Monday, July 19, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the One and only Jesus Christ. Jesus was the most powerful human being who ever walked this earth. There was no Christ before Him, and none will come after Him. He's the messiah, the Holy One, the Savior, and the true Son of God. The only way to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven is by the blood of Jesus Christ. That's an exciting revelation, but how many people will perish eternally, because they don't believe in the Son of God? There are many different religious theories, including Christianity, but ultimately there's only ONE truth. In my opinion, it doesn't matter which denomination you worship under, as long as your church believes and teaches Salvation through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

The stories of Christ are much more than just a history lesson. His life was meant to teach more than theology, but it was meant to give us power through His blood. When we read the Gospels of Jesus Christ, we learn so many fascinating truths about Him, and He's done things that no other human being has done before. The most important of His different acts and wonders was His own resurrection, because no other man has the power to do that. Yes, He brought Lazarus back from the dead, but Lazarus couldn't do that on His own. God loved Him so much, not just because He was His Son, but also because He was 100% obedient to the will of God. Jesus said: “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.” (John 10:17-18)

When I first read the Gospels, I was so amazed at the many different wonders of Jesus Christ, and I had to keep reminding myself, that this was real. Jesus was really on this earth, living and breathing just like you and I. He really healed the sick, and casted out demons. He really did walk on water, and He did all of these things, by the strength given to Him from God. His disciples did some of these things with power bestowed upon them from Christ, and through their Faith in that power. When Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ", he meant that with all of his heart, because He knew the power of having faith in Him. He knew Jesus lived because He proved Himself real in Paul’s life, and He does the same in yours and mine.

Jesus reveals Himself to us more often than we realize, and His presence is made known in many things around us. We all have testimonies of how we were saved from death, or protected in an accident. Times where things should've went terribly wrong, but we remained unharmed. Also when we pray and/or worship together, He's in our presence. He said: “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matt 18:19-20) I remember a person posed the question to me, "Why do I have to go to Church every Sunday, doesn't Jesus still love me if I don't?” and my only answer was yes, Jesus loves you, but fellowship with other Christians is necessary to be obedient to God.

I remember one Sunday I was sitting in church listening to the sermon. My heart was so heavy, and I felt so alone. I looked around at all of the people there, and I wondered how many of them felt the same things that I felt. All of a sudden I felt warmth, as if I had just been hugged, and I smiled. I had a vision of Jesus in a long white robe, walking up and down the isles, putting His arms around the shoulders of people who may have been burdened. I saw Him go from pew to pew, to certain people, and some He rubbed their back, some He kissed their forehead, and some He simply stood over them and placed both hands on their shoulders. A tear came to my eye, because it was then that I realized that Jesus was really there. As believers in Christ, when we enter a true Church of God, we should feel the presence of Jesus. You can only do that by genuinely seeking His Spirit when you go to Church. Don't go simply out of obligation, but go to learn, praise, and seek Christ, so you could be one step closer to being a better you, and a better Christian. According to the Word of God, He'll be there, or anywhere else you chose to fellowship with other believers.

Jesus is the most controversial subject in history. Some people believe in Him, but say He was a Prophet or disciple, but not the Son of God. Some people believe in God, but not Jesus, and think that as long as they're a good person, they could get into the Heaven. I am here to tell you that Jesus is the only way to God. How do I know that He's real? I know He's real because He reveals Himself to me daily. I know He's real because I communicate with His Holy Spirit. I know He's real, because I feel His presence. Now those are some of my reasons, but I'm sure you have reasons of your own. You're on a personal journey with Christ, and you should seek Him for yourself. Don't believe in Him simply because I, or anyone else, tells you too, but seek the truth. He has a calling on your life, and you'll know when to answer it, when the time is right, but don't wait too long. Try Him out, and I promise you won't regret it. He's a simple prayer away, and I'll be happy to pray with you anytime day or night. My favorite verses today are: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, ... be glory. (Eph 3:20-21)


I Love you!

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