Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about being freed from the law, through Christ. Did you know, once Christ enters our life, there's a drastic change in our Spiritual and eternal balance? Our old self is dead and buried and we're resurrected with Christ. We are no longer judged like the world, or even live by the laws of the world. You might be wondering, “what's the Law", well it is the written in the Law of Moses, otherwise known as the Ten Commandments. What does it mean to be freed from the Law? It doesn't mean that we don't have to follow them, but we're freed from the penalties of them, when we confess and repent.

None of us are literally above the law, but with Christ, we are free from them. We're liberated, which allows us to focus on the positive things in life. It had to be exhausting to have lived before Christ, and the only way to receive atonement for sins was to make a trip to a sometimes far away temple to see a High Priest. You'd take a sacrificial animal and often your entire family, to make an offering once a week, month, or even a year. If you'd broken any laws between those times then you had to face possible separation from God, until you could adequately repent. I couldn't imagine not being able to talk to God anytime I need Him, or to have to worry about an eternity in Hell, because I broke one of these laws before I made it to see the high priest. We are blessed to be able to go to Him at anytime, anywhere, and repent. God sees us as righteous because we're cleansed in the blood of Christ, and that's a reason to rejoice!

Does this mean that we never have to worry about sin? God gave man laws to live by, not to set us up for failure, but to give us some type of boundaries. If we just go around stealing, killing, committing adultery, etc, with no consequences, this world would be in chaos. The Laws weren't written for condemnation, nor was Jesus' death meant to give us a license to do whatever we want to do without consequence. There are so many people who think that they could sin as much as they'd like today, and just ask for forgiveness in the morning, and everything will be okay. Essentially, Jesus offers forgiveness for anything, as long as we come to Him with a clean heart, sincere about wanting to repent for those sins. As we grow in our Spirit, sin becomes harder and harder to commit, and our punishment becomes more severe. So if you're a child of God, and live on that "you only have one life, party now and repent later", that's a dangerous game you're playing. We each will be judged, and there's no way around that. Besides, God loves those of fear Him, and your fear and reverence for Him alone, should help you do your best to stay on a straight and narrow path. Mistakes happen, and ignorance is bliss, but for those who blatantly sin against God, I would hate to be in your shoes.

When we make that commitment to give our life to the Lord, we must also open our heart to Him. He promises to begin a good work in us, but we have a part to play in it as well. How do you ever expect to grow if you don't feed your Spirit? If you never open your Bible to read, go to church, pray or meditate, how will you get to know Him? The bible says let your yes be yes and your no be no, you're even for Him or against Him. In Paul's letter to the Romans, he explained to them about God's Righteous Judgment, and breaks it down for those who judge others, who are too stubborn to repent, and the fact that God is fair to everyone. He won't punish one man more than the other, we each will be judged for our own actions. It's written: For God does not show favoritism. All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Rom. 2:11-13) You see, just because you've confessed Christ as Lord, and you go to church on Sunday morning, you're not free from judgment because of sin. You're still working toward storing up your treasures in Heaven.

Jesus came to give us life in abundance, but we must be open to receive it. It's because of Him that we can grow in our walk, and be delivered from evil. That's what you call an abundant life, when you don't have to worry about anything because Jesus is in Heaven making intercession for you. Additionally, the Holy Spirit is in your Heart helping you make better choices in life. The only thing you have to do is let go, and let God do the rest. If you don't know Jesus as Lord, then you face condemnation. You'll be judged for you sins and punished throughout eternity. That's fact, and not fairy tale. With Christ, you don't have to worry about condemnation for all eternity, but you will experience the wrath of God here on earth, and be judged for each sin before entering the Kingdom of Heaven. If you've been away from God too long, go to Him right now and repent for you sins, and He'll draw you in, and make you whole. If you're confused as to where you are right now, take the God Quiz, and it should shine some light on your situation. My favorite verse today is: The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2)


I love you!

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