Heaven. A life without Him comes confusion, strife, evil, depression, a life full of regrets and unrest, and/or eternal life in hell. That's the truth, and the only truth. As believers, we must be willing to stand up for the truth, because people's souls are in jeopardy. Jesus took the greatest stand of all, by sacrificing Himself for us, so what are we willing to do for Him? First things first, establish a bond with Him, by asking Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior. If you've already taken that step, but have strayed, then pray confessing your sins, and repent, because He's always waiting for you with open arms. Either way, get to know Him, because He's the key to victory in life and death. My favorite verse today is: No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. (John 10:18)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about staying preserved in the Lord. While reading today's verses, the word preserved stuck out the most. God said He will "preserve us from all evil" (Ps. 121:7). I guess that word sticks out to me so much, because I'm "foodie", and we're always looking for ways to preserve food. Canning, jarring, pickling, freezing, or adding chemical preservatives to food, helps it withstand the test of time. When food is exposed to air (oxygen, and carbon dioxide), for a long period of time, it's detrimental, because of the fermenting, ripening, or decomposing process. This causes food to "go bad", so it must be protected from the affects of "air" at all times. Our spirit is as fragile as food, because if it isn't properly protected from the evils of the world, it will "go bad". God gives us the best preservative of all, Jesus Christ. Jesus makes us righteous, and because of Him we can never lose our salvation. That's a reason to rejoice! Jesus has wrapped us up in His blood, which is our protection against the enemy. He's revealed that to us, in hopes that it would give us strength. However, we're given this great resource to preserve us, but if it isn't used properly, we still run the risk of backsliding. We must keep Jesus at the forefront of our life. He's our liaison to God, so we must pray in His name, learn His teachings, and follow His ways. Each day we awake, we must acknowledge God, and thank Him for another day. We must ask Him to guide our footsteps, and also make an effort to surround ourselves with love. We must avoid prolonged exposure to evil, because it does have a negative affect on our spirit. Just as we learned about King Solomon yesterday, our flesh, and other people, could persuade even the strongest person (or Christian) to backslide. In order to fight this Spiritual battle, and win, we must properly arm ourselves, as Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:10-20. God doesn't like us to be confused about our beliefs. There isn't a "gray" area in your faith; it's plain and simple, black and white. You're either with Him, or you're with the enemy. If you're in a gray area in your Faith walk, then pray and ask for clarity, and then pick up your bible and seek Him. Seek Godly counsel, through your church, Pastor, and/or surround yourself with the Word of God, through different ministries and music. There have been plenty of times where I knew I was losing it, and I felt like the temptation of life was just too strong, but God pulled me back in, because I sought Him out. I don't like it when my Spirit is grieved, but that’s exactly what happens when I step out of the God's will. He has blessed us with so much, yet expects so little; He just wants our love. Moses told the people of Israel: And you shall remember that the LORD your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD. (Deut 8:2-3) At some point in every believer's life, we're a slave to sin, or stuck in some type of “wilderness”, but God still preserves us. I believe that remembering that the Lord leads us everyday, and conserves our soul, is reward enough. God never stops loving us, and He continues to prove that. He takes care to wrap us up in His arms daily. You may not notice all of the things He does, especially if you're going through hard times, but believe me He's always there. That's His promise to all who believes in Him, through Christ. The bottom line is, if the blood of Jesus doesn’t preserve you, then you will surely perish. Salvation is as simple as believing that Jesus is the Christ, and repenting for your sins. That's it, and you're saved. If you need a prayer partner please let me know. My favorite verse today is: The Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever. (Psalm 37:28)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about separating ourselves from the evil ways of the world. When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we're making a covenant with God, confessing our desire to become like Christ. In order to do that, there are certain ways we must conduct ourselves, and its noted, by Jesus Himself, that it's hard to do without the correct surroundings. Our minds absorb everything it comes in contact with, so if we continuously surround ourselves with evil, we'll eventually conform to its ways. It doesn't matter how strong you are in your faith, how much you go to church, or read the bible. Most people justify their sins with this quote, "nobody's perfect, Jesus was the only perfect man". Although that is a fact, it doesn't give us the license to go out and do whatever we want to do, and then beg God to help us out of our mess later. God wants us to seek Him everyday, and in all things, and if we're doing that, then we have no time to "not be perfect". We have good intentions, but the fact is, the flesh is weak, and won’t keep