Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the effect of evil, and separating ourselves from it. Did you know that we're to hate evil? Today's scriptures start off with the first part of this proverb: The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. (Prov. 8:13) You notice that it doesn't say evil people, but evil ways. We're all created by God, and have the option to choose good and evil, and choosing evil isn't who we are, but the way that we live, or the attitudes that we have. God doesn't tolerate evil, so those of us who fear Him should do our best to avoid it. This is all a part of growth, and it get's easier over time, but it's a conscious choice that we each have to make.

A little evil in the heart could go a long way, and escalate into many sins. Once it's instilled in us, the only way to stop it from spreading is to remove ourselves from evil situations, change our way of thinking, and surround ourselves with positive people who give positive energy. One evil thought could be like a small spark in the forest, which turns into a raging forest fire; it could quickly spread out of control. Any evil act starts with an evil thought.

Let’s think of the evil act of Jesus' crucifixion? An entire group of people voted to kill a man that did nothing but love everyone, all because of one evil plot. However, Jesus never condemned any of those people, but He prayed for them. It's also important for us to understand, and forgive all who attempts to harm us, because they have taken on an evil spirit. When Jesus taught us to pray, He taught us to ask to be delivered from evil, because He knows that we are susceptible to evil spirits. If we aren't carefully trying to remove ourselves from evil, it could become a big part of our lives. There's a popular saying, "misery loves company", and evil is the same way. It thrives in numbers; it's like this living breathing organism that latches on to anything that it could. However, we must take on the attitude of the Lord and live above it. If we're covered in the blood, and put on the Armor of God, we're protected from it.

Be careful of the company you keep. I understand that you're saved, sanctified, and Holy, walking with the Lord, but you're also open to evil. We aren't supposed to separate ourselves from the lost, because our job is to help save them. Jesus said, before His ascended into Heaven, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Notice He didn't say some, but He said all, nor did He say preach to only "good people". Peter told the people of Thessalonica, in his final instructions to them: Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. (1 Thess. 5:14-15)

We only have one life to live, and we're being judged for everything that we do. The enemy is very smart and crafty, and will use anything or anyone to persuade us to fall into evil. Once our heart is exposed, it begins to permeate, and be seen in our walk, and in our talk. After awhile, if not properly dealt with, it becomes who we are. As I'm writing this message about evil, that negative energy has crept up on me a number of times, and has attempted changed my entire attitude, within a matter of minutes. I noticed it just this moment, however, I will not allow it to fester. I had to stop and say a quick prayer, and ask God to help me see things more clearly, and to deliver me from this evil Spirit. I cast my cares upon the Lord, and I'm leaving them there.

This is a constant battle for all believers, because having evil inside of us, conflicts with the wonderful Spiritual righteousness that has taken up permanent residence in our heart. Our Holy Spirit will make sure that we notice these evil spirits, and allow us to separate ourselves from them. It's the same with everything around us; we can sense evil, because the Holy Spirit warns us when it's near. Always take heed of that "gut feeling", or that "small still voice", because it’s the truth.

The answer to everything in life could be found in the Holy Bible. Evil doesn't have to be an issue for followers of Christ, because we've already overcome it, the day that we were saved. We have victory over the world and the enemy, through Christ, so all we have to do is live in victory. Walk, speak, and live victoriously in Christ! At the first sign of evil, pray, rebuke it, and change your surroundings. Evil leads to sin, and sin leads to death. I don't know about you, but I want the abundant life that Jesus came to give me, and I've already won! If you are a believer, you too have already won; go to the Word of God to learn how to live as a winner. If you don't know Jesus, then evil is apart of this world, and you'll fall victim to it, more often that you care to. I can't count how many people who are trying very hard to "live right" and "do good", but they keep falling. Well if that's you, you're missing the only way to righteousness, Jesus Christ! To get to know Him, take the God Quiz today! My favorite verse today is: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. (Hebrews 12:15)


I love you!

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