Saturday, February 26, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night (Post # 400)


Today’s scriptures are about resisting the enemy. We live amongst evil every day of our life, and the enemy is always tempting us to sin against, and stray away from God. He’ll use any means necessary to block our blessings, and stunt our growth, so it’s up to us to make that very hard for Him. We must purposely live in righteousness, and in love, because living any other way will lead to separation from God. Granted, once we accept Jesus as Lord, our salvation cannot be taken from us, however, when we sin, we’re separated from full fellowship with God until we repent. That’s so very scary for me, because I know life with God, but I definitely know life without Him, and I choose God. Once you get a taste of His Agape love, there is no going back. God has opened my heart to point where no matter where I am or who I’m with, I’m at peace. The enemy tries to destroy that, but I put on the amour of God, and continue to battle against him.

I’ve learned that it’s me that has to change. I was saved as a child, and baptized on my 15th birthday, and since then my life has been a roller coaster ride. It’s been one trial or obstacle after the other, but they’ve all worked together to make me who I am today. Most of the tribulation that’s happened in my life was all about the choices I made. God always gave me a better alternative, with every decision I’ve made, but it was my ignorance, and desire to please my flesh that made me choose something other than Him. I wasn’t making any changes in my life, or choosing light over darkness, but I primarily chose what felt good to my flesh. I hung around people who were on the same, or sometimes lower, spiritual and moral level that I was, and we were like Jesus described, the blind leading the blind. I did things the only way I knew how, but never tried to learn a new way. What needed to happen was for me to seek the Lord and allow Him to lighten my path.

How do we resist the enemy? We have to change our way of thinking, and use our instruction book for life, the Holy Bible. This may be the most controversial book in the world. I’ve heard more people dispute the validity of the bible, and the stories in it, than I’ve heard people promoting the truth of it. People say, this book was written by man, so some things are fabricated, or aren’t true. They also say that because it’s been translated so many times, that some things were lost in the translation, but people who think like that truly underestimate God. I think many of us give more credit to the power of the devil, than they do God. If He created the WORLD, and everything in it, why couldn’t He use man to write and translate the Bible? I never claimed to be a Biblical Scholar, but I do know God. I write by the Holy Spirit, and the wisdom and knowledge that He’s instilled in me over the years, so I can testify that He still speaks through so many people, including me. If you have any doubts about the Holy Bible, think about Who God is, and then ask yourself if it’s possible that this could’ve been solely written and translated by Him, through man. You’ll find the answer in the Holy Spirit.

The only way to truly resist the enemy is to seek God. Everything you do, each day, need to be about God. Always ask yourself will this exalt God, or is He going to be proud of this. Live according to the principles taught in the bible. Try your best to keep His commandments, and live in Love, as Jesus pointed out to us. Remain slow to anger and quick to forgive, and always look to serve your fellow man, as if you were serving Jesus Himself. Take a moment to breathe, and spend some alone time with Him, praying, and meditating on His word. Sometimes just sitting quietly for an hour, just in deep thought about the love of God, and what He teaches in His word, helps keep you centered. This helps you build up your spiritual muscles, so that you can fight against the attacks of the enemy. If you don’t do these things, then you’re spiritually weak, and it’s much more difficult to resist the enemy.

When we looked at the story of when Jesus was tempted by the enemy, He actually had conversations with him. Jesus fought back with the sword, the Word of God, and finally told Him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” (Matt. 4:10). This is the key to being able to resist evil—your main concern is serving God and God only. The first step to walking away from evil is to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you’ve done that, then from the time your feet hits the floor in the morning thank God, and pray without ceasing throughout the day. Do everything with Jesus in mind, because everything that He did in His life, He had us in mind. If you don’t know Jesus, then take a few minutes to take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verses today are: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour; whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. (1 Peter 5:8-9)


I love you!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about the road to redemption. With everything in life there’s a beginning and an end. In most cases, like mathyou’re given an equation, and there’s only one answer, but several ways to get it. God has always given us freedom to choose the way that we go in life; however, He has a will for each of us. First and foremost, He’s called us to be a part of His Kingdom, and there’s only one way to get thereredemption by the blood of Jesus. Once we’ve received redemption, we’re working towards our reunion with the Lord. We’re storing up treasures, as well as doing our part to strengthen the Kingdom of God. No matter how you look at it, as children of God, and joint heirs to His Kingdom, we’re each given a path to follow, some may vary, but they all will end up at the same place.