us from sinning, because it wants just that. Let's look at the story of King Solomon. His father King David was one of God's most beloved children. He made some mistakes in his life, but he always stayed true to God. He sought Him in everything, and was always honest about his weaknesses. David loved his son Solomon very much, and before he died he said to him: "I am about to go the way of all the earth," he said. "So be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in his ways, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go, and that the LORD may keep his promise to me: 'If your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel." (1 King 2: 2-4 NIV) Notice some of the key things David pointed out to his young son. David had already experienced hardship and punishments, but he endured because of his love for God. He was basically telling his son to be a man of integrity, and most importantly, to try his best and do right by God. At the beginning, Solomon took his dad's advice, and God blessed him to be the wisest Kings of all of Israel. Then we get down to chapter 11, oh boy. It's written: King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women… (1 King 11:1) Now let's stop right there. God told Solomon to stay away from these women, because they worshipped false gods. He warned him that if he were to get involved with them, they would surely turn his heart away from Him. It's written: ...He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. (1 King 11:2-4) Why do you think, if Solomon was the wisest King to have ever reigned, he got so caught up in such a way? The answer is because he trusted the strength of himself, over the commandments of the Lord. I'm sure he thought to himself, "I can handle this, or I'm the King I can have whoever I want". Who knows what he was thinking, but obviously he wasn't wise enough to avoid falling into the trap of the enemy, because he chose to surround himself with the evils of the world. God had mercy on Solomon because of his father David, but He was truly hurt and disappointed. What I personally take from King Solomon is how to know my limits. I understand that my life has to change, and I must be very conscious of the things and people I surround myself with. After all, God has blessed me with the gift of Salvation, as well as the privilege to teach His Word, and I’m grateful. He also gave us commandments for a reason, and if we don't have laws, there would be utter chaos throughout the world. If you confess to be a Christian, then people, who walk past you on the street, should know there's something different about you. If you're associated with a people who are still lost, know your limits with those people. You can't hang out with them every weekend, because they're ways will eventually rub off on you, no matter how long you've been saved. Surround yourself with people who love God just as much as you do. Keep in company with people who will help you grow Spiritually, and encourages you to stay on the right path. Never think you're above anything. Make sure your heart stays 100% true to God, because He's the only way to living in abundance. The two advantages we have over Solomon are the blood of Jesus, which makes us righteous, and God's Holy Spirit, which gets us through each day. I thank God for those essential gifts, and I will always consult Him in everything I do. Get to know Jesus right now, and allow God to show you how as well. Take the God Quiz today. My favorite verses today are: The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. (Titus 2:11-14)


I love you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about being cutoff from the Lord. Subjects like these are hard to write about, because we often turn to devotionals to be uplifted, and enlightened. However, I would be doing you an injustice, if I didn't share the whole truth. God loves us unconditionally, and I will write this everyday, just to remind you of this fact. It is one thing to say, "yeah I know God loves me", but it's another thing to believe that God loves you. If you truly know that God loves you, you'd do everything in your power to do right by Him. You would consciously avoid sin, to the best of your ability, and follow His will for your life. There are things we do daily, that clearly doesn't magnify God, yet we do them anyway. God has revealed certain paths to us, and we sometimes ignore them, to venture off on our own, in an attempt to make ourselves happy. Nevertheless, when we blatantly sin against God, we'll be cutoff from Him, because He cannot look upon sin, nor will He tolerate our consistent disobedience. The people of Israel, who were freed from slavery, and taken to the Promised Land, strayed for years. They made mistakes, and oh did they suffer, but God never took the Promised Land away from them. He gave them leadership, His Word, prophets, and many warnings to persuade them to follow His will, but they didn't listen. They experienced the wrath of God, due to their own personal choices. There were a few strong ones who cried out to the Lord for their people, and God listened. A man named Ephraim cried out to the Lord: "You have chastised me, and I was chastised, like an untrained bull; restore me, and I will return, for You are the LORD my God. Surely, after my turning, I repented; and after I was instructed, I struck myself on the thigh; I was ashamed, yes, even humiliated, because I bore the reproach of my youth." (Jer. 31:18-19) Ephraim must've lived a wicked life, but he eventually became tired of suffering. He never blamed or questioned God as to why he suffered, but he made himself accountable. I'm sure he had been crying out to God