Monday, June 7, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about prospering in the Lord. I believe the goal of every human being is to prosper and grow, because that's the cycle of life. When we have children we expect them grow up to be successful and productive human beings. When we were children, we had had dreams of what we wanted to be when we "grew up". We were full of fun and games, hope and expectations, and never thought that our dreams wouldn't come true. As we grew older, we started to realize the reality of life, and it became harder to focus. We were introduced to the evil and sin of the world, and then we slowly lost that childhood innocence, and quickly begin to test the waters, to experience life, and all that it has to offer.
We made mistakes, some good and some bad, which is to be expected, because that too is the way of life, but what made the difference was how we handled those mistakes, and the type of guidance we had. I believe we never really "grow up", because every day we're learning something new, and making different mistakes. I don't think that changes as we get older, I just believe our mistakes become few and far between, or less severe, depending upon how much we’ve learned from prior mistakes made. I don't care how "Holy" you become, you will still make mistakes, because that's how imperfect we are, in the flesh. The best thing about the God is that He loves us, and understands what we’re going through.
The most important thing about getting older and wiser is to never stop dreaming. When we became Christians, we started a new process of growth, and with Jesus, came a "Helper", to guide us along the way. Our daily scriptures started of with this, "The Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand" (Gen 39:3), which was pulled for a popular biblical story in the book of Genesis about Joseph (chapters 37-50). When I think about the life of Joseph and where he started, and where he ended it gives me such hope, because I know that I too am one of God's chosen, and will go on to prosper. Although his brothers hated Joseph, and they conspired to kill him, sold him into slavery, and he was falsely imprisoned, He never lost hope in the vision that God gave Him. He suffered heartache and turmoil for many years, but he was ultimately made a ruler of the land. Just as God said, and his brothers were forced to bow down to Him.
This story astonishes me, because it helps me see how God works. Joseph, and many others that came after him, always had options. He could've reacted so differently in each scenario. However, he always feared God, and lived to please Him, and that was what made the difference in his life. That's the only thing that will make a difference in our life as well. We must be men and women of integrity at all times. No matter how we're tested and tried. The enemy will do his best to tear us down, and that could be done through people, failures, mistakes, past hurts and pains, etc. However, we must take all of our adversity, and use it as fuel, to reach the greatness that God has in store for us. I could only imagine how hard it was for Joseph at times, and how many times he fell short, or became discouraged. Especially while in that ditch facing death, or in prison not knowing his fate, I wonder how many times he cried out to the Lord for strength.
As long as we stay in touch with God, we don't have to lose that child-like joy in our heart, because we know that when He's given us a dreams or goals, He's going to make sure that we reach them. I want you to know that by the blood of Jesus we are God's chosen ones. If you're reading this right now you have been chosen to do something great for Him. He has great rewards for you, throughout your journey, because He meant for each of us to prosper. We're not meant to follow the ways of the world, and suffer with unrest, and discontentment, but Jesus died to give us peace through all things. I challenge you to continue to dream today. Try to remember back to when you where a child, when things were so simple. With Christ, things can still be simple. At the same time have to actively seek the Father, stay in prayer, and seek wisdom in His Word. In Christ, it's always right there for us, all we have to do is be obedient, and reach out and grab it. There’s a reason why Jesus was born a baby, and had to grow, and didn't start His ministry until He was wise enough to complete God's will, the way He intended it to be. It's written at the end of Luke chapter two, which gives an account of Jesus in childhood: And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. (Luke 2:52)
If you feel like your stuck in one spot, yet you should be prospering, then I urge you to keep your focus on God. Spend each day with Him, acknowledging His presence and seeking His face. I know it's easier said than done, because I struggle with it from time to time, but I try my best to make sure I show Him that I love Him, even if it's just a thank you. A friend quoted this the other day, "some days are better than others", and that's another one of those short, common, yet profound quotes, that's true in the life of each believer. Don't allow those bad days discourage you, because God has plenty of good ones ahead. If you haven't accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, or aren’t sure where you stand in your Faith walk, then try taking Dr. Stanley's God Quiz today, it’ll give some much needed answers. My favorite verses today are: As long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. (2 Chronicles 26:5)


I love you!

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