Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the justification of sins. What do you believe about sin? The enemy will have us believe all types of things, and will make us feel all types of ways about sin, but through Christ, every sin we commit is justified when we confess and repent. That's a reason to rejoice! God doesn't see us like the rest of the world, but He sees our heart. He knows our intentions and actions, before we even make a move, and yet He still loves us. With that absolute fact, you can defeat the enemy! Those who love Him have nothing to worry about; Jesus once said, "Because I live, you will live also" (John 14:19) He offers us salvation from the world, evil, sin, and eternal damnation, because of this one simple truth, He lives, and we live through Him!

What does it mean to be justified? The online dictionary has a “theological” definition: to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit. This pretty much sums it up, but so does this "normal" definition: to show a satisfactory reason or excuse for something done. I cannot say this enough, we're children of God and He loves us! He's willing to do anything for us, so all we have to do is love Him in return. He has given the life of His Son, so that we could be seen as innocent or guiltless. The only reason for Him to do such a thing is because He loves us, and that's satisfactory enough. We were never created to be perfect, which has never been a requirement to be a child of God.

This makes me think of King David, one of the greatest men to have ever ruled over Israel, but he was by far a perfect man. I was reading the "bible bowl the other day, which is a weekly e-mail I get, and the author pointed out the flaws of the people who God chose to do great things for Him. This was a real eye opener for me, because each person that he wrote about was a liar, adulterer, murder, drunkard, prostitute, etc., but God still used them to do great things! Things that was so great, that they made it in the Handbook for life, the Holy Bible. These people were justified by God, not because of the mistakes they'd made, but for the amount of love they had for Him.

In this story, God had appeared to Solomon, the son of King David and said: “I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’(1 King 9:3-5) Solomon had already by justified by His father David, the one who loved God with all of his heart, and served Him until his death. Yes, David was a murderer and adulterer, but that isn't what God was judging Him on. God doesn't see us as the world sees us, but He's a forgiving and loving God. David had so much favor in God's sight, that he, his children, grandchildren, etc. were blessed.

David lived before the saving grace of Jesus Christ, so just imagine what God does for those who serve Him, and love His Son as well. Each of us have a great opportunity to be justified through Jesus Christ, but does that give us the license to freely sin? Of course it doesn't, however, God understands if we do fall short, and is quick to forgive anyone with a remorseful heart. He has promised to save ALL who ask, forgive their sins, and cast them away, as far as east is to west. He'll never throw them in our face, or withdraw our salvation because of them, as the enemy will have us think. That's the biggest weapon Satan uses on us, the guilt of sin. He's quick to tell us, "are you seriously going to pray to God after what you did today" or "remember when you... God hasn't forgotten about that, and He's angry with you". He tells us lots of lies like these, but they could be further from the truth! I don't know how many people lose their way, because of false guilt that's been placed on their heart. Okay one more time, you are justified by the Blood of Jesus Christ! Don't worry about your mishaps, because those are things of the past. Those are small compared to the love of God.

It's written: “They shall be Mine,” says the LORD of hosts, “On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.” Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him. (Malachi 3:17-18) If you're a believer in Christ, you're a precious jewel to God; all you have to do is serve Him in love. If you aren't a believer in Christ, all you have to do is believe, ask God for forgiveness, and invite Jesus into your life as Lord. You will become righteous, just because you believe in the Justifier Jesus Christ. Service will come naturally, along with trials and errors, but don’t worry, service is more important! My favorite verses today are: I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified. (Isaiah 43:25-26)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455440&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying the end of another workweek (for most). We finally made through the week, and I'm drained, but I still feeling good. TGIF! I'm happy that I'm learning how to find the positive in everything, because that truly does change your entire outlook on life. I used to be that "I know but" type of person, who always chose to see the worst in things. Someone would say, "that's nice car" and I would say, "I know but it burns a lot of gas". I guess I still have a little bit of the "but" mentality in me, however God's helping me work on that, especially when it comes to myself. I guess in being a semi-perfectionist, I see things as, “that's good but it could be great”. That's a gift and a curse, because on one hand it helps me strive to do my best in everything, but on the other, it causes me sometimes set unreachable goals, and when I fail, I then become a procrastinator. How do you overcome that? There are several ways I'm sure, but I find answers in the Serenity prayer, "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". Overcoming procrastination and being a perfectionist, is only possible by having the wisdom to know the difference between the things you can and cannot change. Accept and love who you are, because that's exactly who God created you to be, and continue to work on your own greatness, for you and God, and not because the world deems it important, special, or beautiful. Enjoy your weekend family, and be blessed!

Today's scriptures are about the light that leads us. Life is full of exhale moments. You know the times in life when something bothers you, or has you in bondage, and it seems like you're always holding your breath? When you finally overcome those things, or reach a solution to the problem, it's like you can finally exhale. Throughout my Christian faith walk, I've had moments when it felt like I just wasn't growing. It was like I was stuck on this emotional rollercoaster that was going nowhere fast. I was frustrated because the more I tried to do right, bad things would happen, which would lead me right back to doing wrong. It was a wilderness moment, and a time of refinement. Dr. Stanley said, in one of his teachings, people are too busy trying to change their life, or become a better person, before they surrender to God. He went on to say, “the truth is, we're incapable of doing that on your own”. After I heard Him say that, I exhaled. Once I found out that we're incapable of becoming righteous without Jesus, it gave me hope. It allowed me to let myself off the hook a bit, in order to focus more on learning the ways of God. At first, I was beating myself up, because I thought I should be, or do better, but I was doing the best that I could do on my own.