for help all along, but nothing changed until he changed. That often happens to us. We pray and pray for miracles, and ask for answers to the things that hold us down, yet we aren't willing to change our actions. It wasn't until Ephraim repented, that God took mercy on Him. God answered his cry, it's written: Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a pleasant child? For though I spoke against him, I earnestly remember him still; therefore My heart yearns for him; I will surely have mercy on him, says the LORD. (Jer. 31:20) God's heart yearns for each of us, so it isn't easy for Him to allow us to suffer. He only wants what's best for us, but we have the responsibility to choose Him over the flesh. Jesus lives because we needed Him to redeem us, but we cannot take that privilege lightly. God asks us to live righteously to the best of our ability, and He understands when we make mistakes, but there's a difference between a mistake, and blatant disobedience. I'm warning you today to turn away from your evil ways, or God will help you do it. Have you ever experienced so much pain in your heart that you could barely get out of bed? Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Have you ever been warned by the Holy Spirit not to do something, but did it anyway, and ended up messing things up, worst than they were before? Yes God loves us, but we have choices, and each choice we make, whether right or wrong, comes with a consequence. You're meant to mature in your faith walk, but you won't be able to, until you surrender you heart to Him, just as Ephraim did. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past, simply go to Him, confess your sins, and repent. I can guarantee you, as long as you live obedient to the Word of God, you'll never be cutoff from God again. However, if He keeps calling you, giving you signs, blessing you with the things you ask for, and you don’t give Him that love in return, you'll be cutoff. You won't lose your Salvation, but your quality of life, and inner peace and joy, will suffer tremendously. If it seems like things just aren't getting any better for you, then you're lost in the wilderness. You'll find plenty of stories about this in the book of Psalms. Read some of David's Psalms, which start at chapter 3. David was blessed with so much, but he suffered tremendously, because he often surrendered to his flesh. Allow God to give you freedom, through Jesus Christ. It's yours for the asking, so follow Ephraim's lead, and cry out to Him. If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, that's the first step. Get to know Him today! My favorite verses today are: I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (Psalm 27:13)


I love you!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the strength of redemption through Christ Jesus. Knowing that you're being redeemed is a powerful thing. It takes a lot of pressure off of you, and allows you to have peace and serenity. To know that there's a God in Heaven, who's working within you, to make you strong, and is willing to be strong for you, is alleviating. It took a strong Man to make that walk to Calvary, take stripes for something He didn't do, and to endure being nailed to the cross. I thank God for that Man, we know as Jesus Christ, because without Him I would have no redemption. I can assure you that without Him, I wouldn't have the strength to endure working, scraping, and pulling to survive this life, and the mistakes I've made. The beauty of God’s love is the fact that Jesus endured for everyone else's mistakes. The beauty of salvation is that we're blessed with everlasting strength through Jesus Christ. The flesh is weak and frail, and it easily buckles under the pressures and temptation of life. I can testify that when I didn't have a proper relationship with God, I was very weak. I lived a life that I never wanted to live, and I compromised, because I wasn't strong enough to stand up to the enemy. I done things I never wanted to do, because I didn't have the strength to love myself, and endure the life I'd been given. There are so many people who conform to the evil ways of the world, simply because they aren't strong enough to endure. The good news is that you don't have to endure it on your own. Jesus is our Redeemer, and strength, but He's waiting on us to ask, seek, and choose Him. He's waiting on us to surrender to His calling on our life. God is amazing! There's nothing bad about Him, as the world would have you believe. He's more than fair, loves us unconditionally, and has laid out a life for us meant to make us strong servants. When life starts to get me down I try to sit back and evaluate the things going on. When I get exhausted and feel like I just cannot take another step, I try to gauge what I've been working so hard for. I ask myself if what I'm doing will glorify God. After I do all of that, I always end-up praying to God saying, "Lord I need your help, I can't do this on my own, give me strength", and He always redeems me. I've always admitted to being a dreamer, but those dreams help me aspire to achieve greatness, however I have to learn how to balance my dreams with reality. Reality is that without Christ I'm nothing, and can do nothing. Reality is that I can only go as far as He'll allow me, because I must follow His will for my life. Every day's a different journey, but I have to walk with Him, and when I do, I can cover way more ground, and accomplish so much more. Peter warned us to "submit to God and resist the devil", which is the key to staying strengthened all the days of our life. It's written: Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:6-11) No human being is exempt from suffering, that's just the way of an imperfect world. Isn't it great to know that you are redeemed by Christ? Allow Him to be Lord of your life every day, and your strength will continue to be renewed. Take the God Quiz today! My favorite verses today are: He is able ... to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him. (Hebrews 7:25)


