Thursday, June 3, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about diligently working for Lord. Do you ever feel like the work will never been done? Almost like the old saying goes “if it ain’t one thing it’s another”, yet the lessons go on. I think of the times when Jesus sent His disciples, and other followers, out into the land, to share the “good news” of salvation. Their lives were all about work and sacrifice for the greater good of the Kingdom of God. These men knew what it was to truly surrender and let go of self, giving 100% of their all, to the work of God. They prepared themselves for a journey into the unknown, and took nothing with them but the Love of God, and the anointing that Jesus placed on them, which was more than enough. Before they left on their journey He said to them: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.” (Luke 10:2-3) Look around you, there are so many things that need to be done! The “Harvest surely is plentiful”, but there are too few people willing to step up and do something about it.
Most of us have great work ethics, and will work 10-12 hour days for a dead end job that we hate, but when God calls us to do His work, we always find excuses. It’s easier to find excuses, then to submit to a servant’s journey. Jesus told these men not to take anything with them, it’s written: Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. (Luke 10:4) He told them this to prove to them that as long as they’re laboring in His Name, for our Heavenly Father, their every need would be provided. God has always promised to supply our needs, so don’t use the excuses “I’m not smart, strong, or qualified enough to do what He’s called me to do”, because Jesus said “take nothing with you”, just follow His instructions. Nonetheless, when He calls us, it’s a natural reaction to question and second guess our ability, or worthiness of such a calling, but we must remember that “we can do all things through Christ”.
My sister reminded me of one of my all time favorite Gospel songs, Tomorrow by The Winans , so I looked it up on YouTube because I hadn’t heard it in years, and I think the message in this song is very much fitting to today’s message, let alone many others. It reminded me that we are called to work each day we’re given air to breathe, so focus on completing the will of God today, because we really aren’t promised tomorrow. When Jesus returns, or we’re called home, the one thing we want to be sure of is our attentiveness and love for God. Receiving Salvation may be the easiest thing we’ll ever do, however, keeping up with our end of the vow that we take in this covenant is very challenging. Jesus never denied that, so that’s why He said “I’m sending you out as Lambs among wolves”. There’ll always be obstacles, and “one thing after another”, but as long as we’re laboring for the Creator, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lord of All, our Father who is Love, we’ll be richly reward for all eternity. There’s nothing more important than that.
When He starts to transform your heart, and filling you with His love, you’ll begin to see what I, and countless others see. The world is in need of the Love of God, and they’ll only see it through us. Each day, make it a point to go out of your way to share the love of God. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, inconvenienced, or tired, because when it comes to choosing between your comfort and God’s work, I hope you know which to choose. Your life will be richly filled with an abundance of Peace, Joy, and Happiness, I can guarantee it. A friend posted a comment on Facebook today, which read “I'd rather be exhausted by success... than fully rested from failure.” This is one of the most profound quotes I’ve heard in a while. It’s short and simple, but packed with so much power. Just imagine if we applied this thought process to serving the Kingdom of God. Jesus wants us to be eagerly awaiting our reunion with Him, but until then, we should rather be exhausted by serving Him, then well rested and not accomplishing the things He’s placed us here to do.
Are you “Actively awaiting your reunion with Christ Jesus? If your answer is no, then ask yourself why not. Maybe your answer is “I’m not ready”, “I have so much more I want to accomplish”, or “I still need to make peace with this or that, him or her…” etc. I can go on and on with excuses because I make them sometimes myself. The only thing we need, to be ready for Christ’s return, is to be covered by His blood, and filled with His love; let go of the past and always look forward to what difference you can make today, and carry the heart of a servant. Simply start by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, seek Him all the days of your life, and He’ll do the rest. My favorite verses today are: This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, ... I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded. (Philippians 3:13-15)


I love you!

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