Jesus taught us, in the Sermon on the Mount to, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matt. 7:13-14) How do we learn how to stay on that narrow road, which leads to the narrow gate Jesus is referring too? We live in a dark world, which has great influence over the flesh, and it's very easy to sin; that gate is very wide. If we aren't purposely focusing on serving the Lord, we could easily stray from the righteous path. For example, how many Christian broadcast TV or radio stations are there, versus secular stations? Enticements are always at your fingertips, and when you're not committed to serving the Lord, you're more likely to succumb to the world.

The good news is you're not alone. God created us this way and He understands our weaknesses. He's given us salvation through Christ, which allows us to live life in abundance. Just because we live in a dark world, we aren’t necessarily of it. God has instilled a light within us, and He also lights out pathways. When we look to Him for guidance, we'll see everything so much clearer. We should pray before we make any decisions, big or small. Remember whenever we ask, He answers, so when we ask for guidance He'll show us the way. As soon as I awake in the morning, I first thank Him, and then ask Him to guide my path for the day; it’s become a habit. When I'm really confused, or faced with a big decision, I spend extra time in the prayer room. There are always times when the answers aren't really that clear. When that happens, we must spend quiet time with Him in prayer and meditation. In some cases we could fast, which helps us truly focus on Him. There are also times when we could speak in tongues, by asking the Holy Spirit to pray through us. Either way, God will show us the way, no matter what we're going through. There isn't anything too large, or too little, for Him to handle.

Do you notice a trend here? The bottom line is, life is what you make it, and you get out of it what you put in. Jesus told us to "Enter" by the narrow gate..., which requires us to take some steps. God isn't going to wave a magic wand and we’ll become this wise and powerful person. Yes we all have the light, but we have to learn how to seek it, and most importantly how to use it. Our Christian life is all about growth, remember we're once "babes in Christ”, and if we don't seek the knowledge and wisdom to grow from that point, then that's where we'll stay. I find myself straying off of the path of righteousness when I'm not into the Word of God everyday. If I go even a week without praying, reading my bible, and being surrounded by the Word in some type of way, I feel lost and in the dark. That will happen to any believer, whether you're a babe in your Faith walk, or you're a Minister who preaches in the pulpit. We're all still in the flesh, but the key to avoiding the gate that leads to destruction, is to live by the Spirit, for the Spirit, and in the Spirit.

Jesus said: "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” (John 14:21) Jesus never asked us to be perfect and without sin, He only asked us to love Him, and surrender. Only then could He shape and mold us into the righteous children of God we were intended to be. Remember if you've accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, you've been chosen from the beginning of time. If you haven't chosen Jesus as Lord, then now is your time; God also chose you! If you're not sure what you believe, take some time to take the God Quiz today. My favorite verses today are: When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light. (Proverbs 6:22-23)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455436&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoyed this beautiful Friday eve. I'm doing well, and am especially ecstatic to see Friday! It seems to have been a very long week, and I’m grateful that I’m here to see another day. The saying "time waits for no man" is so true. I'm trying to figure out where the day went, because it seems like I blinked and it was over. The bible always mentions how short life is, the Apostle Paul refers to life as a race to the finish, however in this race, it's not about when you get to the finish line, but how much you've accomplish for the Kingdom along the way. Jesus is our fuel, because His love gives us the strength to endure. I love the Lord with all of my heart and soul, and because of that, I’ve vowed to serve Him, no matter the sacrifices I have to make! He's so good to me, that my rewards are far more satisfying, than my sacrifices are painful. Sometimes we just need to slow down, and take the days as they come, because I can testify that if you're rushing to get to the next step in life, you just might miss the important things, especially the loving blessings God has given you. Enjoy your family and friends, life, nature, as well as the lessons learned, and let go of fear, because you only live once. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about the gift of Holiness, which allows us to commune with our Holy God! The purpose of reading daily devotionals, going to church, and studying our bible, is for the sole purpose of seeking God. We're learning who our creator is, so we could better know who we are. We're made in His likeness, but He alone is Holy. He's sacred, righteous, perfect, spiritual, loving, kind, forgiving, etc. I could go on and on with words that best describe who He is, but I believe Holy pretty much sums it up. We (mankind), on the other hand, lost that sacred bond with Him, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. Just like that, we were allowed to experience life on our own. Sin was introduced, and there we have it, we lost our Holiness! That was a serious problem because Holy and evil cannot mix, and sacrifices had to be made, so that we could effectively communicate with Him. There we're alters and temples built so that people could go and shed the innocent blood of animals, and confess their sins to High Priest, in order to be forgiven. That worked, but was no good, because the solution was only temporary. It wiped away their sin, but it didn't make them Holy. I don't know about you, but I'm so very grateful for the Gospel!

The Gospel (also known as the good news) of Christ turned our spiritual state around. One last sacrifice was made, and we now have the opportunity to be covered by the blood of the Holy Lamb of God. This is a great gift from our gracious, wonderful, and Holy God, because by His stripes we are healed! That separation has since been amended, and no one has to experience separation from God again. This is possible because the blood purifies the body. When we believe in Christ Jesus, we become a part of the Body of Christ, and His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness, which makes us Holy. We're responsible for walking in righteousness, and being as though the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, it doesn't have to be a hard task. All we must do is Love God and Love one another, confess our sins and repent of all unrighteousness, and we're free to fellowship with God.

Jesus said: “If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you." (John 14:15-18) When Jesus willingly went to the cross, He was freeing us from darkness. At the same time, He taught how to live in this dark world, but not being a part of it, allowing it to consume us. Trust me, even the righteous can fall into the pits of darkness, the enemy works very hard to make that happen. I believe we often stay in the darkness, longer than necessary, because of ignorance. We honestly don't know the power we have in Christ. I know for a fact that had I known God 10 years ago, the way I know Him now, I would be in an entirely different place, mentally, physically, and spiritually. However we can't live by the "would have, could have, or should have" mentality, because God doesn't make mistakes, we do, but that's okay.