I love you!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today marks another milestone in my life, and things are simply moving along, helping me understand that the one consistent thing about life is time. It moves so fast, that if you take too much time out to blink, sulk, or hold on to regrets, you'll surely miss out on a lot. I know a lady never tells her age, but I'm 32 years old, and it feels like my life is only beginning. I can't believe that it's been about 14 years since I've graduated from High school, but it seems like only yesterday. Life is short, and to live in the past is like carrying a weight on your shoulders. Today has so much more to offer than yesterday, because you can actually do something with it. Make it a point to tell someone you love them today, and most importantly, believe that to be true for yourself. Have a wonderful day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the sweet love of God. God has turned me into this great big ball of love. I've had this conversation with several people lately. When I say the word Love, I get this deep tingling sensation in my heart, and I feel full of happiness. It wasn't until I truly opened my heart to God, did this loving Spirit begin to grow. When I think about God, I think love, because He loves us more than we could ever understand, even if we don’t love Him in return. Yes it's written that we should fear God, but that fear should be intertwined with love. We grew up fearing our earthly parents, because they chastised us when we did something wrong. However, we knew that it was all out of love, which made us love, and depend on them so much more. Punishments are done to teach us right from wrong, and there are serious consequences for our actions. God loves us so much that He's going to do whatever it takes to keep us on the path that He's laid out for us. His path is the best and only way to true happiness, which He intends for us to have. He comforts us whenever we're in need. He's there whenever we call out to Him, and will never leave us alone. He thinks the world of us, because we're His creation. Most of us grew up watching the Cosby Show; they were the perfect TV family. Every child wanted to be a Huxtable, because of the love this family shared with each other. They weren’t perfect, they had disagreements, and sometimes the children disobeyed the parents, but ultimately it was all love. That's how our relationship is with our Heavenly Father. He's going to always love us unconditionally, no matter how much we sin. He even rejoices when we return to Him, after we’ve strayed. He's always waiting with open arms. He literally gave His life for us, so that we would no longer be subjected to a horrible fate. I've had conversations with a few different people lately, most of whom said that they don't believe in religion, or in Jesus, because of things that's happened to them, by other people, or churches, in the past. What they don't understand is that God could never be compared to man. Jesus always warned about the evils of the world, and how important it is for us to stay close to God. No matter how "great" of a Christian you think you are, even you are subjected to the evils of the devil, because you live in the flesh. It's important to take each day as a clean sheet of paper in your book of life, and write a new story of love. When Jesus enters your heart, love comes with Him. Paul wrote about the "Greatest Gift" in his letter to the Corinthians, and he ends this chapter with this: And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor. 13:13) The sweetest thing about God is the fact that He is Love. We can have greater faith and hope in Him because of it. Love is indeed the greatest gift He’s given us, and not only does He instill it in us, but He showers it upon us personally. Love is a wonderful thing, and it gives us happiness, peace, joy, hope, contentment, freedom, and the strength to move on. It isn't something you should be afraid of, but something you should embrace, cherish, and most of all respect, because it comes directly from God. This sums up today’s message for me: "Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that you're my God, You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me...". (~Israel & the New Breed) Those words speak love, and you'll only feel that when God has penetrated your heart on a deeper level. The only way to have that is to let go, and open up to Him. He'll do nothing but continue to love you, I promise, because He's done it for me. If you feel like something is missing, honestly ask yourself if you've truly surrendered your life to Christ. If you haven't, it's time to do that today. My favorite verses today are: How precious ... are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. (Psalms 139:17-18)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another terrific Tuesday. I'm doing well, had a wonderful start to the week, and a fresh start to life. When I woke up to this morning, the word resilience was in my heart, and it’s defined: the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. The word was planted in my Spirit several months ago, when I visited my nephew's Art Exhibit, at his school. Resilience was the theme, and the first time I really took a good look at the word. For some reason it stuck with