Let’s think of the road of life for a moment. It’s written: In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death. (Prov. 12:28) We know that when we choose Jesus, His blood cleanses us of all inequity, and we’re considered “righteous” in the eyes of God. Nonetheless, this doesn’t excuse us from the consequences of sin, because we still “reap what we sow”. The truth remains that there is no condemnation for the righteous, but we still have try our best live righteously. When we chose the path that leads us to Jesus, we’re redeemed; however, salvation is just the beginning. From that day forward we start on life’s journey, which is referred to as our “faith walk”. Jesus instructed us to: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matt. 7:13-14)

Life is challenging for every human being, it’s simply the way of the world. The flesh wants what the flesh wants, when it wants it, but through Jesus, we’re no longer a slave to it. That freedom doesn’t stop the temptations of the flesh; it just offers us the option to live above it. Remember, we must choose to live right, but as a wise man recently told me, “If it were easy everyone would be doing it”. Jesus said Himself that difficult is the way which leads to life, but He died so that we can be lead in the right direction; all we have to do is choose Him. There are no longer any road blocks or barriers between us and God, so we can talk to Him any time day or night. We can ask for anything we want or need, in Jesus’ Name, and He’ll answer. We are forgiven of our sins, as soon as we ask, because of the blood of the Lamb of God.

It’s downright foolish not to choose Jesus, and yet we still choose the flesh. When you think of how much Jesus endured for us, and all that He offers us, it just makes sense to enter in that narrow gate. However most people think that easy is better. It’s written: The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man’s precious possession. In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death. (Prov. 12:27-28) The only way to stay on that road of redemption is to finish what we started. We must be diligence in our faith walk; because that’s the only way we’ll be able to live the type of life that Jesus died to give us. Jesus said all who thirst He will give them living water, so they will never thirst again. He has everything that we could ever need to be good and faithful servants of the Lord; all we have to do is seek it, and we’re guaranteed to find.

Jesus also offers us everything that we could ever need to be free; we must follow the path that He’s laid out for us. The road of life is the same for everyonewe’re born, we live, and we die, and the only thing we have control over is the way we live. We’re placed here for a purpose and Jesus holds the key to that purpose. The key is dangling right in front of you, just reach out and grab it. Salvation and redemption has never been a secret; there are people who will shout the way to Christ from the rooftops if given a chance, but there are way too many who don’t take the first step on that road. Probably because it requires action on their part, but either way you look at it, we’re always held accountable for everything that we do. Jesus has already taken care of the hardest part, now it’s up to you. If you’re ready to step onto that road of redemption take a moment and pray to God, confessing your sins, asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, and you’re well on your way. For further information, please take the God Quiz right now! My favorite verse today is: By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (Hebrews 10:10)


I love you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today I wanted to write about seeing the world through Jesus’ eyes. Some days I get a glimpse of how Jesus felt about mankindlots of compassion and sympathy, which allows Him to love us unconditionally. He loved us because of our heart, and not our actions. He never failed to see the potential in every human being, because He understood the power of faith. We often say, “If only people would do this, or think like that, the world would be a better place”, and most of the time we’re right. I can wholeheartedly say that if every believer took on the mind, heart, and spirit of Christ, the world would be a much better place. At the same time, we live in the midst of evil, which tempts us, and makes disobedience look so very appealing. It’s hard to stay as focused as Christ, but it isn’t impossible. There are still Pastors, disciples, prophets, and apostles, and everyday Christians, who dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel of Christ, just as Paul, Peter, Stephen, and James did. We’re able to do it because they’ve chosen to see the world through Jesus’ eyes.

Love and faith are the two most important factors that will help us grow in our daily walk. It’s a gradual process, and when we accept Jesus as Lord, we’re “born again”, which implies that we start off very small in our spirit. The more we feed, nurture, and exercise our faith it’ll grow beyond temptation, all because we’ve inherited the Kingdom of God. Jesus said: “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.” (Mark 4:30-32) When we plant small seeds of faith in our life, that plant will grow to unthinkable magnitudes. The more we grow, the more we begin to see Jesus for who He is, but most importantly, see ourselves for who we are in Him.