Holiness is inside of us, we have power to move mountains by the Holy Spirit, and we must share that with the world. When we're living in righteousness people will notice, and that includes family and friends. Some people will be drawn to us, and others will flee. That's all a part of life, so we must pray for those who are lost, share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and hope that we'll convince them to find Holiness in Christ Jesus. Paul said: Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. (Acts 20:28) Did you know that you're responsible for a flock? God works through us to teach, and to guide others to victory! He needs us to exude His Holiness at all times, and not just when we're at church, or talking to Him. We must walk in the ways of Christ, because people are depending on us more than we know.

If Jesus isn't at the head of your life, you are not Holy. Holiness is a way of life, and the only way to stay in tune with God, because He won’t intermingle with unrighteousness. I urge you, as God said: For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy... (Lev. 11:44) Because of sin, the only way that would be possible is by the Blood of the Lamb, who is Jesus Christ. Take a few moments to take the God Quiz right now. My favorite verse today is: God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455435&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful "hump day". I'm doing well, and appreciating the beautiful weather we're having toward the end of the summer season. I was thinking about cooking and food as a whole today. I was wondering how my fire went out, and why I haven't had the desire to create lately. When I first graduated from culinary school, I was on fire, and ready to cook every day, now not so much. I know it's one of my gifts, and a part of my life’s calling, because I still light up when I'm around food. I wonder why something, that was once a strong light in our life, dies out. Have you ever had that happen to you? If so, how do you light the fire again? My guess would be to evaluate past events and try to discover where the disconnection happened, to better reconnect. I would also suggest surrounding yourself with the things you love, and take things one step at a time. I hadn't really given it much thought, until a certain question was posed to me earlier today. Life happens, and God has reasons for everything, but the enemy also has a hand in distracting us. One of his main objectives is to steal our joy! I've decided, right here and right now, that I'm not going to let that happen! Please keep me in your prayers, because I'd like to rekindle the lost flame of an old love. I challenge you, if you feel like something's missing in your life, to actively seek that missing link, and rekindle the old flames, that brought positive light into your life. Never stop dreaming! Enjoy the remainder of your day family, and be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about Jesus bringing us up out of the pit. I love the Lord! I'm rejoicing because of what’s been revealed to me through these verses of scripture. I'm so grateful for the Love of Christ, because it cannot be compared to the love of anyone else. Jesus loved us despite our flaws, faults, or anything that we've done in the past. Not only does He love us through them, but He pulls us up during the lowest points of our life, and gives us victory! I have so many testimonies, and I'm happy to share them with anyone who's willing to listen. There's nothing wrong with being human and making mistakes, and as long as God understands and forgives us, that's all that matters. He has promised to pull us out of the pits of life, and when we fall down, He'll pick us up and dust us off, and I trust Him to do just that.

Life is this series of ups and downs, good and bad, highs and lows, and there's nothing much we could do about it. It's been that way from the beginning of time, because of sin and corruption. Mankind has been its own worst enemy, and because of it, many have been destroyed. Until the selfless act of Jesus Christ! He's changed the face of sin, forgiveness, and salvation forever. He's freed us from destruction, because we are unable to free ourselves. God is righteousness, and He wants us to be righteous. We fear Him, because He's our Heavenly Father, and He will do whatever it takes to makes sure that we have all that He's meant to give us in this life. At the same time, when we continually disobey Him, we will experience His wrath. He created us for Himself, so He won't stand for our wickedness and total disobedience.
Thank God for Jesus Christ, because closer to the beginning of time, people were destroyed when they utterly disobeyed Him. At one time, God got so fed up with mankind, that He destroyed all flesh, except the one in whom He took favor. It's written: Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (Gen 6:5-8) Things were so bad, and people sinned against God so much, that He decided to wipe the slate clean and start all over. He gave man a choice from the start, yet everything that He gave to them out of love, they turned it into evil. Even though a man as righteous as Noah was saved, and procreated, which ultimately replenished the earth, the enemy still runs rampart, promoting sin, by controlling all who allows him.
After this unfortunate event, God was so grieved by the great lost of His creation, that He made a covenant. It's written: "Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” (Gen. 9:11) He has kept that covenant until this day, and we have proof of that from the rainbows we often see, after the rain. It's written: I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. (Gen. 9:13) Here we are, over 2000 years later, He's not only kept His promise, but He’s offered us a way out of sin, and a life of wickedness and deceit forever. He freed us from the bondage of the enemy, which was responsible for keeping us in the pit for so long.
It irritates me when people use the devil as an excuse to freely disobey God. You know the famous quote "The devil made me do it"? I have to be honest with you, or my writing would be in vain. You now have a choice! The enemy can persuade you to stray, but it's written: You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4) We have more power than we give ourselves credit for, but it's important for us not to allow our flesh to dictate our walk with God. I'll be the first to admit that it's easy to get the lines crossed, because the enemy romanticizes the dark road, to make it seem like the better choice. Jesus has made it possible for us to never have to walk on that dark road again. I for one choose Him each day, because I've been down that dark road. It's scary, confusing, lonely, and painful, and I don't want to go there ever again. Thanks to Jesus Christ, I never have to; a person will only go down that road if they choose to.
If you've accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, you have the Holy Spirit's guidance, so don't fret. If you read some of the stories in the Old Testament of the Bible, you'll learn that the wrath of God is something that you don't want to ever experience. He only wants what's best for us, so He took on the sin of the world, by sacrificing His own Son. He loves you that much! The New Testament better shows us His loving side, which starts with the birth of His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus relayed a message of peace, joy, happiness, forgiveness, salvation and most importantly freedom. If you don't know Jesus as Lord, then I urge you to make the right decision today. God is waiting on you! My favorite verses today are: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ. (Ephesians 2:4-5)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455434&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about our preconceived calling. When God was creating the world, He also had a plan for each of us. We have a reason to be here, especially those of us who are called into the Kingdom. Before I was even thought of, God knew that I would share His Word, through daily devotional e-mails. Before Michael Jordon was 6'6 and dunking basketballs, God knew he would be one of the best basketball players of all times, because that's one of the things he was created to do. One task or journey isn't more or less important than the other, but they're all necessary to carry out God's will. We've each had the opportunity to touch lives in some type of way, whether on as grand a scale as Michael Jordon, or as minute as a parent teaching a child. We each are important and special in some type of way, no matter how we see it.