me, and I can now see why. The world does its best to try and beat you down, and if you don't have God in your life, it will succeed. I attribute my resilience to the almighty Lord. Just thinking about His grace and mercy, fills me with so much love, peace, and joy, that I can't help but share it. I’m always surprised when the world says one thing, but God shows me another. I feel like I've reached a milestone in my life, and a major leap in my growth, I give all the honor and glory to God. It feels so good to shout: I'm going to make it after all! Hallelujah! I'm going to make it after all, thank you Jesus! Have you ever been so deep in pain and heartache that you thought you’d never overcome it, but as soon as you stepped into the light at the end of the tunnel, you felt free? That's how I feel today, and I wanted to share that with you. No matter what you go through, and how life tries to beat you down, there's victory in Christ Jesus. Never rely on another person to give you 100% support, because they're incapable, put that type of trust in God, and watch Him work. I feel so much love in my heart that it's overwhelming, and it comes from that simple revelation. I thank you as well, because you've each had, or will have, an impact on my life, and your prayers make a huge difference. I’m grateful to fellowship with you in such a special way. Strength is a state of mind, and you're only as strong as your level of faith. My Grandmother can use your continued prayers as well; she had a little cough this morning, and it frightened her. Let's pray that the pneumonia will never come back, because she's been doing so well. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about sowing into God. Giving is always a hard thing for people. Let's face it; most humans are selfish because of the flesh. A wise person once told me that everyone does everything for some type of retribution. I guess that's the “reap what you sow” type of mentality. However, God always commands us to be people of integrity, and to work to uplift His Kingdom. Those who are believers of Christ are considered a part of the Kingdom of God, so He requires each of us to sow into each other. We're to plant seeds through love, ministry, volunteer work, money, and time. God requires our best, when giving offerings, because He always gives us His best. Giving money to the Church, through tithes and offerings is always a touchy subject in the world of "religion", because people have a lot of different views on it. However, what did Jesus say about the rich man? If you're not willing to sell all you have, give it way to the poor, or for the greater good of His Kingdom, then how strong is your faith and love for Him? Guess what? He doesn't ask us for all of that! He only asks us for a small percentage. Think about our churches, which are mostly non-profit organizations. They're built to help all who come, no matter if you're saved or not. A lot is required to run a church. I didn't realize how much, until I became a Deacon at my current church. There are so many things that are required of the church, to even open its doors on Sunday morning, let alone the different ministries offered on a daily basis. The church needs our contributions in order to adequately serve the people of God. The Pastor(s) or leaders of the church, often gives up their life for the church, and he or she needs to compensated for the awesome tasks given. The church needs our time and money. If you aren't an active member of a church, then sow into different charities, or simply help someone who’s in need. Don't have the attitude of giving someone your week-old leftovers, because you don't want them anymore, but cook a fresh meal and take it to a retirement home, or shelter. You never know how you can touch someone's life. Volunteer your time, by visiting someone, or taking a few minutes to call a friend that’s going through tough times. All of these things are showing God to those who may have no other outlet, and you'd be doing just as Jesus commanded of you. The theory of building a healthy relationship with God is putting Him first in everything you do. Do you wake up each morning, thinking, "what can I do for God today" or "how will I make a difference"? Well we all should. Some people think that you have to be rich in order to make a real difference, but that isn't true. Give what you can, and God will provide everything you'll ever need. The more you give, the more you're receive, it just as simple as that. Have you ever wondered why you’re lacking at times? It’s time for self-examination. God blesses us to be a blessing to each other, and that's His commandment, "love your neighbor as you love yourself". It takes more than saying you love someone to fulfill that commandment, but it requires your all. It's written: But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:22-25) God is so good, and all He asks is that same passion in return. The first commandment to love Him with all your heart, and those who love His Son, loves Him. Allow Jesus to be Lord of your life first, and pray and ask God to allow you to be a cheerful giver. Give from your heart, and not out of obligation, and so many doors will be opened to you. If want to find out how to establish a true relationship with Jesus, please let me know, and I'll be happy to pray with you. My favorite verse today is: God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints and do minister. (Hebrew 6:10)


