Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the depth of our God, where there is no comparison. There are many different belief systems in this world, but none can quite compare with the one true God. Our God created the heaven and earth, and everything in it. He's so magnificent, that we can't quite grasp the enormity of Him. He said: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Rev. 22:13) Can you imagine? The most important thing that we should know about Him is that He is our Heavenly Father, and He loves each of us so much that every hair on our head is numbered. When we love Him, we never have to worry about anything on this earth. There is no one or nothing mightier than Him. His Word is the one and only truth, which has and will stand the test of time.

There are several different religions in this world, some of which there is no record. According to the website “Religious Tolerance” there's at least: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheists, Sikhism, Judaism, Spiritism, Baha'i Faith, Confucianism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto, Taoism, Chinese folk religion, and Wicca. To be honest with you, I've never heard of most of these religions. It's such a big subject, and because we were created with a "herd" mentality, we all need something to believe in. All of these religions evolved because one person didn't want to see things the way God presented it, so they branched off into their own beliefs. Most of the time, it was to conform around what works for them.

God's Word, also known as the Holy Bible, is the handbook to life. It gives us the truth, divinely written by God, through chosen human beings. There are people who have dissected this book, and only choose to believe the parts that work for them. That's a very dangerous road to follow, but I can understand how you might argue that some of it isn't true. The most common argument is that this book was written by man, and translated so many times that some truths may have been omitted and/or changed from what was originally written. I guess that can be a fair argument, but that's when you must think about who God is. If He created the entire universe, couldn't He have divinely written, and translated the Holy Bible? Not only did He write it, through some awesome people in history, but He also has linked it back to the original scrolls. There are true Biblical Historians that has done the research, and persevered His Word, for hundreds of years, by His power. God still writes through people, to give new translations to His Word, as the times change. He uses people like me, and others on a grander scale, whom He anointed with the gift to write. He's the one true GOD! He can move heaven and earth to prove Himself to those He loves, but we must have Faith in Him, because of what He has given us. Remember, “…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1)

God makes sure that we have everything we need to be redeemed, to make it to the Kingdom of Heaven, but it's up to us to reach out to Him. He's one God, but a trinity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He plays three different roles in our life, which offers us Salvation, protection, love, guidance, and so much more. We can have a personal relationship with Him, and He's equally attentive to each believer, because He's a part of us. Whenever we call He answers, whatever we need He provides, and all we have to do is love Him with all our heart. I don't know any other god, idol, or religion that promises that. Nothing can compare to the love of the God! I love Him because He's shown up in my life, and performed miracle after miracle. I hate to sound like a cliché, but He's truly made ways out of no way for me. He speaks to me, and He comforts me in times that no one else could. I know God is real, because He’s with me each day.

If this message has you interested in knowing more about God, there are many resources available, and the Internet was created to help expand our knowledge. You can read the bible in different languages and dialects online. You can also seek Godly counsel, and/or speak to a Pastor at your local church, to receive more information. Dr. Charles Stanley has study the word of God so extensively, that He has his doctorate in Theology. He was anointed to created another translation of the bible, called the "Life Principle Bible". I love His teachings, because He’s a man who’s knowledgeable, as well as wise. He has lots of resources on his website as well I urge you, if you haven't confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then please start by taking the God Quiz today. Hopefully, if you've been wavering, or aren’t clear on what to believe, this message has helped you in some way. Once you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, you'll be anointed with the Holy Spirit, who will show you the truth and the light. Just know that there's nothing that can be compared to the one true God! My favorite verses today are: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)


I love you!

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