It's important for us to dream big, and be open to our gifts and talents. I look at the differences and intricacies of human beings, and different cultures, races, and creeds of people in this world. I wonder why some people have the gift to sing, or to draw or paint, while others don't. Small things like that better allow me to see that there is a God. He has given us certain answers, so all we have to do is seek them. Most importantly, we must seek our true calling, because when we love God, we’ll keep His commandments, and follow His Will. That “Will” is so very simple to see, when we're focusing Him. It's written: Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Col. 3:2) So many of us stay "lost" for so long, trying to find our way, but that's only because we're not focusing on the right things. That has recently been revealed to me, and my Holy Spirit let's me know, loud and clear, when I'm losing my focus.

When I'm in line with God's will everything feels right, and I feel this overwhelming sense of Peace from within. I'm smiling more, and staying open to the love of God even more. I accomplish so many things without stressing, it's like everything flows perfectly. The enemy will always throw things at me, to try to divert my attention, but God's love is so much stronger than anything my flesh may crave. It's written: The wicked have laid a snare for me, yet I have not strayed from Your precepts. (Psalms 119:110) The enemy is crafty and will do whatever it takes to draw us away from God. However, God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only Son, so that we could have the opportunity to freely live. Live with a purpose, and have peace while doing it.

People often wonder why they have to live a certain way, if our lives have been “predestined” from the beginning of time. We all have a destination, and many ways to get there, and God allows us to choose the way we want to go. Do we want to take the scenic route, or the shortcut? Either way, those who love Him will receive the reward, but it’s up to us to choose how much we’re willing to endure on the journey. It's written: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. (Rom 8:28-30) This is a reason to rejoice! You and I have been called, justified and glorified in the Lord. We are more than conquers, because the one true God chose us. When He created Heaven and earth, He had us in mind. That fact alone makes the problems of this world so minimal.

Do you believe that God loves you? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Are you not sure what to believe? I wonder how many people will answer yes to the last question. If you've previously confessed Jesus as Lord, but have some doubts, then ask Him to show the truth and the way. That's something that only He could answer. He's gone through an awful lot to prove His love to you, and all He asks for is a little faith in return. It’s written: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Heb. 11:1-2) Everything is not meant for us to know all at once, but will soon be revealed to us.

All we need to see right now is the Love of Christ, because He grants us access to the unseen, by the Holy Spirit. Without Him you will not receive your inheritance. If you're reading this right now you're called, this is not an accident. Be sure to choose Him, because He has chosen you. Take some time out to take the God Quiz, which will hopefully help you make the best choice. My favorite verse today is: God ... hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. (2 Timothy 1:9)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455432&dtype=Scripture



I love you!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about our preconceived calling. When God was creating the world, He also had a plan for each of us. We have a reason to be here, especially those of us who are called into the Kingdom. Before I was even thought of, God knew that I would share His Word, through daily devotional e-mails. Before Michael Jordon was 6'6 and dunking basketballs, God knew he would be one of the best basketball players of all times, because that's one of the things he was created to do. One task or journey isn't more or less important than the other, but they're all necessary to carry out God's will. We've each had the opportunity to touch lives in some type of way, whether on as grand a scale as Michael Jordon, or as minute as a parent teaching a child. We each are important and special in some type of way, no matter how we see it.

It's important for us to dream big, and be open to our gifts and talents. I look at the differences and intricacies of human beings, and different cultures, races, and creeds of people in this world. I wonder why some people have the gift to sing, or to draw or paint, while others don't. Small things like that better allow me to see that there is a God. He has given us certain answers, so all we have to do is seek them. Most importantly, we must seek our true calling, because when we love God, we’ll keep His commandments, and follow His Will. That “Will” is so very simple to see, when we're focusing Him. It's written: Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Col. 3:2) So many of us stay "lost" for so long, trying to find our way, but that's only because we're not focusing on the right things. That has recently been revealed to me, and my Holy Spirit let's me know, loud and clear, when I'm losing my focus.

When I'm in line with God's will everything feels right, and I feel this overwhelming sense of Peace from within. I'm smiling more, and staying open to the love of God even more. I accomplish so many things without stressing, it's like everything flows perfectly. The enemy will always throw things at me, to try to divert my attention, but God's love is so much stronger than anything my flesh may crave. It's written: The wicked have laid a snare for me, yet I have not strayed from Your precepts. (Psalms 119:110) The enemy is crafty and will do whatever it takes to draw us away from God. However, God loves us so much that He sacrificed His only Son, so that we could have the opportunity to freely live. Live with a purpose, and have peace while doing it.

People often wonder why they have to live a certain way, if our lives have been “predestined” from the beginning of time. We all have a destination, and many ways to get there, and God allows us to choose the way we want to go. Do we want to take the scenic route, or the shortcut? Either way, those who love Him will receive the reward, but it’s up to us to choose how much we’re willing to endure on the journey. It's written: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. (Rom 8:28-30) This is a reason to rejoice! You and I have been called, justified and glorified in the Lord. We are more than conquers, because the one true God chose us. When He created Heaven and earth, He had us in mind. That fact alone makes the problems of this world so minimal.

