Thursday, September 16, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying another beautiful Friday-eve. Over that last few weeks my Spirit has been battling with worry, but I can still see that bad habit slowly fading away. Worry is so toxic, and it causes stress, which could affect us mentally, Spiritually, and physically. The Bible teaches us, "Do not worry"; Jesus said it severally times in His Sermon on the Mount. Yet we're creatures of habit, and it's something that plagues us all. I'm learning that God is in control, and as long as I'm trying my best to live righteously, there's nothing I need to worry about. Remember, light always conquers darkness, so speak light into every situation, and have Faith in Lord. Worry is a state of mind, not a reality, and we’ll gain nothing from it, so live and let go. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about God knowing the heart of His children. There's so much misunderstanding when it comes to sin, forgiveness and salvation, that people are often lead astray. The only way to know the answer to all of your questions, or clear up any confusion, is to go to the Word of God. We're told to "seek first the Kingdom of God", and to seek requires diligence on our part. It's a known fact that God loves the world, and everything in it, because He's our creator. However, He holds a special place for those who love His Son (who is also Him). Jesus said: "for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God.” (John 16:27) The ability to love comes from the heart, and sin comes from the flesh, so God judges us according to what's in our heart.

Yesterday we learned that Jesus freed us from the law, and that could only be true because of the love we have within. We're free to love Him with all of our heart and soul, because of His grace. We're free to be close to Him, and commune with Him, whenever and however we choose. We're free to be forgiven for mistakes, and to be open to growth and wisdom, in order to adequately serve the Kingdom of God. We are free to be His children, and to express our love to others, the way He's expresses His love to us. He understands the frailties of the flesh, and looks beyond that, with the offer of unconditional forgiveness.

God knows our intentions, thoughts, and foresees our actions, so there's nothing we can get away with. Our inner thoughts and feelings tell Him all that He needs to know, so we must work on getting right from the inside out. We must be open to the changes Jesus is making our lives, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient they may sometimes seem. You know the times when you feel in your heart that you should go to church when you really don't feel like it, or when you should loan money to that friend in need, who you know can't pay you back. There are times when you should be nice to people, when you really don't feel like being bothered, or when you help someone you don't necessarily like. Those things come from the heart. God doesn't look at the fact that you are less than perfect, but the fact that you're trying. He looks at the fact that you love Him, and love those around you, everything else can and will be worked out.

Meekness, forgiveness, and giving are three traits of a loving heart, and God will do His part to make sure your actions line up with your heart. He doesn't judge us on our intelligence, earthly success, or popularity among men, but on how meek and humbled we are. He loves us just the way we are on the inside, so it's important to work on being that person who moves on what comes from within. It's written: Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:3) We must make it a point to speak and move by the Spirit. If you can confess Jesus as Lord to anyone you come in contact with, you're speaking from the heart, and that makes God proud. Seek the Lord, and all of His righteousness, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. Yes, you have to allow it, and follow Him, because you have free will. God won't force you choose Him; it's your choice.

Sin keeps you in bondage, which stunts your Spiritual growth. God understands failures and doesn't fault us for them. He waits for us to come to Him for forgiveness, and deliverance from the hold they have over us. In order to do that, just ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart, and show you how to lay those sins down. Be very observant, and watch Him work. In life we have choices, and being in tuned with the Holy Spirit makes it a lot easier to choose God over the world. The good news is, those times when you may choose wrong, God will quickly forgive you, so you could move forward, but you must move with Him. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "I walk slowly, but I never walk backward". Always remember that God will spend our entire lifetime shaping and molding us into perfection, so take your time, and be open to the transformation. If He can work with me, He can surely work with you. He's brought me a long way, and He isn't done with me yet.

Jesus is the key to salvation, and receiving a righteous heart. All you have to do is invite Him into your life, and His Spirit will enter your heart, and make you whole again. If you believe that Jesus is Lord, and have accepted Him as your Savior, but don't feel like you've grown, or feel lost, then prayer is a good way to start. Ask God to show you the way to peace, and then seek Him. Spend quality time with Him, in His Word, and in His presence, and you'll start to notice His work. There's nothing separating you from Him, and you couldn't have done anything too bad in the past to lose your salvation. He's been waiting on you to come to Him in repentance. Just be honest with Him, and sincere about it, because He knows your heart. My favorite verse today is: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalms 139:23-24)


I love you!

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