Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. I'm excited about today’s message, because we don't discuss this very important subject often enough. I couldn't tell you where I would be without the love of my family and friends. I've always felt the importance of loved ones, and love meeting new people who are really genuine about uplifting everyone around them. The song by Hezekiah Walker entitled, "I need you to survive" is one of my favorites. I'm a "people's person", and I reach out to people when I need to be uplifted, as well as when I want to celebrate and enjoy my many wonderful blessings. I can honestly say that I need all of you to survive. We're considered the body of Christ, and each of you have personally touched my life, or the life of someone close to me, and that's the way God intended it to be. I thank God for every encounter I have with my fellow brothers and sisters, because nothing is by chance. We're in each other's lives for a reason and sometimes for a season. We're meant to keep each other encouraged, and to promote life in the lives of everyone around us. I've been put in a tremendous position to be working in the service field, because I encounter numerous different personalities and attitudes, it's very interesting. I feel remorse for mean and evil people, because they're missing out on what life could really be. God made us vulnerable in many different ways, so we have to depend on each other, and work together as one body. It’s very important not to forget the people around you, especially if you've overcome lots of obstacles, and are somewhat "successful". Never forget that God placed people in your life to help you get to where you are. Yes, we’ll encounter people who may hurt us, but that hurt promotes growth as part of our refinement process, and forgiveness is the only way to rise above it. When we live with unforgiveness in our hearts, it only makes us bitter, and we take it out on everyone around us. Jesus encountered worst treatment than most of us could ever imagine. He was ridiculed, laughed at, beaten, cheated, and talked about, and that's only the half of it. Jesus prayed for the people who hurt Him, instead of reacting on pure emotion. He still offers Salvation to everyone who seeks Him, and would never turn His back on anyone in need. That's who we are, because we have the Mind of Christ. When we see our fellow brother or sister hurt, we should do our best to help them, without stepping in God’s way. Again, we need each other to survive, and if the entire "Body of Christ" thought that way, we'd be stronger, and able to get more accomplished for the Lord. I challenge you to make it your business to brighten someone's day, every day. Tell someone that you love him or her, or pay a compliment when its lease expected. Call a friend that you know maybe facing trails, offer your support, and actually follow through. Simply smiling at stranger, or telling someone that God loves them when you see them hurting could make a huge difference. We are men and woman of integrity, and it's time for us to share that with the world. If you don't know Jesus, then pick up the "Good Book" and learn about Him. Imitate Him, and take on His principles, and most of all live your life in love. In order to do that, He must live in your heart, and if you're not sure that He does, please contact me, and I'll pray with you. I need to see you in Heaven, as well as experience God's irrefutable peace on earth. My favorite verses today are: Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:1-2)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455174&dtype=Scripture



I Love You!

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