Do you believe that God loves you? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Are you not sure what to believe? I wonder how many people will answer yes to the last question. If you've previously confessed Jesus as Lord, but have some doubts, then ask Him to show the truth and the way. That's something that only He could answer. He's gone through an awful lot to prove His love to you, and all He asks for is a little faith in return. It’s written: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Heb. 11:1-2) Everything is not meant for us to know all at once, but will soon be revealed to us.

All we need to see right now is the Love of Christ, because He grants us access to the unseen, by the Holy Spirit. Without Him you will not receive your inheritance. If you're reading this right now you're called, this is not an accident. Be sure to choose Him, because He has chosen you. Take some time out to take the God Quiz, which will hopefully help you make the best choice. My favorite verse today is: God ... hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. (2 Timothy 1:9)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455432&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about the depth of our God, where there is no comparison. There are many different belief systems in this world, but none can quite compare with the one true God. Our God created the heaven and earth, and everything in it. He's so magnificent, that we can't quite grasp the enormity of Him. He said: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Rev. 22:13) Can you imagine? The most important thing that we should know about Him is that He is our Heavenly Father, and He loves each of us so much that every hair on our head is numbered. When we love Him, we never have to worry about anything on this earth. There is no one or nothing mightier than Him. His Word is the one and only truth, which has and will stand the test of time.

There are several different religions in this world, some of which there is no record. According to the website “Religious Tolerance” there's at least: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheists, Sikhism, Judaism, Spiritism, Baha'i Faith, Confucianism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Shinto, Taoism, Chinese folk religion, and Wicca. To be honest with you, I've never heard of most of these religions. It's such a big subject, and because we were created with a "herd" mentality, we all need something to believe in. All of these religions evolved because one person didn't want to see things the way God presented it, so they branched off into their own beliefs. Most of the time, it was to conform around what works for them.

God's Word, also known as the Holy Bible, is the handbook to life. It gives us the truth, divinely written by God, through chosen human beings. There are people who have dissected this book, and only choose to believe the parts that work for them. That's a very dangerous road to follow, but I can understand how you might argue that some of it isn't true. The most common argument is that this book was written by man, and translated so many times that some truths may have been omitted and/or changed from what was originally written. I guess that can be a fair argument, but that's when you must think about who God is. If He created the entire universe, couldn't He have divinely written, and translated the Holy Bible? Not only did He write it, through some awesome people in history, but He also has linked it back to the original scrolls. There are true Biblical Historians that has done the research, and persevered His Word, for hundreds of years, by His power. God still writes through people, to give new translations to His Word, as the times change. He uses people like me, and others on a grander scale, whom He anointed with the gift to write. He's the one true GOD! He can move heaven and earth to prove Himself to those He loves, but we must have Faith in Him, because of what He has given us. Remember, “…faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1)

God makes sure that we have everything we need to be redeemed, to make it to the Kingdom of Heaven, but it's up to us to reach out to Him. He's one God, but a trinity of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He plays three different roles in our life, which offers us Salvation, protection, love, guidance, and so much more. We can have a personal relationship with Him, and He's equally attentive to each believer, because He's a part of us. Whenever we call He answers, whatever we need He provides, and all we have to do is love Him with all our heart. I don't know any other god, idol, or religion that promises that. Nothing can compare to the love of the God! I love Him because He's shown up in my life, and performed miracle after miracle. I hate to sound like a cliché, but He's truly made ways out of no way for me. He speaks to me, and He comforts me in times that no one else could. I know God is real, because He’s with me each day.

If this message has you interested in knowing more about God, there are many resources available, and the Internet was created to help expand our knowledge. You can read the bible in different languages and dialects online. You can also seek Godly counsel, and/or speak to a Pastor at your local church, to receive more information. Dr. Charles Stanley has study the word of God so extensively, that He has his doctorate in Theology. He was anointed to created another translation of the bible, called the "Life Principle Bible". I love His teachings, because He’s a man who’s knowledgeable, as well as wise. He has lots of resources on his website as well www.intouch.org. I urge you, if you haven't confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then please start by taking the God Quiz today. Hopefully, if you've been wavering, or aren’t clear on what to believe, this message has helped you in some way. Once you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, you'll be anointed with the Holy Spirit, who will show you the truth and the light. Just know that there's nothing that can be compared to the one true God! My favorite verses today are: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455427&dtype=Scripture



I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful Friday eve. I'm doing well, just reveling over how good God is. I find it funny how He always keeps us on our toes, through different tests and trials. I'm finally learning to thank Him through everything that's going on, because He has His hands in the midst of everything that goes on in the life of a believer. He never gives us more than we can bear, and as long as we keep Faith in Him, we'll always prevail. Hallelujah! Wisdom comes from God, and all we have to do is ask for it. I’ve asked Him for the wisdom to understand His ways, and the ability to apply that wisdom to my life, actions, and overall attitude. Each day, I notice the struggle to stay on the narrow path of righteousness gets a bit easier. I'm so grateful for that! Be blessed family!

Today's scriptures are about walking as children of God. As a child of God you're a representative, because when people see you, they see Him. No one has ever seen the face of God, so He shows Himself through us. He uses us to touch others and when we're anointed with His Holy Spirit, it's like a light planted in a once dark place. As we grow in our walk, that light begins to shine brighter, and people will start to see that in us. We become that "peculiar person" that's written about: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. (1 Peter 2:9) I like the fact the King James used the word Peculiar, which means unusual, or "distinctive in nature or character from others". According to the rest of the world, we are very peculiar, which is what sparks their interest in us. Therefore, we must walk according to the Law, because they see God through us.

