Thursday, July 15, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about following the will of God. Thinking back on my personal faith walk, there aren't many sermons, devotionals, or bible studies I've heard, written, read, or attended that didn't mention the "Will of God". However, a lot of us are confused as to what God's will is for us. One of the most asked questions about following the will of God is, "How do I know what God's will is for my life?” That's a very valid and necessary question to ask, because there's nothing worst than doing something you think is right, but it’s outside of God’s will. The very first step of falling into the will of God is accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Once you do that, you're blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, who's here to help us every step of the way. Next, we must build a strong prayer life, and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Lastly, but most importantly, we must seek His will in the Word of God. The Holy Bible holds all of the answers to the questions we have about life. If you want to know, what's considered right or wrong, and what falls under His Law, then that's the key.
We were created to complete particular tasks in this life, so God had a will for us since the beginning of time. He knew exactly what role we would play in His Kingdom, and He intends for us to complete a good work. Now I, nor anyone else, could tell you what His will is for your life, because each person has His own unique walk. He went to great lengths to make us all separate, but equal. We each have separate DNA, but have the same sinful nature.
God knows how easily distracted we are, so He gave His Son, as an offer of Salvation. Jesus was born to solely teach us the love of God, and be our sacrificial Lamb. While in the flesh, He had a direct connection with God, so He knew exactly what He had to do, and He did it, without fail. God led Him each step of the way, and when it came time to complete His personal will, He said, "it is finished", and gave up His Spirit. That selfless act, and the many others He made throughout His life, made it possible for us to have the freedom to truly live. There are countless others who came before, and after Jesus, who knew what it meant to surrender to the will of God, and they will be forever blessed.
Jesus' obedience gave us freedom from the bondage of sin, yet most of us remain a slave to it. If you feel like your life is in a bunch of confusion, and you don't know which way to turn, some type of sin binds you. You cannot affectively communicate with God, and stay in His will, if you're a slave to sin. We all know right from wrong, because we were born with a conscience, whether saved or unsaved. I'm sure everyone has heard at least one of the "thou shalt nots", which is otherwise known as the Ten Commandments. In most cases we we’re raised with common moral values. We know we shouldn’t lie, cheat, steal, or envy our neighbors. As Christians, how could we expect to successfully follow God's will for our life, if we disregard both moral and Spiritual laws? We should experience God's peace within, no matter what's going on in our life, so if we don't have a "peace of mind", or peace at heart, then we are outside of the will of God. In most cases, asking the Holy Spirit to search your heart, and help you confess and repent for your sins, will get you back on track.
The enemy lives to sway us from the will of God, because we're most likely to serve him, instead of the Lord, when we're in a confused or depressed state of mind. His most common attacks on us are false guilt and fear, which is a way to make us feel like we aren't worthy of God's love, because of past mistakes. That is far from the truth! Once we're saved, God stays with us forever, and He'll always fight to keep us in His will. He does that in so many different ways, including chastisement and blessings. It's written: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
If after reading all of this, you are still wondering what God's will is for you, then the only answer I have is to “seek ye first the Kingdom of God”. Following God's will isn't the same as recognizing your different gifts and talents, and using them to serve the Kingdom, although that's a large part of it. It's more building a close relationship, and cherishing and respecting your personal faith walk with Him. I suggest you ask God what's His will for you each day, and listen to the Holy Spirit. Try your best to keep His commandments, and when you fall short, confess and repent immediately. You could never go wrong with seeking His Word for advice and instruction. All He wants is our Love, and this is a part of that.
If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are not in the Will of God. There is a reason you've be lead to read this message today, so please take a moment and take Dr. Stanley's God Quiz. There's helpful information there, and even an outline to help you pray the most important prayer you will ever pray in your life. If you are saved, and feel like you just exist with no purpose, and have no peace, then you are not in the will of God. Use your resources! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray, He’s been waiting to hear from you. My favorite verses today are: Not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. (Romans 2:13, James 4:17)


I love you!

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