Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone and you're enjoying another beautiful day! I'm doing well, refreshed after a nice vacation. The last five days have been a bit of a transition for me, and I'm happy and excited about the new life I'm embarking upon. As I step into times of uncertainty, I read Ecclesiastes 3, and it helps me understand that change is not only good, but it's inevitable. God made seasons for a reason, there's a time for everything, and what I go through is no different from what other people are going, or have gone through. I know, by the grace of God, I will survive. Hallelujah! I welcome adversity and trials, because I understand that it's necessary to mold me into the special person He's created me to be. God has blessed me with a tremendous support system, including all of you who take the time to read my e-mails daily. I appreciate your feedback, because it keeps me encouraged, and I thank you. Well enough with the sentimental stuff it's Basketball Season, whew hoo!! The boys played St. Stephen's, and they won! It was an excited game, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the season. My brother has transitioned from football to basketball well, and it seems like they’re having fun. Please pray that everyone stays healthy. Be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about taking refuge in Jesus Christ. I often write about the trials we face in life, because I want you to understand that you are not alone. God doesn’t love you any less because of anything you’ve done, or because of your circumstances. The world vividly paints a picture of how life is “supposed” to be, and what constitutes happiness and success. The world will have you believe that material wealth, prestige, education, and outer beauty equals happiness and success. Now let’s take a moment and look at the man Jesus Christ. He lived with very little, and worked as a carpenter. He never had a place to call home, nor boasted about having riches, yet He was the most powerful man to ever walk the earth. He traveled light, and took care of everyone He came in contact with. He often sat with His followers and taught the love of God. How much money He had, or what He was wearing was never His concern. He’s warned us about converting to the world’s way of thinking, and living to please man. It’s written: “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Luke 16:13) He constantly taught this, and warned us of the many temptations, test, and trials we’ll face. At the same time, He offers refuge and freedom from the burden of sin. He promised to protect us through the storms of life, and celebrate with us in our victories. He promised to never leave us without protection, and we should take comfort in knowing that He has already overcome the world. The word Refuge is defined: shelter or protection from danger, trouble. Now I’ll pose a question, and you should spend some time and think about the answer. Do you honestly see Jesus as your refuge? I’m all about self-reflection, because we often make excuses for ourselves, and try to blame all of our tribulations on God, or “the devil”, but we seldom take a look at “the man in the mirror”. A lot of our hurts and pains are self-inflicted, and we’re so busy blaming everything else that we fail to see our own role in our situations. I used to be like that, until someone very close to me pointed it out, [actually several people, but that’s how God works when He needs to get His point across]. When faced with trouble or danger, our first, yet natural, reaction is to attempt to come up with a resolution, or take defense. When we react strictly on emotion, or natural instinct, we could end up doing more harm than good, but for most of us that’s all we know. If you’re anything like me, you need to be reminded daily, that Jesus is your strength and your refuge, your ever present help in need. When faced with danger, all you need to do is call on Him, and He will answer. God has given us favor through Jesus Christ. Don’t ever forget that Jesus lived and died for you. Throughout His life He taught us about the dangers and joys of life, and awesome promises of our Father in Heaven. Then He laid down His life to atone for our sins. Now, He sits at the right hand of God as our intercessor. When you think of Him in this way, do you see Him as your refuge? Trouble is inevitable, but some of it is unnecessary. Do you know how much trouble you could avoid if you just trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and allow Him to guide you in life? If you don’t know then the only way to find out is to first accept Him as your Lord and Savior, and then stay with Him at all time. An umbrella in a storm is only useful if you open it up and use it. My favorite verse today is: When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (Psalms 61:2)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455167&dtype=Scripture



I love you!

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