Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the comfort of the Lord. We all have and will experience heartache, tribulation, sorrow, and disappointments in life, whether for a few moments, or a lifetime. No matter what the trial, God will be there to comfort us throughout. All we have to do is go to Him and ask for help. He'll give us so much peace, that it'll be even hard for us to understand how we're getting through these rough spots in life. Jesus said that the one thing that we'll all experience is troubles, but it doesn't last always. Still, we can count on Him to be there every step of the way. I can testify to that, and I'm sure you have a few testimonies as well.

Tribulation is hard on anyone, and there are many forms. There's some that happens with no notice; it hits us like a ton of bricks. In those times, it's hard to know how to react. We often feel lost and alone, as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Considering the circumstances and the maturity of your faith walk, there are two things that could happen: you could either turn to God, or turn to the world. For some, at the first sign of trouble, they drop to their knees and cry out to God. They ask for the strength to make it through, and pray for whoever is involved in the situation. Those are the people who have a relationship with God, and have allowed Him to establish His place in their life.

There are others whose first reaction would be evil thoughts, whether revenge or they become reckless. There are some who drown their sorrows in drugs and alcohol, which temporarily mask the pain. There are so many ways to deal with hard times in life, but the best and only way is to lean on the comfort of the Lord. This gift is offered to every believer, by the Grace of God.

There's nothing that could separate us from the love of God, not even sin. Our sin debt has been paid in full, so when we need the comfort of the Lord, all we have do is go to Him. We should always repent for our sins as soon as they happen, but if we haven't, we can pray right now and confess to the Lord, and they'll be taken care of. Guilt because of past sin is what makes us try to go through dark periods in life alone. The enemy will have us think that God doesn't want anything to do with us, because of our lifestyle, or past mistakes, and that is furthest from the truth. If God turned away everyone who asked for His help, because of past sin, then no one would ever be able to experience His comfort. We all have our cross to bear, and God understands that, hence the reasons for the ultimate sacrifice of His Son.

Jesus gives us the right to go to God for support through the trials of life. It doesn’t matter if it’s self-inflicted or something that’s out of our control. I know I'm not the only one who has put myself through fire, with self-inflicted hurts and pains. Those times when the Holy Spirit told me not to take a particular road because the fire was hot, and I might get burned, but I took that road anyway. Even in those times of refinement, God was there to comfort me, forgive me, and teach me a better way to go. He wants us to understand that His grace is sufficient in our weakness, so we don't have to go through it alone. He gives me inner peace, as well as the right people to help me get through them. That's always the case when we trust, lean, and rely on Him for our every need.

The Apostle Paul said: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort. (2 Cor. 1:3-7 NIV) There is a reason for everything, and as much as we often don't have understanding of our suffering, God does. There are some things that cannot be avoided in this life, either due to the weakness of our flesh, or circumstances out of our control. Either way, painful circumstances are inevitable, yet so is the love and comfort of God. Continue to praise Him through every situation, because He's there. Be sure to cry out to the Lord anytime you need comfort. Remember to be there to comfort others who cry out to you, and help them find their way back to God; pray for, and with them.

Hopefully this helps you, when tribulation strikes, to choose God above the world. The world offers nothing but more confusion and strife, so that's not where you want to be. You need strength to get through these very draining times, and that strength and rest comes from the Lord. Jesus said come to me ALL who are burdened and I will give you rest. You'll find comfort in His word, and in His presences. Sometimes the best comfort is found in just being still and listening to Him. Other times comfort comes from talking to Him in the Spirit. God wants what's best for us, which is sometimes the reasons He allows us to go through certain things. Always choose to see His best in everything, and don't allow the enemy to plague you with fear, doubt, and guilt any longer. The only true comfort comes from the Lord, and you'll know when you've found it, because it just feels right.

If you don't know Jesus as Lord, then you haven't experience true comfort and peace. Jesus holds the key to true peace, joy, and happiness. You'll experience true love and comfort in the arms of the Lord. For those of you who are believers, but haven't turned to God for comfort, because of guilt, fear, or you just don't know how, then take a few moments and speak to Him. Ask your Holy Spirit for help. Go to the word of God and read some of the Psalms, which are songs written by men and woman, who also experienced great joys and great pain. The answers lie within you, where His Spirit dwells. You never have to lose your peace again, because that surety lies in the blood of Jesus Christ. My favorite verse today is: Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. (Psalm 86:15)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455454&dtype=Scripture



I love you!

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