I love you!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about overcoming shame through Jesus Christ. Shame may be one of the biggest weapons the enemy uses against us, to keep us in bondage. The truth is, there is no shame in Jesus Christ. When we sin, the Holy Spirit will convict us, only to get us to confess and repent for sin, but once that's done, it's forgotten. Everyone who's ever walked this earth sinned, including some of Jesus' closest friends and disciples. Nevertheless, none of them allowed the shame of sin deter them from the path given. Only God can judge us, so if by the blood of Jesus, we're made whole and righteous, then there's nothing else to worry about. I was thinking today, while surfing the Internet, and reading different blogs, about how our society is so quick to judge people for their mistakes. We not only judge people, but we do our best to condemn them, and they sometimes turn to drugs, alcohol, or sin as a whole, to try and fill that void. Some work their entire lives to redeem themselves. It's so sad, but it's the way of a life that’s filled with evil and hate. The devil knows that it's near impossible for us to lift up our hands and praise God if we're covered with guilt and shame, so he makes sure that we're under it. Shame was introduced when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. In the story of the creation of Adam and Eve, it's written: The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame (Gen 2:25). God created us to be free, happy, and without worry, but evil introduced shame, and shame is a big part of sin. When I think of the controversy of abortion, and how people are willing to kill a child, because of shame (in most cases). Also, there are many children who are abused, or mistreated, because they're considered to be a mistake, which causes shame. I think about how many suicides are committed, or how many people stop living because of shame. I want you to know, that through Jesus, we've received freedom from the burden that is shame. He offers Salvation from death, shame, sin, unhappiness, strife, and so much more. Mistakes happen everyday, but we must count it all joy, because all things work together for our good. There's no need for you to let shame run your life any longer, because God is aware of everything we do, have done, or are going to do, and it doesn't matter what I, or anyone else thinks. Jesus has taken all of our sins, nailed it to the cross, and left them there, so it's time for you to let it go as well. Sometimes shame is used to convict, and conviction is meant to promote repentance, but it's not meant to condemn. It's written: For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:10-13) These verses of scriptures should be committed to memory, and to your heart. When shame gets you down, God is the only one that can pick you up, and His promises gives us power to overcome. In some people’s eyes divorce is something to be ashamed of, and I was ashamed for a long time, but God has forgiven me, and delivered me from it, so I'm using my testimony to help deliver someone else. I've done many other things that I was ashamed of, but "we're" working on it, because life's too short to live with shame and regret. I'm not perfect, because I'm not Jesus, and I'm still in the flesh, so I rely on Him to bare my shame, and restore my soul. I'm no Holier than you, so you can do the same. The first step is establishing a relationship with Jesus, and He'll do the rest. Don't forget that you can always take the God quiz, I think it's a wonderful tool for all who need to know what, and/or how to believe. My favorite verses today are: Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Galatians 1:3-5)


I love you!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the enrichment of Jesus Christ. When I saw the word enrichment in the opening verse, it took me back to culinary school. In nutrition class I learned about the importance of vitamins, and why it's necessary to replenish them, on a daily basis. Vitamins help with the natural function of our body, and help it fight against sickness and dieses; as well as help other parts of our body to grow. The best vitamins are found in food, because they're natural, and were created by God, and does exactly what He intended them to do in our body. However, in recent years, food has become big business, and all about production and money, rather than nutrition. A lot of our foods are enriched with vitamins, because an abundance of certain vitamins, which are good for us, are lost in the growth process. Most fruit juices, grains, and dairy are enriched with vitamins, calcium, minerals, antioxidants and etc. Here’s the definition for the word Erich, which best describes what I’m refering to: to restore to (a food) a nutrient that has been lost during an early stage of processing. However the first definition listed is: to supply with riches, wealth, abundant or valuable possessions. Jesus was born, died, and resurrected to do all of that and more. We were born in sin, which made us lack important elements of life. When we grow and learn who Jesus is, and make a conscious decision to accept Him as Savior, God immediately enriches our life. Believers are referred to us as "the body of Christ", and we're all meant to work together as a whole, to strengthen the Kingdom of God (1 Cor 12-31). Just as we input vitamins in our body everyday, we must keep in contact with Jesus. We must walk with Him, talk with Him, eat, breathe, and drink Him, because He enriches our life. Without daily vitamins, given by food and water, to our body, we couldn't survive. Just as we need food to live, we need Christ. When we take vitamin supplements, we're giving our body an extra boost, to ensure that we're not only living, but we're growing, and keeping ourselves healthy. That's what fellowship, church, bible study, prayer, and meditation does