We must take on the characteristics of God, and we can find out exactly how to do that by following the life of Jesus. Jesus was amazing, and people could tell He was special, just by looking at Him. They could also tell there was something peculiar about Him by the way He carried Himself. He demanded respect, and walked with authority, integrity, and faith. When He spoke, He spoke life, and people went out of their way to follow Him, or even touch the bottom of His robe, because they could sense the power in Him. Guess what? That power lies within each believer, because Jesus is inside of us. He walks with us every day, and gives us the power to move mountains in His Name. When we walk down the street, people should know that there's something different about us, by the way that we carry ourselves. When we smile warmly at an unsuspecting face, it catches their attention. When we speak, we speak with respect for ourselves, and everyone around us. We must speak love, and share the wisdom that's been instilled within us. We have the power to bring life to every situation, and could introduce God to the lost, sometimes without ever speaking.

People should regard us as the one they come to when they need help. I have people that I go to when I need to be picked up, because they're always smiling, laughing, and have a positive outlook on life. I've had people call me when they needed advice, or just a spiritual lift. We get to a point in our faith walk where we can't help but share His love, because we've experienced it for ourselves, and people can sense that. However, there are believers who struggle with that.
We all have our bad days; there are times when I still struggle with shinning my light. I'm the first to recognize the days I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or when my attitude stinks, and those are the days I stay in prayer. God always reveals something awesome to me, or places a positive person in my path, that will allow me to see Him, which changes my attitude, but that's only when I'm open to Him. If I choose to wallow in self pity, or dwell on negative things, then I'm in jeopardy of ruining someone else's day, or eternity as a matter of fact. That's how much power we have, as children of God. What we do has the potential to positively, or negatively affect everyone around us. If you're the type of person who's broke, busted, and disgusted all the time, but claim to be a Christian, then that is what others (who don't know any better) will perceive of God. It's important for us to understand the power we have, and our responsibility of walking upright in everything we do.

You cannot confess Jesus as Lord, and walk around being mean and evil to people all day. I've seen those people that will cuss you one minute, and then say “praise God” the next. If that’s you, then know that you’re being judged by everything you do, and each day counts towards eternity. I know shedding darkness, old bad habits, and negative things that were taught and instilled in us is very hard to do, but God is already working on that. All we have to do is surrender. He knows where you've come from, and He has a better way for you to go. If you've confessed your sins, and asked for forgiveness you're forgiven. Your past doesn't define who you are, you're free. You're loved by the one true God, and no one could ever take that away from you. There's nothing worth sacrificing your relationship with Him, and if you keep reminding yourself of that, you'll notice a grand transformation right before your eyes.

All you have to do is confess Jesus as Lord, and He'll do the rest. It's written: being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (1:6) As soon as you confess Jesus as Lord, God will begin His good work in you. He'll change the way you walk, and the way you talk, but only if you allow Him too. Start by asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, and stay open to Him always. My favorite verses today are: Ye were sometime darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. (Eph 8:8-9)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455428&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Daily Devotional Day and Night (Post #300!)


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying this beautiful "terrific Tuesday". I'm doing well, and God is always so good to me. There are a lot of times when I feel like things have come to a standstill. There are moments when I'm moving non-stop and precise, and then there are the moments when everything is in the air, in chaos, and I don't know which way to turn next. Have you ever felt like that? I think these are times when the only thing we can do is pray. As in going to your quiet space, your prayer room or closet, and just being with God. Sometimes a prayer simply consists of asking God to show you His will, and then sitting quietly, waiting on Him. That's so relaxing, and you can almost feel the pressures of the world, and the uneasiness oozing out of your pores, and after you're done, you'll be able to see everything much more clearly. All praise, honor, and glory be to God! Thank you Father for this revelation. Enjoy the remainder of your day, and be blessed family.

Today's scriptures are about the power of praying for one another. You know I'm a firm believer in praying for others, because of the volume of prayers I ask you for. As believers, we're all one body of Christ, and we need each other to function, as we should. I know I'm only here right now by the grace of God, and because someone prayed for me. There were times in my life that I didn't pray, but as the gospel great Helen Baylor sings, I had "a praying Grandmother (and mother)". I'm sure we all could share a testimony or two, where someone prayed us out of some mess. I'm grateful for your prayers, especially when I don't have the strength to pray for myself.

Prayer is the base of our relationship with God. It's the way we communicate with, and show our love to Him. In praying for one another, we're showing God that we trust Him with our, and our neighbors' concerns. It's also a part of the second ultimate commandment, to "love our neighbors as ourselves". We should pray for everyone, whether friend, foe, stranger, or best friend. Jesus once said: “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you... And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. “But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. (Luke 6:27-28, 32-33) To pray for others, especially those who has hurt you in some way, shows true growth, and Love for Jesus Christ.

The entire objective in our Christian life is to promote growth. Remember, once we become believers, our old self dies, and we begin to grow into new righteous creatures. In order to mature in our Faith walk, we must openly communicate with God. We must also openly communicate with other believers, by sharing our testimonies, and asking for help and prayers when we're in need. As well as offering help and prayers to others in need, as often as necessary. You know one of my favorite verses of scripture: Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16) We've been put here to exalt the Kingdom of God, and when we work together, we can accomplish so much more.

Some people operate on the "I" system, and wonder why they're suffering in their prayer life. I know I'm not the only one who’s ever consistently got down on my knees, and only prayed for myself. When I prayed, it was "Lord, I need", "I want", etc., and that went on for a while. I felt this conviction in my heart. It was like I lost a connection with God, and none of my prayers were being answered. It felt like I was stuck in the wilderness, and couldn't get out. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked something like, "When are you going to pray for anyone else?" I immediately fell to my knees and asked for forgiveness, because I was truly being selfish. Now when I pray, I can still feel that conviction. I actually try my best to pray for the needs of others, before I pray for myself. I've noticed a huge difference in my prayer life, and my prayers are always answered. Note, that when we’re loving God, and loving others, He’ll grant us everything we ask for. As well as, when we’re praying for the needs of others, suddenly most of the things we thought we needed were vanity, and we can better count out blessings.

