Friday, June 25, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about becoming like Christ, throughout our Faith walk. What does it mean to be a Christian? There are so many different forms or branches of the “religion” Christianity, which in my opinion, allows people to easily get lost in its true meaning. has several definitions of the word itself, but most relate to: following the teachings of, or believing in, Christ. My favorite definition of them all, is one word, "Christlike".
To get caught up in the different “sub-religions” of Christianity is something that I cannot get into today. I think being a believer in Jesus Christ is so far above the word "religion", because the word itself carries a lot of controversy. Some people advise never talk politics or religion with friends or family, because that's an easy way to lose a few (I somewhat agree with that statement). I could go on and on about the different belief systems, but in the end, there's only ONE truth. It's written: Jesus said... “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) There are always going to be lots of unanswered questions about Christianity, but you should never stop seeking the truth for yourself. Personally, I know Jesus Christ, because He lives in my heart. He's uplifted and strengthened me on days I thought I could no longer go on. He's spoken to me through His Word and Holy Spirit, and comforted me in times of trouble. He's rejoiced with me in great times of joy, and there are times when I literally feel His presence. So when asked why I’m a Christian, these are some my answers.
There's more to being a Christian than just inheriting your mansion in Heaven, it's a lifestyle. Although confessing Christ as your Lord and Savior is a huge step, it’s probably the easiest part of becoming Christlike. If you read the Gospels of Christ, you'll notice that Jesus' main concern was teaching the ways of God, and representing His Father well. He knew that He was a first hand look into Who God is, that's why He said "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father". When we confess that we are Christians, people see God through us. The lost are looking to be found, and some people get to a point in their life where they just need some answers. When God calls you, you almost feel like something is missing in your life, until you answer. You’ll keep searching for that missing piece, until you find Him. He places certain people in your life to show you the way to Him. He uses each of us, so we're warned throughout His Word, to be careful of what we do, because we never know when someone's watching. We can bring life or death to a lost person, so when we confess to be Christians our main goal is to shine His light to everyone around us, so don’t hide or be ashamed of who you are in Christ. Jesus said: “No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light." (Luke 8:16)
This message is meant to convict, not condemn, so if you are not a "Christian", don't be afraid. God created the world, and everything in it. He knows that we're inadequate, weak, and frail in the flesh, because He created us that way. He created us to depend on Him. If He's called us to be one of His children, and commands us to follow the path of righteousness, He'll give us all that we need to stay on it, when we have Faith in Him to do so. Although Jesus (in the flesh) had all the power and might of God, He still relied on God to get Him through each day, because He realized the weakness of His flesh. When He needed help and strength He prayed and asked God for it. He's such a wonderful example on how to live a Godly life, how could we ever be ashamed to say that we're Christians? I wouldn't want to be like any other man that ever walked this earth, but Him.
Living a Christian life requires a change in mindset, because we're born in sin, with free will. We must learn and love the promises of God, and the ways and teachings of Christ, in order to get it right. The Holy Bible is the "living Word", so every time we pick it up, even to read the same verses over and over again, God is trying to show us something. Study the ways of Christ, and the things He’s done, and take on some of the same attitudes. Most importantly, put God at the head of your life, and always put Him first, and everything else will fall into place.
Being a light for Christ doesn't require you to be perfect or sin free, because no one is, but it does require you to strive to be, each day. If your only focus is on how you're going to please God, you'll see everything around you will prosper, without you even trying.
The first step to becoming a Christian is surrendering your life to God, and asking Jesus to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Once you've done that, let the journey begin. It feels good when you start to notice your transformation; all of the pain from the refinement is worth it. The key is changing your mindset to one of a great representative of Christ. My favorite verse today is: Christ ... shall change our vile body ... that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. (Philippians 3:20-21)


I love you!

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