for our Spiritual health. We do those things to enhance our relationship with God, to be a greater asset to the Body of Christ. God wants us to be full, whole, and healthy, by His love. He wants us to bare good fruit, avoid sin, and experience peace, joy, and happiness above all else. Worry, anger, sin, and envy, all bring sickness to our mind, body and Spirit, but Christ has delivered us, with love. The Apostle Paul wrote: For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:14-19) The Salvation that Jesus came to give means so much more than a mansion in Heaven, but it enriches our life right here, and right now. Jesus gives us the power to overcome all the evils of the world, any trial we may face, and He'll heal everything that the devil positions to tear us down. We must acknowledge His presence, and each day, find a way to get closer to Him. We must learn His teachings, and imitate His life, attitude, and love for others. This is true richness, and all the money in the world, can't give us what Jesus can. If you don't know Him, then you need to be enriched today. You're living, but that's just it, living. Jesus offers an abundant life, and that entails more than just material wealth, but mental and spiritual wealth as well. Take His word for it; I can testify that He's never lied to me yet. Enrichment is just prayer away, do it now, and everyday for the rest of your life. I promise you won't regret it. My favorite verse today is: In everything ye are enriched by him. (1 Corinthians 1:5)


I love you!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Easter was a special time for me, but also for all mankind, because we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I'm sure, those of you who attended Church service on Sunday heard the story of Jesus being buried in a tomb, after His crucifixion (Good Friday), but on the third day He was resurrected (Easter). Over next new few days after His resurrection, He visited some people [in the Spirit], to prove that He was alive and well, and to bid His farewells. I challenge you, over the next couple of days, to tap into the Christ inside of you. He's with you everyday, so you don't have to celebrate Him on Easter only, but celebrate Him each day. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about Jesus our mediator. Who better to intercede for us, than Jesus? He was born, and grew up, the same way we were, so that He could learn first hand the life of a human being. He went through learning how to walk and talk, through puberty, and through being a young adult. He lived with such grace and poise, that His life gives us something more than just Salvation. Jesus is often referred to as the "High Priest", because He's able to talk to God on our behalf, and He's made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Before Christ, the High Priests performed the sacrifice ceremonies, and prayed to God for others, to help them be forgiven for their sins. However, they themselves were sinners, so they had limits, but were still considered the "holiest human beings". After Jesus' resurrection we're made Holy, because we accepted Him as Lord and Savior. His blood washes us, so no other blood sacrifice is necessary. It's written: Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever. (Hebrews 7:26-28 NIV) Jesus is the Highest of the High Priest, and we can now go to God whenever, and for whatever, in Jesus' Name, and our every prayer will be answered. We're blessed to have Him on our side. He's helping us along the way, and before He ascended into Heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit to help keep us on the right path. When we live for God, and depend on Christ for everything, we have nothing else to worry about. There are still numerous people who don't believe that Jesus is the only way to God. If you’re one of those people, I urge you to reconsider, because without Jesus you have nothing. He gives life, peace, joy, happiness, and so much more. It’s written that we should fear God because He is a God of right and wrong, laws, and rules, but He's also a God of love. He says we reap what we sow, but He's quick to forgive, when we obey His commands. The good news is, that Jesus paid our sin debt in full, and has become our permanent blood sacrifice. Life happens, and God understands that, hence the reason He sacrificed His only Son for us. He also loves us unconditionally, and wants nothing more than to spend all of eternity with us. I know for some, Christianity is hard to understand, and Jesus is someone we wish for, but aren't really sure of. What are we really sure of? None of us have had the privilege to see Jesus face to face, but there are many people who have. Logic tells us that some things that we've read in the Holy Bible are impossible, but truth is, God had doesn’t make mistakes, and through Him all things are possible. We walk with Jesus everyday, and some can, without a doubt, feel His presence. This is why our Faith in Him means so much, and comes with great rewards. Jesus is the one who talks to God and asks Him to give you another chance, after you've committed that same sin for the hundredth time. He's the one who encourages God to bless you with that gift you've asked for over and over again, even though you don’t deserve it. He's the one who thought you were so loveable, that He gave up His own life for you. These are priceless gifts, and they're offered to each and every living soul. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever think that it's not available to you, because of your past, or current situation. I can testify to the reality of Jesus Christ, because He's walking with me [and you] everyday. If you want to walk with Him, start off by praying and asking Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior, confess your sins, and ask for forgiveness. Thanks to our intercessor Jesus Christ, we don’t have to wait for months or years, or rely on another human being to give a sacrifice for us, because that job has been completed once and for all. Enjoy the gift of unconditional love and peace, because no one can ever take that away from you. My favorite verse today is: There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:5)


