Saturday, September 25, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about seeking to be near to God. There's only one place I'd rather be, and that's in the presence of the Lord. He loves me so much that all I want to do is seek Him. When we receive something good, we just want more and more, and that's how I feel about the love of God. The phrase "seek the Lord" is found in over 30 verses in the New King James Version of the Bible. The first one is written: will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deut. 4:29) I've experienced times when I felt lost and alone, and when I sought the Lord, I definitely found Him. I often felt this sudden warmth throughout my body, as if I'd just been hugged. There were times when I was frustrated and confused, I sought the Lord, and I suddenly felt this Spirit of clarity and calm. Seeking the Lord for all things is the only way to ensure that we're following His will for our life.

How do you seek the Lord? There are several ways, but the most effective ways are prayer, meditation, and studying His Word. These are the places you're sure to find answers to any questions you may have. You can also seek the Lord, by seeking Godly counsel, through other believers, and Godly leaders. You can seek the Lord in your favorite Gospel Song, or recorded sermon. You can seek the Lord through service, giving up your time, or blessing others. Our greatest commandment is to Love Him with all of our heart and soul, and the only way to do that is to show Him our love. Before we do anything, we should ask ourselves “Would this be pleasing to God?”. There are a lot of things that we do, and don't think twice about it, but we must be aware of our surroundings at all time. To dwell in the presence of the Lord is to continually be with Him, as He is with us.

Being a Christian isn't supposed to feel like a chore, but it's a way of life. When you love the Lord, you yearn for Him at all times, and you'll get to the point where you can't tolerate evil. The only way to get to that point is through your journey with Him. Our love for Him must come from the heart. It can't be the surface type of love, but it must be a deep love, or as we discussed earlier this week, we must be "in love" with Him. In order to fall in love with Him, we must surround ourselves with light. Light and darkness cannot mix, one will overtake the other, but with God, you'll always stay in the light. To know God is to love Him, and you have to ask yourself some hard questions, similar to the ones God asked Job. To know that we're miniscule in the universe, yet God takes His precious time to mold and love us, is enough to want to seek His awesome presence. He created the heavens, planets, moon, sun, and stars, yet His main concern is little old me. He makes sure He we breathe everyday, let alone, assuring we have all of the essentials in life, and all we have to do is seek and love Him. That's not much to ask at all.

Are you a great and loyal employee at your job? Are you always there on time, and pride yourself on doing a great job? Now, do you go to church every Sunday, or attend other church related services throughout the week. Do you find it hard to make time in your schedule to serve others, or make time for them when they’re in need? If you do struggle with those things, then it's time prioritize. As Michael Jacks says, "I'm starting with the woman in the mirror, asking her to change her ways". When it comes to happiness, peace, and joy, there's only one foolproof way of getting it, and that's seeking the Lord your God. Each day we're given another chance to seek the Lord. Out of love and reverence for Him, ask Him to reveal your path, and look for Him throughout the day. Look for opportunities to show Him to people you come in contact with, throughout the day.

To stay near to God, is to keep Him at the head of your life each day. If you don't know Jesus, then you cannot come to God. The Son is the key to your Salvation, spiritual growth, and internal peace. Without Him you are lost, and so make it a point to seek Him today. It's not as hard as you think; just take a few moments to take the God Quiz today. God is always close, because His Spirit dwells within you. It's amazing how someone could be so close to you, but you're so far away. Never cease to seek His face, and it'll become as second nature. My favorite verse today is: Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple. (Psalm 65:4)


I love you!

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