At my current church we take time out to share our "joys and concerns" with each other. The Pastor prays with the congregation, and we give thanks for the joys, and cast the concerns on the Lord. Each time I've voiced my concerns to the church, my prayers have been answered. It's very important to surround ourselves with positive people. I thank God for those of you who pray for me, even when I don't ask. I have a group of friends I often confide in, and we actively pray for one another. I've noticed a huge change in my life, when I stopped worrying about what people thought about me, and used my life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, as a testimony. That's a part of the reason God allows things to happen in our life. King Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes, "there's nothing new under the sun". We're rarely alone in our struggles; someone else has been there and done that, trust me. I encourage you to surround yourself with prayer warriors, and I'll volunteer to be the first member. I love you, and want nothing more than your happiness and success, in everything you do. Never hesitate to contact me, or the group, if you're in need of prayers, or someone to pray with.

My first prayer is, if you're struggling, or feel alone and empty, like something is missing in your life, and you haven't confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior, is that you'd do that today. I pray that are willing to confess to God that you're a sinner, and ask Jesus to come into your life. God is waiting on you to say that one prayer, and then you'll be given the power of Christ, to be able to pray and ask for anything in His Name, within His will, for yourself and others. I pray for you daily, and I will continue until I have no breathe in my body. I thank you for doing the same. Even Jesus prayed for us, so let's follow His lead. My favorite verse today is: Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455426&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about your body, God's temple. I used to hear people say "your body is a temple" all the time, but never really got it. It's amazing how many things we learn from the Word of God [written hundreds of years ago], that are still very relevant today (Isa. 40:6-8). We are considered the "church" of God, because when we're saved, our old self is torn down, and we're rebuilt on the solid Rock, with the "Chief Cornerstone", who is Jesus Christ. We become God's temple, because His Holy Spirit dwells within us. We must treat this temple with the tender care it requires, in order to do the things necessary to complete the will of God. I don't think a lot of us understand that we cannot adequately take care of anyone else, until we first take care of ourselves. God gives us special gifts to be able to care for others, once our foundation is built, and our temple stands strong.

Maybe you've heard the story of when Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ. Jesus asked Peter, "who do you say that I am?", and Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matt 16:16) Jesus revealed this secret to His disciples that night, because He needed to relay this message to all of us. Jesus goes on to say: And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matt 16:18-19) We can fill in our name, where Jesus says "you are ____", because this promise is offered to every believer. The temple He’s creating in us will be so strong that not even Satan can enter and destroy.

Let's think about this for a moment, when you think of a Church (or Temple) what's the first thing that comes to your mind? For me I see church as a place I go to meet God. I go to learn about Him, praise and worship Him with people who are in agreement with me. People who are also seeking the Love of God, and are willing share that with everyone. A church is a place where I want to feel at home, and welcomed. A place I can seek solitude, shelter, and relief, all in the Name of Jesus. I've been fortunate enough to visit, or even be a member of some great churches, but I've also seen some not so great churches. There are some I see on while driving down the road, which I won't even give a second thought, because of the way it looks on the outside, or the way it feels when I come close to it. Leaders of churches often put in time and effort, making their church warm and inviting, because they're representing God, and they want people to see Him, every time they’re in His presence. That's the attitude that we all should have.We must take care of ourselves because we're here to give a piece of God to everyone we come in contact with, in the form of love. We're commanded to love our neighbors, and the only way we can do that effectively is to surrender to God. We must give our life to the Lord completely, and allow Him to tear down our old shell, and rebuild a beautiful, warm, and inviting temple. He's turned a light on inside of us, which will draw people in, so we can show them His love. We're His vessels, so He uses us to communicate with each other. Jesus told Peter in this story "for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven", so He too was a vessel for God. It's important for us to take care of our temples, so when people see us, they'll be drawn in, and will want to experience the Love that we have to share. We must open to those in need. Think about what you want and expect out of a church home, and try to instill those same principles in your own life.

If you've accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit has already taken residence in your temple. It grieves Him to live in constant sin. We must take care of ourselves, mentally, physically, and spiritually, because God Himself is with us. We no longer belong to ourselves, or the world, but we belong to God. He's working each day to build in us a strong foundation from the inside out; all we have to do is allow Him to work. Get out of His way! We must try out best to keep open communication with Him, break bad habits, and separate ourselves from sin, or anything that will tempt us to sin. Remember, we've died to self, and been resurrected in Christ. If you don't know Jesus as Lord, then you're built on very shaky ground, and the enemy frequents your temple. A simple prayer can help you rebuild, so take a few moments to take the God Quiz today. My favorite verses today are: Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455425&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about God's temporary chastisement. We always reap what we sow, more than we sow. Like any parent, our Heavenly Father chastises us for our sins, and for a moment we may anger Him, but He will always love us no matter what. I know I write this a lot, but do you truly understand that God "waits to be gracious to us"? He wants us to communicate, and fellowship with Him. He has a set will for our lives, which is meant to bring us joy, peace and happiness. When we stray off of that path, He'll do whatever it takes to get us back on. God rewards us when we do something good, and punishes us when we do something bad. We aren't punished out of spite, but to learn lessons. Those punishments are always temporary, and then we're right back in His good graces. Even sooner when we confess what we've done, and ask for forgiveness. God knows what we need, even before we need it, but if He allowed us to do whatever we want, whenever we want, we would have neither self-control nor discipline.

