Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Daily Devotional Day & Night


I pray all is well with everyone, and you're enjoying your day. I'm doing well, feeling much better God is good. I got some rest, and woke up to a beautiful morning. I'm already looking forward to the weekend, and we're not even halfway through the week. I'm getting acclimated to my workouts at the gym, and learning how to get in and out. At one time, I was in there for 2 hours every night. I received an update about Pastor Laura, she's doing well, and responding to the treatment, thank you for your prayers, please continue to pray her quick recovery. Also pray for my Grandmother, she has her appetite back, and has come up with some elaborate menus over the next few weekends. I'm more than happy to cook for her, because she's willing to try new things. She’s a very picky eater, so for her to like everything that I've cooked for her so far, says a lot. Please pray for continued strength and recovery. Thanks for your prayers, have a wonderful day!

Today's scriptures are about the Word of God. The Word is given to us in a few different ways. The most tangible way is the Holy Bible, which was divinely written by God through man. The bible is given to us as a handbook on life, as well as an autobiography from God. It teaches us His ways, through numerous stories written over thousands of years. It tells the story of how the Earth was created. We learned that Man was created from dirt, and that God breathed the breath of life into us. He's the great I AM, and a great Creator, Protector, Provider, and Friend, who promise to Love us forever. We could see His soft side through the forgiveness and mercy He we read about. We also learn His hard side, through the destruction of earth, and the punishment He's given to people who disobey Him. The bible is composed of several books that start at Genesis, where we learn the story of how we started, and it ends with the book of Revelations, where we learn how we'll end (and live again, reunited with Jesus in Heaven). God speaks to us through this book, and every time we pick it up to read it, we're lead by our Spirit, to stories that are meant to give us wisdom to be applied to our everyday lives. Whenever we read, we should always open our hearts, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to the spiritual fruit God is attempting to teach us. We could sometimes read the same verse of Scripture, and get a different meaning each time. It also helps us build our Faith in Him, because we're able to learn His character. We learn His likes and dislikes, and His commandments. We learn how to please and love Him, and began to understand His love for us. The bible is filled with wonderful promises that give us hope in our own lives. God doesn't lie, and He never changes, so although this book was written thousands of years ago, it doesn’t change either. We could still relate to most of the stories written, and apply the principles to our modern day life. Jesus was the word of God, brought to life. He was also a great teacher and innovator. He made it possible for each of us to hear the word of God. Before Christ, the word came from Prophets like Samuel and Daniel. God also spoke to people like Noah and Abraham, because He had specific jobs for them to do. Through the blood of Jesus a covenant was made, that allowed us to be Righteous enough to have a perfect relationship with God. We could now converse with Him, not only making our petitions known, but also listening intently for answers. He speaks to us in a small still voice, that we must be wise enough to hear. We could also learn how to listen to Him through the word, because we learn about His character. We learn the things He would and wouldn't do, and this allows us to discern between His and the enemy voices. His Word also gives us ammunition to fight against the attacks of the enemy, because we stand on His promises to get through life. It's written that His word is like a double-edged sword, because knowledge holds us accountable for our actions. You ever heard the saying, "God watches over fools and babes"? He gives us a little more leeway when we don't know any better, but when we blatantly sin against Him, having the wisdom to know better, then we're going to be punished to the fullest extent. All God wants is our love, trust, and fellowship. He's willing to take care of our every need, want, and desire, but we have to believe that He will. I've asked this numerous times, how could you trust someone you don't know? His word is the only way to get to know Him, and to learn how to follow His will for our life. Getting to know Him comes with the fruits of the Spirit, Joy, peace, happiness, love, etc. There are many versions of the bible, but they all end up saying the same thing. Seek His word, and you will find a treasure beyond anything you could imagine. Don't forget it also comes through studying the bible, prophets [and the people around us], and by the Holy Spirit. It will not mean anything to you, if you don't have Jesus in your heart, so that's the first step to Spiritual freedom, try Him out. There are numerous stories about Jesus, read the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to start. I promise once you receive Word, you too will become a vessel to share the Word of God with others. My favorite verse today is: The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)

ENJOY! http://www.bible.com/scripture-detail.php?juli=2454992&dtype=Scripture

I love you!

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