Jesus had the faith that He had, because He knew the Father. He believed in His promises, and understood His love. He worried more about pleasing God than man, because He understood His temporal earthly existence, and didn’t want to waste any time in hatred, un-forgiveness, prolonged anger or strife. He merely wanted to show God’s love to everyone He came in contact with. He once said: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” (Matt 5:43-45)

I’m a firm believer in the saying “put yourself in their shoes”, which means to try to understand what other people are going through, before being judging them. Love doesn’t cost anything; Jesus gave it to us freely, so we’re obligated to give it away just as freely. I’ve work in Customer Service for the last ten years, and I’ve spoken to people from all walks of life. I’ve spoken to some downright evil people, whose main objective was to transfer their negative energy onto me before they even picked up the phone to call. I try not to let these people bother me, because I don’t know what’s happening in their life. There had to be an event in their past, that makes them interact with others in such a manner. Most of the time, I’ll say a quick prayer for them, because it takes more energy to return the evil, then to love freely.

Being a Christian is a lot easier than it looks, all you have to do is focus on God. When things are wonderful, you’re reaching all of your goals, and are surrounded with lovefocus on God. When it seems that everything has gone as bad as it could ever go in life, and you feel the weight of the world on your shouldersfocus on God. Faith in the God that we serve, and in our powerful freedom through Jesus Christ, will transform our life in ways that we never imagined. Every day that we consciously walk with Jesus, we’ll become more and more like Him, and begin to see the world through brand new eyes. I can testify that it’s the most liberating thing that could ever happen in your life, but you have to allow it to happen. I’m gradually dropping my fears, and solely depending on God to see me through each and every situation, and He’s granting me with the wisdom that I asked for in the process.

If you don’t know Jesus as Lord, you’ll need to start with planting that mustard seed. If you believe in Jesus enough to confess that to God in prayer, and ask Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior, you’re on your way to abundant blessings, and a complete transformation in life. For more information, please take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verses today are: For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:15-16)


I love you!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about being sanctified through Christ. I remember hearing the “Elders” at church say that they were “saved, holy, and sanctified through Christ”, and I always wondered what sanctified meant. I thought maybe they were special because of the role they played at the church, or because of the many years that they’ve been saved, but I knew for sure that I wasn’t sanctified. I honestly thought that I somehow wasn’t at a point in my walk with Christ, to be at the sanctified level—almost like being sanctified meant that you graduated to higher level of Christianity. However the word “sanctify” is defined: to make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate. So you see anyone who’s accepted Jesus as Lord and savior is sanctified by His blood. We’re separated from darkness, and placed on high—righteous through Christ Jesus. If you’re anything like I was, in thinking that I wasn’t worthy or “good” enough to be sanctified, then you can rest assured in knowing that you are. You are just as righteous as the next Christian; there is nothing that’s separating us from each other, only us from the world.

I love the Gospel according to John; in chapter 16 Jesus warned His disciples that He would be leaving them. He explained how sad they would be, but eventually, their sadness would turn into joy, when finally realized what He’s done for them. He explained how His leaving would make way for the “Helper” (or Advocate in NIV), who will come to convict the world of sin (16:8-9). That’s not all He came to do, but it’s just as important, because how can truly be righteous with sin? More often than not, we sin and don’t know we’re sinning, so we need the Holy Spirit to help us make the right decisions, and lead us to repentance for our wrong decisions, through conviction. Jesus sanctifies us, but we’re still in the flesh, and are still tempted by the enemy daily. Some people mistake conviction for condemnation, and there’s a big difference between the two. It’s written: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. (Rom. 8:1-2 NIV) Through our sanctification, we will never be utterly cast down, but we will however be convicted, to be brought back into obedience by the confession and repentance of our sins.

Jesus went on to say: “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. (John 16:12-15) Aren’t you glad that you’re saved, sanctified, and holy? Hallelujah! Jesus came into this world, and turned everything upside down. Now the lost can be found, captives set free, and the sinners are sanctified, by His blood. There’s no one too high or low for Jesus Christ. There’s nothing too bad, evil, or despicable, that we could’ve done in the past that Jesus won’t fix. On our own we are nothing, but with Him we are everything, and being righteous children of God is more valuable than any amount or money or prestige in the world. Through Christ you were free, as soon as you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. It was then that He gave you the Holy Spirit, Who is responsible for giving you the wisdom, knowledge, and strength to overcome and endure the world.