He's slow to anger, and quick to forgive, so even in His anger He hears our cry and answer’s our call. It's written: "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" (Matt. 7: 9-11) I can recall times when we were children, when my mother had to chastise us. She rarely did, until she knew that what we were doing was going to be of harm or danger to us. The rules she put into place were meant for our protection, and not to cause grief in any type of way. Our chastisement usually came with a punishment of being confined to our room for a few days, or even a spanking. Afterward, she would always embrace us, and let us know the reason for our punishment, and the error of our ways. At times she was distraught because of our mischief, and would apologize for the harsh punishment (which is most cases wasn't harsh at all). That helped us understand that she loved us, and she was only trying to look out for our best interest. If our parents care enough to discipline us, to keep us from going down the wrong paths, then how much more does God love us? My mom never condemned us, or left us to die, but she cared enough to not only correct us when we were wrong, but also show us a better way.
In order to stay in God's good graces, we must put Him first. There are times when it feels like He's just not answering our prayers, or we go through trials, hurts, and pain, so in those times we must examine ourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart, and reveal the things that may be blocking your blessings. God is fair, so He will not punish us if it isn't warranted; especially if we're humble enough to go to Him, and admit we’ve made a mistake. We must do this with a contrite hurt, and ask Him to show us a better way. He'll reveal everything we need to know, and begin to fix our heart, to a point that we won't even want to do those things anymore. I can testify to that!

I think of King David, and all that he went through. He was hand chosen by God to be the ruler of all of Israel, and though he loved God with all of his heart He still fell short at times. David wrote several Psalms in his time of sorrow or pain. In the times that he felt like God had turned His back on him, but He always rejoiced in the fact that God will always be there for him. God made a covenant with David, it's written: I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men. But My mercy shall not depart from him... (2 Sam. 7:14-15) I was reading Psalms 31 last night, which was written by David, and according to his words, oh did he receive some blows. However, at the end he remained encouraged in the covenant God made with him.

When God gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins, He made a covenant with each of us, just as He did David. Through that act, He's shown us that He will never leave nor forsake us, because of His undying love for us. When we step in His way, or sin against Him, we can expect some type of repercussion, but that repercussion will never be more than we could bear. It'll be a lesson taught out of kindness is truth. When it feels like you've lost that connection with God, don't worry, it happens to all of us, even King David. Just continue to pray, meditate, and study His word. Continue to cry out for Him, and repent, because He's never left your side, He just needs you to be right where you are.

If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior, then there is no connection to God. Although He's in all places at all times, you won't "feel" Him, until He's put a call out on your life. When you feel that, I would encourage you to answer, because it's written: “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matt. 22:14) If you've accepted Jesus as Lord, and don't feel a connection to God, then call out to Him, in the Name of Jesus, and He'll be right there. Take a few moments to take the God Quiz today! My favorite verse today is: In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer. (Isaiah 54:8)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455421&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

Daily Devotional Day & Night


Today's scriptures are about victory over death, through Jesus Christ. Death has to be one of the scariest subjects to discuss, because of our fear of the unknown. The one thing that is for certain is that we all are going to physically die one day. None of us are meant to live forever in the flesh, so the big question is, what will happen to you after you die? That's the beauty of a having a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, because we know that our fate is sealed, and we'll go on to live in eternal bliss. When Jesus died, He took the penalty of sin with Him. He left sin on the cross, never to have reign over God's children again. Jesus gave us the peace in knowing that death no longer has a hold on us, and we're free to live without fear of the unknown. He said: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” (John 14:1-4) His disciple went on to ask him, "How do we know that way"? His answer was: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (vs. 6)

God gave us victory over death, through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son. Sin, which is going against the principles of God, causes death in our life. It separates us from God, who is the source of life. Death has many different definitions, but today we're focusing on Spiritual and physical death. It's written: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 6:23) Paul wasn't referring to physical death, but Spiritual death, and you will reap what you sow. Sin is so dangerous, but a non-entity to believers of Christ, because when we confess our belief in Jesus, we receive eternal life. Our names are written in the Lambs book of Life, and Jesus goes and prepares our mansion. The only way we can lose our Salvation is to stop believing in Jesus Christ. There are numerous people that say, if you sin, and don't repent, you will not go to Heaven. God is a gracious God, so that isn't true. Sin will cause things to die in our life, but it won't separate us from the Love of Christ.

It's written: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 8:35-39) This is a reason to rejoice! Hallelujah! I wholeheartedly agree with Paul on this. As long as we're saved we're saved. Once this life is over, here on earth, we will go on to meet the Lord. We'll stand judgment, and receive a crown. In that crown will be jewels, and the amount of jewels we receive, will determine our place in His Kingdom. Therefore rest easy in knowing that you are more than a conquer through Christ.

You are an Heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven, and no one could take that away from you. Never be afraid of what this life will bring, because God is in control. When you're following His will, He'll make sure you have His best. Only He knows when your time is up, because He's the Author and finisher of your fate. Just know that everything will happen in perfect timing, so don't spend your life worrying about death. However, enjoy life, and rejoice in your life forever more. Live as though each day is your last, love hard, and have no regrets. If you have sinned repent, because He wants that close bond with you, so He's waiting to forgive you, as soon as you ask. Sin no longer have a hold on you, and doesn't dictate your future, unless you allow it to run your life. Jesus has overcome the world, and every good thing has been offered to you. This is a promise made by the "Prince of Peace”, “King of Kings”, and “Lord or Lords”. If God is for you, who can be against you?

On the other hand, if you aren't a believer of Christ, then death is something that you should be very afraid of. You will be condemned for your sins, and will experience an eternity of pain, anguish, and evil. I don't make the rules I just report them. You don't have time to waste, because death is inevitable, yet unpredictable. You don't have to be a certain type of person, or live a certain type of lifestyle to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, all you have to do is believe that He is the Son of God, who lived, died, was resurrected, and now sits at the right hand of God in Heaven. Once you invite Him into your life, your mansion will be prepared for you. It's just that simple, and I don't know about you, but I'll chose Jesus any day, considering the alternative. My favorite verse today is: He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD shall wipe away the tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it. (Isaiah 25:8)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2455420&dtype=Scripture

I love you!