I love you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daily Devotional Day &Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying this beautiful Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday eve. I'm doing well, filled with the Spirit of the Lord. As I was researching for today's devotional, I learned a lot, in so little time. Today we celebrate the last Supper, which is when Jesus gathered with His friends, for one last meal during Passover. At this celebration, He started started off by washing His followers feet, which is a great sign of respect. He than broke bread and drank wine with them, and He taught several life lessons. These stories can be found in the book of John chapters 13-17. Tomorrow we celebrate Good Friday, which is the day that Jesus was betrayed and killed. It's said that He was killed on the day, which was traditionally the day that the Lambs were to be slaughtered for the sacrifice, during Passover. Which is why Jesus is called the Lamb of God. The stories about His crucifixion can be found in chapters 18-19. Jesus went through a lot for us, and it's important to learn the history of it, to better understand our "Christian roots". The Internet is a precious tool, because you can “Google” just about anything, and find a vast array of wisdom. You may not hear from me again until Tuesday, so Happy Easter to you, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about Joy. What a wonderful word, JOY! It makes me smile at the thought of it. The word Joy is defined: the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation. Who Jesus is, what He's accomplished, and how He loves, should bring great joy to all mankind. By definition, joy is an emotion, but it’s also a state of mind, because Jesus had a joyful state of mind. During all the turmoil He faced, throughout the last few days of His life, He was satisfied with the fact that He was following the will of God. He was pleased about offering Himself as a sacrifice, because He would bring peace to the entire human race. His passion brought Joy to His heart, as well as the Father’s. God revealed to Jesus, early in life, that He would suffer many things, which will lead to His death, and He still kept a joyful outlook. He didn’t constantly complain, nor did He give up on life, but He rejoiced in completing God’s will. However, He had His moments, because the flesh is weak. When it came closer to the time of His crucifixion, He went to the wilderness to pray, and took His disciples with Him. It's written: ...He began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.” (Matt 26:37-38) Jesus went off into the wilderness on His own, and fell on His face and prayed, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” A second and third time He prayed, “O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.” (Matt 26:42) I loved my study of the Gospel of Christ, because it gave me something real, and tangible to hold on to. When we solely depend on other's to teach us, we're at the mercy of their knowledge or wisdom. However, we're attempting to build a "personal" relationship with God. We’re working to be “like Christ”, in order to truly experience the joy of life, so we must seek His wisdom for ourselves. Jesus taught using "real life" scenarios, because He understands our mindset. The fact that God allowed us to see Him in such a vulnerable state, allows us to understand that it's okay. However, God is so powerful, and loves us so much, that our hearts shouldn't be troubled with the facts of life. We should have great joy, because our rewards are greater than we could ever imagine. In the Old Testament, God lead Ezra to preach His Word to the people of Jerusalem. This was a group of people who were from all walks of life. They spoke different languages, and came from different cultures, yet they had one thing in common, pain and sorrow. They all sat and listened intently to Ezra, even though many of them didn't understand his language, but God gave them a way, and they helped each other understand. The word of God instilled hope in their hearts, and that hope turned into Joy. Ezra ended his sermon with these words, "Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10) The Joy of the Lord got Jesus through His horrifying ordeal, and it’ll get us through anything we’ll face in life as well. We must learn to constantly count our blessings, because things could always be worst. Suffering for the Lord, means we'll experience tremendous joy with the Lord. Again, Joy is a mindset, and the fact that we have victory by the blood of the Lamb, has allowed it to have a permanent place in our heart. Remember, with God our joys will always outweigh our pains, but the beauty of a life with Christ is that we can still experience joy through them. If you don't know Jesus then you have yet to experience true joy. Get to know Him today, but start by inviting Him to be Lord and Savior of your life. He was crucified for you. My favorite verse today is: Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; ... for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame. (Hebrews 12:2)


I love you!