We each are exactly where God needs us to be, there are no mistakes in life—all things happen for a reason. Don’t get so caught up in the world’s idea of success, but rather seek God’s definition of success for you. A lot of us can’t go any further in life because, 1) we haven’t taken the time to be grateful for where we are now, and 2) we aren’t obedient to the Word of God. There are times when I feel like God has given me all of the tools I need to build a solid foundation and an indestructible structure for my life, but I haven’t pulled them out of my toolbox. The toolbox is definitely open, and I even have instructions and a Helper, but I sometimes get confused as to where to start. When I start feeling that way, I go back to “square one” or some may call it “the drawing board”, and start with the Gospels of Christ. I follow His life from the beginning to the end, to get a perfect example of sanctity. There’s nobody greater than Jesus.

When I read His prayers for us in John 17, I can’t help but fall in love with Him all over again, because He asked God to make me perfect just like Him. How awesome is that?! Jesus only prayed this prayer for all believers, and I hope that’s all of you. However, if you don’t believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, what are you waiting on? He’s called you to be a part of His body; one with God through Him. All you have to do is ask, and He’ll do the rest. He has your toolbox waiting for you, and after you confess Him as Lord, He’ll also give you a Helper, Who will stay with you every step of the way. Sanctification is a choice, to find out more take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)


I love you!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about the endurance through, and healing after, hard times. We all have had our share of hard times. Remember I wrote in yesterday’s devotional that "Life is just thatlife"? You have to take the good with the bad, while magnifying God throughout. Jesus' sacrifice was to free us from the evil ways of the world. The difference between those of us who are in the Spirit and those who aren’t is that we have been given a Helper, as well as Jesus gives His "yoke" to help lighten our load. He said: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matt 11:29).
When we're going though rough times in life, it seems like there’s no end to the suffering, but God promises that "this too shall pass". I can remember trials I've had in the past where I thought the pain would never end, but now I realize that all wounds heal. Looking at it from the inside out, sometimes it doesn’t seems that way. In my first class of Culinary school the instructor said, the one thing that’s for certain throughout this course, and your career, is that you will cut and burn yourself (some people even ended up with broken bones), but don’t allow that to discourage you, because all wounds heal. The Instructor also pointed out that if we take what we learn in school, and apply it when we’re in the kitchen, we’ll be just fine. I got through about 8 months of school with no major cuts, because I choose to drop that fear, and follow the instructors lead. They were very thorough in teaching us the proper way to hold a knife, how to tuck our fingers when cutting, and how to take precautions with hot items and while around the stoves. I saw people rushed to the emergency room with cuts and burns, mainly because they failed to follow the instructions properly.

It finally happened, my first big cutI almost sliced the tip of my thumb off, because I wasn’t chopping my onion correctly. The strange thing was that it didn’t initially hurt, because I was already mentally prepared for it. I knew, when I went to cut the onion that way, that there was a very good chance that I might cut myself, and I took that chance. After I was cut, I simply stopped what I was doing, cleaned up and bandaged my womb, put on a plastic glove, and finished working, because I still had a job that needed to be done. We can take this same attitude with lifeyes we’re going to be burned or cut with heartbreak, the death of loved one, disappointments, failures, mistakes, sickness, etc. Nonetheless, we can’t live our lives in fear, hoping to avoid these things, because they’re guaranteed to happen. The great News is God has given us the ultimate “text book” for life, which teaches us how to properly live. When we live each day in Christ, and the cuts happen, we’ll be able to bandage them with prayer, meditation on the Word of God, and by seeking Godly counsel, until the cuts heal.

When I saw that deep cut on my thumb I thought, how is this ever going to heal. After the initial day, the pain became a bit more sever, because it had started the healing process. As each day passed, the pain was less and less, I gave it the proper care, making sure I had clean bandages daily, and one day it was completely healed. Now when I look at my thumb, I have a scar, but it’s barely noticeable and I vaguely remember how the pain felt. God created us to be very resilient people, in mind, body, and Spirit. We can take a beating yet have the ability to heal to a point that we don’t remember. Before Jesus was crucified He told His disciples that He would soon die, and of course they didn’t take it too well. He told them: Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. (John 16:20-22)

