Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about circumcising your heart. According to an Author Mr. Michael Glass, "Circumcision cuts off the foreskin, the sexually sensitive sleeve of tissue that normally covers and protects the head of the penis." Mr. Glass’ definition of the physical act of circumcision gives us a little more detail than the dictionary. According to the early Law, circumcision was started with Abram as a covenant with God, it's written: This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. (Gen 17:10-11) According to other biblical scholars, circumcision was performed as a witness, to permanently remind the people of Israel the need to Obey God's laws. This author goes on to say: For example, the covenant between Jacob and Laban was witnessed by a stone marker (Genesis 31:46-48). God's covenant with Noah and the world was witnessed by the rainbow (Genesis 9:12-16). In Abram's case, God asked that he and all his male descendents who entered into the covenant carry the reminder of the covenant in their own flesh. (~La Vista Church)

The act of circumcision is still a controversial subject today, but most people practice it on their newborn sons, but not all do it because it's the Law of God. It's argued to be medically safer or cleaner for the male, but there are just as many pros as there are cons in certain medical journals. Biblically, it no longer matters whether you're circumcised or uncircumcised. Just as I mentioned a few days ago, people still stress over the laws of what they should eat, or whether a woman should cover her head in church, etc. None of these matter because we will not be judged upon those things, but we'll be judge on our heart, and how much we love. We have the Holy Spirit as a witness of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and He's more than enough. I'm not telling you to abandon you're culture, or the way you've been taught to dress, eat, circumcise or not to circumcise, but I am telling you make sure to focus more on the Love of God.

I remember a time when I was torn between paying my tithe to the church and helping someone in need. I went to my Pastor, and asked him was I wrong for taking the money that I intended to sow into the church, and use it for someone in need. I was taught to bring your tithes into the storehouse, and to sow into God's work and ministry, so I didn't want to disobey that command. My Pastor told me that he thought it would be wrong for me to skip over a person in need, in order to follow that law. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and I couldn't be wrong for sacrificing one act of love for another.

Instead of focusing so much on God's commandment of physical circumcision, we’re now commanded to circumcise our heart. In my opinion, we experience so much evil, hatred, bitterness, and anger in life, that our heart builds a shield of sorts, to protect itself. If Jesus taught us to "love God with all our heart", how could we honestly do so, when we've built up all of this extra "skin" around it? This skin is naturally there for protection, but in most cases what’s meant to protect things from getting in, also protects them from coming out.

In order to circumcise our heart we must examine it. We must be sure that we've confessed and repented for all sins. We must also forgive those who have wronged us in the past. It hinders us more to hold on to grudges, than it does to let them go, and forgive. Shedding the victim mentality, and learning how to acknowledge God in everything, allows us a better opportunity to love. For example, if you lose your job, instead of asking, "what am I going to do now?” try to asking, "God what do you want me to do now, and how is this going to make me better person?" Changing your outlook on life comes with circumcising the heart.

Paul taught us that those who willfully sin against God try to hold on to old laws and old traditions, thinking that they're justified because of them. However, if you don't believe in Jesus Christ, but you were circumcised according to the Law, you still will not see the Kingdom of God. If that were the case you’d have to follow each law to the letter, including all Ten Commandments, which we know we've all broken at least one. Paul said it best: You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (Gal. 5:4-6 NIV)

If you don't know Jesus, you don't truly know God, because Jesus opened that gateway directly to the Father. Through Christ, you could go to God for anything, at anytime, and He will be open to you, no matter your circumcision status, or anything else for that matter. Without Jesus, you run the risk of your heart growing cold and filled with so many unnecessary hurts and pains. All you have to do is to let go, and allow Jesus carry those burdens for you. He died to set us free! Say that very important prayer today, if you need my help let me know! My favorite verse today is: Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers. (Romans 15:8)


I love you!

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