Jesus gave His life so that we can rejoice ALWAYS, not just when things are well. It’s important to allow the different seasons to happen in our life, including the time to allow wounds to heal. Some of us tend to pick at our scabs, which will only make the wounds worst, and leave an even larger scar. We must learn how to recognize the different wounds of life, the healing process, and most importantly how to leave it alone. The night before Jesus was killed He was being beaten badly; He had the power to stop it. He could’ve wiped everybody out, but He chose to endure it. He understood that He had to complete the will of God, and look at Him now. Jesus taught us how to see the light at the end of every dark moment, and to always hold on to that. It’s important that we practice forgiveness, and freely love without fear, just the way that He did. If you properly follow His instructions, sit back and watch Him work. One day you’ll be able to say, “Look at me now, I made it through”that is the most awesome feeling in the world! Jesus is the way to be able to quickly heal from the bumps and bruises of life, so if you don’t know Him as Lord, please take a few moments and take the God Quiz right now! My favorite verse today is: Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)


I love you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today’s scriptures are about the sacrifice of Christ. We’re coming closer to the Lenten season, where we celebrate the sacrifice of the one and only Lamb of God. I hope most of you saw the movie The Passion of Christ, which gives a visual of what we read in the bible, about Jesus’ crucifixion. If you don’t have the movie, I strongly recommend you get it. Every time I’ve watched it, I was left speechless, sullen, and shocked, yet grateful, humbled, thankful, and filled with the Holy Ghost, because I realized that He endured all of that for me. When God sacrificed the one and only blemish free man, who also happened to be His Son, He placed the sin of all mankind on that Cross. He had us in mind when He made that decision, and I can’t help but praise His Holy Name! Oh what a friend we have in JesusHe gave His life for me.

Jesus laid down His life, and took it up again, so that we would never have to worry about death again. He paid a great price so that we could be free to be who we were created to be, yet still choose Him. We’re blessed to be able to go to God day or night in prayer, in the Name of Jesus. We can always be in the presence of the Lord, without the need to find a “holy” place, nor a temple or High Priest to make a sacrifice or pray for us. The Old Testament gives us an account of just how difficult it was to receive forgiveness or let alone talk to God. The book of Leviticus goes through all of the different types of sacrifice rituals, and the reasons for certain ones. After reading a portion of that book, I am more grateful to have been born in the times that I am in. I never want to think about what I would do without my Savior, Brother, King, and most importantly friend. He’s the best and truest friend we could ever have, and all He asks of us in return is to Love our Heavenly Father and to love each other. It’s written: My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. (John 15:12-14 NIV)

I came across this as I was preparing to write today’s devotional: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39) Here’s another one of those verses that makes you shout Hallelujah, because we no longer have to worry about ever being separated from God again. Do you understand how major that is? Too many of us call ourselves children of God, and can’t grasp that concept. We no longer have to do what the world is doing, or love like the world loves, because we’re one with Christ Jesus. The day that we accepted Him was the day that we were redeemed, and given permanent residency in the Kingdom of God. The best part of this is that we don’t have to wait until we die to live in the Kingdom, because we’re now of the Spirit.

The one thing life in the flesh will bring us is refinement, which includes tests and trials, but nothing more than we could bear. To suffer with Christ is a privilege and an honor, because through our suffering, we know that God is making us better. We can always question Christ’s suffering, and His brutal murder, but the only answer we can come up with is that it was in the will of God, only to uplift the rest of mankind. God sacrificed one, to save billions upon trillions of others. That’s all we really need to know, and all other questions will be answered as God sees fit, most of which when we reach Heaven. If Jesus completed God’s will without complaining, and with a spirit of thanksgiving, then why can’t we? We aren’t going through anywhere near what He had to endure, and the fact is that He never deserved it, however, most of the things we suffer from, is directly from a choice that we made. I implore you to take on a heart of gratitude, and drop the constant complaining, things could always be worst.

Life is just thatlife, we’re going to have our ups and downs; that’s just the way life goes. At the same time, we can choose to rejoice in everything that life brings our way, and keep our peace, or we can choose to complain every time we hit a bump in the road. I don’t know about you, but I choose to rejoice, because Jesus has already taken care of the hard stuff, everything I’m facing is light in comparison. I have to always remember that suffering with Christ is a blessing, that some will never get to experience. Let’s hope that that is not you, so if you haven’t accepted Jesus as Lord, please take a moment and take the God Quiz right now! If you need someone to pray with, never hesitate to contact me. My favorite verse today is: Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (2 Corinthians 4:17)


I love you!